Chap 31 💐

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"Don't be afraid, I'm not an enemy or something"

'that voice'

When the man went to his side, still holding his waist. Taehyung turned his head to see who the man is., and now he is too shock to react. The man noticed that Taehyung just stiffened a bit so he let go of his hands from Taehyung's waist, but Taehyung immediately hold the hand on his waist obliviously.

"Hey, are you alright?"


Taehyung was about to open his mouth when they heard a shout not so far from where they are

"I know that voice! Wait here I'll check it" The man let go his hands from the omega's waist, Taehyung was about to protest but the man was fast enough to leave and vanish going somewhere

When Taehyung regain his consciousness, he sighted and look at the direction where the man went

"Did he really just leave me here? alone?" He shook his head

Since Taehyung can't walk properly due to his injured feet he sat down again and rip the lower rim of his pants to have a better view of his wounded foot

"This shits- ouch!" The canines marks of the rogue wolf who just bite his foot was still visible, and him being an omega makes it difficult to heal faster those wounds. He was about to rip the hem of his shirt to make a bandage out of it but there was a sudden noises from the opposite direction. 

'Don't tell me i will be eaten alive today? '



n the other side where a man shouted


"Quiet! Do you want to be eaten by some rogues?"

"I am shouting because I don't want to be eaten by some monsters today!"

"huh? You insane?"


"One more noise believe me I am more scary than those rogues" 

"You two stop, I can hear someone is approaching"

"Don't tell me rogues again! I'm an Alpha but I am tired already from fighting bunch of them"

The three was on their feet ready to fight when the smell hit them

"It's not rogues" (rogues smell like trash, or some rotten eggs)

They were sniffing the air trying to remember the scent, when a man showed up

"HYUNG!" The man shouted running towards the three men


"We thought something happened to you! Where were you?"

"I helped some omega, and I heard Hoseokie Hyung's shout so I came here"

Hoseok looked at Yoongi proudly
"See? My shout helped Jungkook to reach us"  Yoongi throw some leaves at him

"Who's that omega you just helped?"

"huh? hmm, as far as I remember I meet him once in your coronation Namjoon hyung"

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