Chap 30 💐

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"boys? is that all your luggage? You did not forget something?"

"Yes Mom"
"Yes Luna"
"Yes Luna"

They are watching some Beta wolves loading the luggages of the three omega. They are going to the witches territory to train

"Mom? where is dad?"

"He will be here soon don't worry- Oh! he is here"

"Hello boys"

"Hello Head Alpha"

"Hey there Tae Bear. You okay?"

"Yeah, I guess?" Taehyung pouted making some grabby hands towards his father. The Head Alpha smiled at his adorable son

"Come here little tiger" Taehyung hugged his father

"That's unfair! how about me-" The luna protested, but the Head Alpha grabbed her instantly and hug her to stop his drama. Jimin and Jin laugh from the adorable interaction of the three

"Come here boys give us a hug" Soon Jimin and Jin joined the hug

"How about us?" A woman shouted
"Group hug!"

"mom!" Jimin's parents joined the group hug. Soon they released the hug the Beta spoke

"Luna, Head Alpha, All the bags are being loaded in the trunk now"

"Thank you Mark"

"I guess we need to go now before I changed my mind, and not go there anymore " Taehyung giggled as he saw his mother's glare

"Chill mom"

The three went inside to the car after giving their parents one last hug and kissed.

"Take care boys!" The three omegas waved their hands as their car went away. The three sigh on their seats

The ride was peaceful, until the driver pull the break without giving any warning


"What was that! ouch my nose"

"What happened Mark? Why did we stop?"

The boys was busy fixing their selves from the impact. They were waiting for Mark's answer but they heard nothing

"Mark- HOLY SHIT!" Everyone widen their eyes when they saw a Rogue in front of their car. A large grey rogue wolf

A sudden impact was heard from the right window of the car

"AHHH! This shit is giving me heart attack!" Jin shouted when a large brown rogue wolf tap the window of the car, luckily their doors are closed

"Stay back from the window, we will pass through from them-" Mark was cut off when the rogue in front of them jumped on their car's hood

"Ahh! I don't wanna die so young!"

"Shh, don't shout Chim"

"We need to get out of here" Taehyung suggested

"Are you crazy? Do you want us to die"

"We need to Chim! We need to scape before they wreck this car and eat us alive!"

"Prince! the left side is clear. You guys can use the left door. Run fast and never look back"

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