Chap 18 💐

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Jungkook scanned the airport, looking for  his parents

"There! I see them!" Taehyung excitedly pointed his finger to a middle aged man and woman who are holding their luggage

"Mom! dad! here!" Jungkook waved his hands. The two elders smiled as they saw their son

"My little bunny!" Mrs. Jeon went to Jungkook

"Mom! stop that we are at the airport" well, cause he is embarrassed being called little bunny in front of hundreds of people

"Who cares"

"Hello son!"

"Hi dad" The two elder averted their gaze to the cute smiling boy behind Jungkook

"GOSH! My favorite son!" Mrs. Jeon rushed to Taehyung and gave him a bone crashing hug. Jungkook just chuckled

"Mom, I felt betrayed. You are much more excited to see him than me" Jungkook jokingly said, BUT actually he doesn't mean those

"Oh, shut up!" Mrs. Jeon looked at Taehyung and squished his cheeks like a baby "Who could not missed this beautiful baby here" Taehyung is blushing right now. Well who's not? Being adored by your boyfriend's parents is like winning a mega jackpot 

"Honey, let go of Taehyung. Jungkook here is already glaring at you" Mr. Jeon teasingly said, because it is true. Jungkook saw how his mom is squishing his boyfriend's cheek so hard and his damn worried

"Oh, sorry sweetie. I just can't get enough with your adorable face"

"T-thank you m-mom" Taehyung rubbed his cheeks lightly as he smiled. Jungkook looked at his watch

"Come on. Let's go home. It's already 10:05pm"  Everyone went to Jungkook's car. Taehyung was on the passenger seat while elder Jeons was on the back seat resting

"Taehyung, how was the wedding going?" Mrs Jeon asked. Taehyung smirked

"Well, it's fine mom- oh! thank you so much for telling my mom not to lock the exits" He turned his back to face the woman

"Yourm're welcome dear" She winked before she lay her head on her husband's shoulder and close his eyes. The ride was not so long. They've arrived at Jungkook's house 10:58pm

"Mom, you both can use the guest room upstairs"

"Thanks sweetie" she was about to walk when she remembered something  "Wait- where is Taehyung sleeping? It's already late for him to go home"

"Don't worry m-mom. my home is not that far" Taehyung said as he entered the living room near the stairs where Jungkook and his mother was talking. Both of the Jeons where frowning

"No sweetie. You must stay here"

"Don't worry mom. Taegyung will stay here" Jungkook looked at Taehyung winking. Taehyung wanted to protest but Jungkook's mother cut him off

"That's great! Stay here sweetie. Now good night to the both of you. I want to sleep. I'm so tired. Sweet dreams" She kissed his son and Taehyung, before she head upstairs to the guest room. When she left Taehyung looked at Jungkook

"Yah! why did you said that! I need to get home"

"Why? You can sleep here. This is your hideout remember?"

"Tss! fine. Now lend me some clothes! I don't have mine" He crinkled his nose as he demanded Jungkook

"No problem baby" Jungkook kissed Taehyung's forehead before holding his hand "Let's go and get you some clothes" They head to Jungkook's room

"Here" Jungkook handed him a pair of black clothes. Taehyung rolled his eyes

"Can you at least give me white? why all black? I am not mourning" He glared cutely at Jujungkoo

"Hey! don't criticize my fave color! you're doing it again!" Taehyung laugh because Jungkook frowned as he hugged his black clothes

"Just give me that one" Taehyung pointed to a zebra print shirt. Jungkook handed him what he pointed

"Thanks gugkie sweet heart" Jungkook's felt his heart thump from what Taehyung called him

"Are you blushing ggukie?" Taehung laugh as his boyfriend throw him a piece of clothes

"I'm not!"

"Sure, you're not" Taehyung winked at him before turning around and went out the door

"Where are you going baby?"

"huh? to sleep?"

"and where?"

"to the other guestroom?"


"why?" Yaehyung furrowed his eyebrows

"Cause-" Jungkook walked to Taehyung's back. He held Taehyung's shoulder and pushed him to walk back inside
"-cause you will be sleeping here"


"Just sleep here with me baby. Promise I won't do anything-" He lean forward and whispered to Taehyung's ear while he was still on the younger's back "-but if you want me to do something. Well, who am I to decline. Right baby?"   red stain was plastered on Taehyung's face

"Shut up! you pervert!" He walked to the bathroom and change, still blushing while Jungkook was JUST laughing

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