Chap 9 💐

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"Taehyung listen, you will be going to choose your wedding gown today same shop. Bring a friend or what, I don't care. Call me if you're done"

"Okay mom"

"And please Kim Taehyung! Don't ditch this fuckin' wedding! Well-known business men will be coming. I don't want to look like a fool on that day! Bare that in mind!"

'yeah yeah sure' He just hummed and rolled his eyes


'Ugh! stupid wedding!' He went out from his mom's office and went to his car. He sat on the driver's seat and think for a second

"now who to call? Jiminnie? Nope his busy. Jinnie Hyung? Nope he was dating Namjoon Hyung right now. Hoseokie Hyung? Nope his on practice" He tapped the steering wheel and think deeply

"Hmm. Okay! Jungkookie- but his busy right now. Oh well his a fuckin' CEO after all. But I don't care! He said I'm his so called BOYFRIEND!"

He smiled and shout inside his car. Well his squealing right now. His thinking about being Jungkook's real boyfriend

'Damn! Jungkook' His excitement die down he think of something

"But, what if he was just playing? What if he doesn't really want me to be his real boyfriend? Ugh!" He just shrugged and took his phone out

Dialing Jungkook......


Jungkook was on his office preparing for his weakly meeting with his staffs, when his phone suddenly rang. His face lighten up to see the caller ID

-MyBaby💜 is Calling-

He answered it immediately, smile didn't leave his face

🐰 Hello Baby!

🐯 Hi? you seems excited. Something happened?

🐰 Nope, I was just happy you called

Taehyung on the other line was blushing right now

🐰 why did you call baby?

🐯 are you busy?

🐰 huh? why?

🐯 are you busy?

🐰 I will be having a meeting now. Why?

🐯 oh, nothing important. Sorry for disturbing you

🐰 no, no, It's fine. Why?

🐯 I will be going to choose my wedding dress right now at ______ . I just thought you're not busy

🐰 Oh

🐯 Okay, I'm hanging up now. Bye

🐰 I'll go there after my meeting

🐯 Oh, no need! I'm fine. Bye ggu

🐰 Bye baby. Take care

'I love you' Jungkook wanted to say it

🐯 Yeah you too

Taehyung sigh on the other line, not audible to Jungkook

-Call ended

"Sir, are you ready for the meeting?"

"Cancel the meeting. Something urgent came up. I need to go. Schedule another meeting"

"Yes Sir" Jungkook grabbed his coat and keys as he went out


Taehyung sighed after the call

"I guess I will be going there alone"
He started the engine and drove away going to the wedding dress shop. He arrived and went inside

"Hello Taehyung-ssi! Welcome again. Your mother called me already"

"Oh, hello again Cece-ssi!" He shyly smiled, well cause this is the sixth time he went here to pick a wedding dress

"Are you with someone?"

"No I'm alon-"

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