Chap 12 💐

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"Mom! cancel the wedding!"

"What! Are you insane?"

"Mom! please! I don't want to marry who ever that Kai Chua is. Please mom!"

"Stop this nonsense Taehyung. Leave"


"Leave! Don't make me repeat my self! Preparations are settled. Stop whining"



"I hate you!" He left and closed the door with a loud thud startling most of the employees on the office

He walked out from the building and went to his car slamming the door as he entered. He gripped the steering wheel tight

'Shit!' He started the engine and drove nowhere in particular. He stopped the car in front of a large house. A familiar house his 'Hideout'


Jungkook was inside his office reviewing some papers, he is from his meeting. He stopped doing his work when he remembered his phone buzzed during the meeting. He opened it and saw a notification

⚠Attention 🚨Door Bell rang 4:49 pm

Well Jungkook indeed a techy man. He installed a tight security inside his house, alerting his phone whenever his door bell rang, well his a rich CEO after all

He frowned. He opened his laptop and access his security cameras inside his house. He furrowed even more when he saw all the lights where open. His gaze landed on the monitor that showing his living room. The TV was on. A figure walked inside the living room holding a large pack of chip

Jungkook smiled. It was jus HIS Taehyung. Wearing a yellow sweater chilling on his house. Well it was his baby's hideout. He couldn't care less

"Baby, I missed you" He touched the screen and smiled. He saw Pizza on the table

"Maybe he ordered pizza. That's why the door bell rang" He shrugged and watched his baby eating chips while watching the movie. Suddenly Taehyung jumped on the back of the couch and hide his face with his sweater paws. Jungkook frowned and looked at the movie

"So his a scardy cat" He chuckled seeing how adorable Taehyung was hiding behind the couch and peeping to watched the movie. Jungkook was enjoying watching his Baby when a knock interrupted his moment

"Sir Jeon. Here are the reports you've asked" He just nodded as the girl left

"I guess I need to stop watching you baby. You are distracting me from work" He chuckled before he closed the tab and he log out

It was late when he finished all his work at the office and decided to head home,excited thinking his baby is still at his home. He arrived at his house, but all lights where off. No sign of Taehyung's car

"Did he left already?" He pouted thinking his baby gone home already

He felt his energy died down. His not excited anymore to go inside. He slowly enter the gate. Remove his shoes and unlock the door. The living room was all cleaned like nothing happened. He went to the kitchen to eat. The sink was cleaned

"He cleaned it all" He sigh. He noticed something was on the kitchen table. His face lit up as he pulled up the cover

"He cooked! My baby cooked for me!" He immediately sat down putting his bag on the chair and dig in

"My baby is a good cook" He was enjoying his moment knowing his baby cooked it all for him. He noticed a note placed under the empty glass above the table

📝 Hey, Sweet Heart. You're tired, aren't you? I've cooked something. Hope You like it. 💜

Jungkook smiled wider than normal

It was his baby who wrote it

It was his baby who cooked for him

It was his baby who made him smile

It was His baby who made him felt this way

His Taehyung

His baby

He cleaned his mess and head upstairs to his room. Though his not in the mood because Taehyung left already, he still was happy since his baby made him something before leaving

He went inside his room, placing his bag on the couch near the door. He slowly removed his coat. He went to shower

"What if I went home early? nah" He shook his head. He can still go to Taehyung tomorrow, he think. He finished his bath and change. He went to his bed wanting to sleep when he noticed something seems off

His thick blanket was seems crumpled. He bend down and stand beside his bed to arrange it. He lifted the thick comforter

"Holy Cow!" Jungkook almost scream when he saw a figure under the thick comforter, sleeping soundly. He recovered immediately from shock and smiled

"baby" He whispered trying not to wale the cute little fluff ball on his bed, sleeping

Taehyung after cleaning all his mess down there, he felt sleepy and went to Jungkook's room. Since his house was a maze, he has hard time locating the older's bed. When he found it, he slip into Jungkook's thick blanket sniffing Jungkook's scent. He felt cold since he turned on the aircon, so he covered himself with the comforter and fell asleep under it

Jungkook slowly went on the bed carefully. He lay down beside Taehyung

"hmm" Taehyung felt warm around him. He snuggled more feeling the warmth. Jungkook chuckled as Taehyung hugged him more and pressed his head more on Jungkook's chest. He was petting the younger's soft hair until he felt Taehyung moved his head. The younger lifted his head

"Hello baby" Taehyung slowly opened his eyes half asleep. He blinked many times realizing he was with someone

"Jungkook?" Taehyung sat down on the bed and rubbed his eyes with his sweater paws like child does


"Why are you here Jungkook?" Taehyung asked confused still sleepy

"Cause it's my house?" Taehyung think for a second and grinned to Jungkook

"Opps. I thought It was my room" Jungkook ruffled his hair

"What's with the 'Jungkook' you did not called me sweet heart" He pouted crossing his arm still siting on the bed in front Taehyung. Taehyung blushes, but he smiled

"Sorry... Sweet Heart" He shyly looked at Jungkook. Jungkook looked at him smirking

"Better" He opened his his arms facing Taehyung. Taehyung got the message, so even if he was blushing right now from embarrassment, He still move forward and wrapped his arms around Jungkook's torso and give him a hug. Jungkook smiled and wrapped his arms on his baby. He pulled Taehyung up a bit and made him sat on his lap

"Yah!" Taehyung hit Jungkooks arm, he was shy from the sudden skinship. Jungkook just chuckled and kissed his boyfriend's head. Jungkook heard Taehyung yawn

"Sleepy baby?" Taeyhyung just nodded. Jungkook lay him on the bed as he wrapped his arm around the latter's waist. The younger snuggled to Jungkook as his eyelids gets heavy. They drifted to sleep beside each other's hold feeling each other's warmth

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