Chap 8 💐

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A door bell interrupted the sleeping bunny and tiger. Jungkook groaned as he heard the door bell. He blinked his eyes and noticed he was not on his bed. He turned his head and saw his beautiful baby beside him

'cute' The door bell rang again. Jungkook frowned and removed Taehyung's hand on his chest

'This fuckin' door bell just ruined my moment!' He went to the door and opened it

"Taebear- Who are you?" A tall guy asked Jungkook. Jungkook seems not to like it

"Taehyung's boyfriend. You?" He said cockily

"Hon, what is that- oh, hello who are you?" Jungkook recognized the face. He was the bride who ditched the wedding yesterday

"I'm Jungkook. I saw you ditching the wedding yesterday. It was you right?" Jin smiled and nodded

"Yup! It was me. I'm SeokJin, and this is the reason why I ditched the wedding" He pointed his boyfriend

"I'm Namjoon" They shake their hands

"Who are you exactly? why you are the one opening the gate, and not Taehyung?" Jungkook scratched the back of his neck his damn shy right now

"Hon, he said his Taehyung's boyfriend" Namjoon said smiling

Jungkook is now blushing. Well, because he was damn lying right now

'shit! Jungkook'

"Really? Our Taebear got a boyfriend. Wow"

"Come inside" The two went inside while Jungkook doesn't know what to do

'What if Taehyung knows about it? I'm doomed!'

"ggu? where are you- Oh! Jin hyung, Namjoon hyung! what are you guys doing here?" Taehyung's eyes wondered around nervously. What if his friends saw Jungkook and think differently? What would he say?

"Where here to give you this. It is mom's thank you gift to you for helping us yesterday" Jin handed Taehyung a small box

"What is this?"

"Something nice" Jin winked and wait Taehyung to open it

"Woah!" Taehyung's eyes lit up as he saw what is inside the purple box

"This is beautiful!" A gold chain bracelet with purple and black stones hanging around on it

"Here" Namjoon handed him another same box

"What is this?"

"Mom bought two, she said it is for you boyfriend. I told her you doesn't have one, but I guess I was wrong" Jin said as he winked at the confused Taehyung

"What do you mean I have one?"

"Don't play dumb. Hey, you did not tell us you've got a hot boyfriend. Nice choice Taebear" Taehyung was just so confused right now

"Boyfriend?" As if on cue Jungkook entered the living room. Everyone was looking at him

"He is your boyfriend right?" Namjoon whispered on Taehyung's ear


"He told us he is your boyfriend. Don't deny it" Namjoon was teasing the confused Taehyung

'Boyfriend? he told them he was my boyfriend? Oh Gosh!' Taehyung was now red more than a tomato can ever be

"Hey, Jungkook" Jin said while wiggling his eyebrows to the blushing Taehyung on his side. Taehyung hide the box on his back and tried his best to hide his blushing cheeks

"H-hey" Jungkook now was scared.
'What if they told him'

"We'll get going. Enjoy" Jin winked at Tae. Namjoon tapped Jungkook's shoulder

"Take care of him" The two went out smiling, leaving the two blushing boys alone

"So, you're my boyfriend?"

"huh? oh, about that" Jungkook scratched his nape, still thinking what to say

"I just- I just thought they were your stalker. I- I just want to scare them?" He looked on the floor shyly

'Stupid Jungkook! that was a lame excuse'

Taehyung looked Jungkook

'His lying' Taehyung grinned thinking about being Jungkook's boyfriend

"Here" He throw the other box he was holding to Jungkook

"What is this?" Jungkook opened the box

"This is beautiful"

"Jin's mom gave that one as a thank you gift"

"oh" Jungkook removed the bracelet from the box

"Give me your hand"

"huh?" Jungkook hold Taehyung's hand and placed it to his lap, well cause they are sitting right now beside each other. He placed the bracelet to Taehyung's wrist

'That supposed to be yours not mine. Stupid Jeon!' Taehyung shake his head from Jungkook's stupidity

"There" Jungkook played the bracelet on the latter's wrist

"The stones are pretty. Purple and black. Our favorite color baby" Jungkook smiled thinking that the bracelet combined their colors

"Give me your hand"

"why?" This time Taehyung pulled Jungkook's hand and placed it on his lap. Jungkook was watching Taehyung confused

Taehyung got the other box and opened it. He take out the identical bracelet to what he was wearing right now

"Wait, why they are the same?" Jungkook was curious

"Jin's mom bought two. One for me and one for my said boyfriend" Taehyung blushed from his own statement. Jungkook smirked

'his not mad. His alright with it' He cheered to himself

"Here, done" Jungkook looked at the bracelet on his hand and smiled

"We looked like a couple having couple bracelet"

"Shut up!" Taehyung stand up and walked to the kitchen

"Baby wait!" Jungkook run to his said baby and linked their arms as they walk to the kitchen to eat

"So I'm your boyfriend now?"

"Shut up"

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