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His head lifted.

Mamoru pulled out the earbuds, disconnecting from Yori's phone. "I should get back."

"Mm, it's getting late."

Both of them stood up. Mamoru almost fell, legs tingling painfully numb. He grabbed his bag and hesitantly added, "...Thank you."

"I won't say anything if that's what you're worried about," Yori smiled. "Everyone's got to cry sometime."

Perhaps so.

But years of training screamed the opposite. This was exactly what he wasn't supposed to do.

At the same time, he wasn't here.

A strange sense of tranquility washed over him, cooling the fury that clouded his thoughts. He was feeling impulsive all of a sudden.

"Yori-kun," Mamoru said softly, voice hoarse. The blond boy looked at him, smiling amiably. "I think I will join after all."

His mouth split into a grin. "Good to know. Just follow up with me on Discord and I'll get you settled. Or Fumi-chan can since you live in her household."

Yori's smile softened and he added quietly, "But no worries. I can't say I understand what you're going through, but I'm a surprisingly good listener. Take your time."

He wasn't sure what to say so he said goodbye. Mamoru could feel Yori's stare at the back of his head, but strangely enough, he wasn't bothered.

Mamoru realized the consequence of his actions as soon as he reached the front porch. He'd stayed out much later than he should have and not bothered to call or text his current guardians.

He knew Ayano and Alessandro weren't going to hit him, but the idea of them being disappointed or yelling at him had him shaking.

His chest grew tight. He shouldn't have done this. That was a bad idea.

"Oh, you're home." Ayano opened the door suddenly, scaring him, and beckoned him inside. "I just finished dinner."

Mamoru slipped inside, trading his outdoor shoes for indoor ones.

It was out of the corner of his eye, that he saw Ayano's hand reach towards him. He couldn't help but flinch at the sudden action.

Ayano stopped, seeing his eyes shut and he shied away from her hand. She was well aware of his past.

Slowly, she placed her hand on top of Mamoru's head and ruffled it. "I made gyoza dumplings."

Yell at me.

"Maiko's going to eat all of them if you don't hurry up."

Tell me I did something wrong.

"Alessandro loves that dish."

Why are you so nice?

Mamoru was surprised with a tight hug. Slowly, he wrapped his arms around her, head draping on her shoulder wearily. All of a sudden, he was tired, so tired. His eyes stung, but there were no tears left to cry.

"I won't question why you were out so late, but I assume you needed it," Ayano commented quietly by his ear. "I've done it myself so I can say I understand to some degree. But next time, just give one of us a head's up, alright?"

Mamoru nodded. Ayano released him and grinned, whacking his back playfully. "You're a growing boy. Go eat some dumplings."

He dropped his bag off in his room before coming back down to the kitchen.

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