Chap 21 💐

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Everyone widen there eyes

"Get him!"

"Holy Cow! This ain't fake!" A woman from the guest shouted as she freaked out



"Are you alright? Hey, baby look at me"  (Now look at you HAHAHA BP Vibes)

"Hey, it's fine, it's fine" Jungkook comforted Taehyung and embraced him

The man that shot at them was now on the ground being pinned by some police. Luckily no one was shot. The bullet landed in the middle of Jungkook and Taehyung

Jungkook looked at Taehyung who' eyes was still widen

"Baby calm down-"

"Wah! Daebak! That was AWESOME!" Taehyung cheered as if he was just watching some movies

"What?" Jungkook gave him 'are you serious?' Look

"What? That was awesome! The man literally brought a real fuckin gun! That was intense" The crowd laughs forgetting what just happened. Who won't adore such a cute adorable stunning bride cheering in front

The police and some guards brought the man outside. The guest recovered from the shock  already

"Shall we continue?" The wedding conductor stated, getting the attention of everyone

"Sure" Jungkook and Taehyung positioned themselves

"You better explain this to me" Taehyung whispered to Jungkooks ear. The older just smiled at him

"Okay, I will repeat. Do you, Jeon Jungkook accept Kim Taehyung as your lawful husband?"

" I DO"

"Do you, Kim Taehyung accept Jeon Jungkook as your lawful husband?"

Jungkook looked at him. Everyone does. Jungkook is again trembling. He can't help it. Taehyung never say I DO before

Jungkook followed every move of Taehyung 'will he ditch this wedding? Not right?'. Taehyung took a step backward. Jungkook frowned

'What is he doing?' Jungkook saw how Taehyung's expression change


Taehyung was keeping on stepping backward. No emotion at all

"B-baby? What's wrong?"


Taehyung shook his head and held his gown as he gripped it tight

"Sorry" Taehyung took off the veil and. Dropped it on the floor

"Sorry" Taehyung turned around

"Tae! No" Taehyung shook his head


"Baby come back!"


A hard slap landed on Jungkook's face

"GOSH! Are you even listening? HEY!"


"Are you crazy?"

"Why are you still here? Didn't you leave?". Jungkook stared him confused

" huh? Are you serious? Why will I leave? It's my wedding. Idiot"

"Wait- what is your answer?"
Taehyung had enough of him and hit his head

"Stop dreaming. I already said I DO! GOSH! You ain't listening!    Mr. Can you please repeat again. This dumbass here did not hear it cause his into his own world"

"You said I DO?" Taehyung rolled his eyes

"I'll repeat it again. Do you, Kim Taehyung accept Jeon Jungkook to be your lawful husband?" The conductor was half chuckling. Taehyung faced Jungkook

"I DO. Did you hear it? I already said I DO" Jungkook smiled and nodded obediently


"You may now seal this promise with a kiss"

Jungkook mentally cursed himself for imagining such things. He lifts Taehyung's veil

"I love you Jeon Taehyung" He leaned closer and filled the gap of their lips. Everyone clapped their hands and cheered

"I love you too ggukie sweetheart" Taehyung poked Jungkooks nose and smiled

"Thank you" He mouthed to Jungkook

Jungkook won't deny, at this moment Taehyung just made his heart went crazy. Taehyung's smile became frown

"Better explain this to me later"

"Yes Mrs. Jeon" Jungkook winked as Taehyung blushed

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