Chap 40 💐

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The sun shines giving the world another morning to celebrate. But this morning, for the six wolves it is a morning to give their best in a fight. The morning where things must be changed. The chance to forever shut the portal of the demon child to be born. The chance of having peace in the future, but things won't be that easy

The members together with Raquiza was up early having their last meeting. The last finalization of everything, in case they missed out on something. Because this evening, the coronation event will be happening

"Will they help us?" Jimin asked concerned

"They, who?" Raquiza asked

"The witches"

"Yes! yes! G! will definitely help you guys and I am here too!"

"I am sure they will be right by our side. This fight is not just for us. This is not just about saving our future, but the entire future of our subjects, the wolves clan" Namjoon stated

"Did you already prepare your things?" Everyone nodded

As for Hoseok, Hae Kyo brought back his memory from the future but left the part where he was with his ex-girlfriend. Raquiza hates that part, very.


"Yes, Hyung?"

"Remember what I said, okay? never do things that are not in our plan"

"But Hyung what if-"

"Jeon? NEVER do anything without informing the group. No matter how mad you are when you see that Xryrus and Taehyung together, just stay foot" Namjoon firmly stated

"And also Kook, don't show your aggressiveness to avoid him darting his attention to us. We also need to keep Taehyung safe-" Jimin lowered his head and whispered "-though he is happy there, with him, his mate" Jungkook heard it making his blood boil as he remembers what Hae Kyo showed them earlier

Everyone was heartbroken to see how the ruthless alpha marked their Taebear. Hae Kyo let them see some event in the other kingdom through her power. The most heartbroken among them all was Jungkook.

His hope of having Tae as his mate was all gone when the canines of the ruthless alpha sank on the neck of his husband. The members know that once an alpha sank their canines to an omega, that omega will be forever his, and won't let any other alpha erase that mark no matter what happened. Because that mark can't be replaced, even the omega's true mate can't claim him anymore.

Though they know it already, they just wanted to rescue their Taebear, and prevent the ruthless alpha from impregnating him, and stop them from having the demon child who will rule over the entire wolves clan, forever.

"Jeon?" Everyone was looking at him, waiting for him to agree to stick to the plan. Jungkook did not say a word. He just nods.

"Okay, let's go and dress nice. We need to attend some party" Hoseok stated, which earned glares from the members, and an angry growl from Jungkook

"He-he, j-just kidding" He dashed to his room, afraid of being eaten alive by the angry alpha downstairs

The members went to their rooms and change to their royal outfits. After all, they are invited as the royal families of the wolves clan. They already told Hae Kyo to tell their parents not to come if ever Xyrus invited them. They need to make them safe

The members and Raquiza arrived at the Raptor Pack. The friendly pack of the East but was ruined and controlled by Xyrus now. If they will not defeat Xyrus, their packs also will be ruled by the ruthless demon alpha forever.

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