Chap 42 💐

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"My Dear Raptor Pack! I present to you, the people who are behind our freedom, the one who saved us-" The King announced to his people, to all the Raptor Pack members "- Prince Jungkook of the Meteor Pack, together with his mate Prince Taehyung of the Crystal Pack-"

 Everyone clapped their hands and cheers as the King calls each member "-Head Alpha Namjoon of the Northern Pack, together with his mate Luna Seok Jin of the Crystal Pack-" Each member that being called went on the center stage to stand "-Prince Yoongi of the Southern Pack, together with his mate Prince Jimin of the Crystal Pack, and Beta Hoseok of the Northern Pack-" When the members are all complete on stage, the King look at the witches

"We would also like to acknowledge the help of our dear witches, Hae Kyo the Head Witch of the white witches territory, together with-" The King look at Ji Hyun who is guilty of what she did, but they already forgave her. The King smiled as well as Hae Kyo. "-her sister Ji Hyun, and Raquiza" The Raptor pack was full of cheers and claps

"We, the son of the Raptors Pack are greatly honored to meet and have these ten brave men and women. Our dear Royals-" The King stopped from talking and looked at his Queen as they both bend their knees together in from of the seven Royals and three witches

The members and the witches were taken aback as they did not expect it, soon all the Raptors Pack members were on their knees bowing and giving their respect to their ten brave saviors. The members were teary-eyed as they can feel how their triumph as they succeeded on their mission

The ceremony ended, the members and the witches gathered together to go back home together using Hae Kyo's power, but before they could go back one member of them is missing

"Where is Ji Hyun?" Hae Kyo asked the members, but they shooked their heads

They looked around but still did not find her 

"She is not going back to being a bitch right?" Jimin asked 

"No, never" everyone turned their head around and saw Ji Hyun holding someone

"Let me go! You bitch!"

"Who is he?" Namjoon asked as he looked at the guy being dragged by Ji Hyun

"Everyone, meet Griz!"

"And? Who is he?" Yoongi asked bored

"He is Soo Hyang's mate. I've been observing this asshole for a while now, and just found that information. "


"Then? What is his involvement in here?"

"I saw him pointing this-" Ji Hyun took out the arrow Griz was holding "-poisoned arrow to the blue-eyed omega" During the ceremony earlier, Ji Hyun's eyes during the whole ceremony were looking at him. 

Every member, especially Jungkook glared his red bloody  eyes to the aggressive alpha

"You fucker!" Without any thought, Jungkook rip the man's head


"What?" Jungkook asked innocently like he did not just rip someone's head off

"This kid!" Namjoon just shooked his head, while the members laughed

The ten heroes went back to the white switches territory. After arriving at Hae Kyo's office the omegas started jumping like crazy as they celebrated their triumph. They were itching to shout and jump after they killed Xyrus but the situation was a bit messy, and then the ceremony happened, so they are too occupied to let out their emotions.

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