Chap 13 💐

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Jungkook woke up feeling something on his chest. He opened his eyes and smiled, as he saw his cute little tiger resting on his chest

'Beautiful' a door bell interrupted his moment with Tarhyung AGAIN

'Why can't people know I am having a moment here!' He slowly lift Taehyung's head and placed on the pillow beside him. He slowly got up making sure he won't wake up his baby. He furrowed his eyebrows as he went out to who ever rang the door bell. He looked at his monitor to know who's outside

"This bastard!" He went out to open the gate


"What are you doing here hyung?"

"Yah! You don't miss me? Rude!"

"Come in Yoongi hyung" Yoongi entered the house lazily. They both sat on the living room

"How was France?"

"Well, good. Your parents missed you"


"Also, I am here to tell you something"


"Your father need you there. He need your help for the new branch there"

"You are there. Why don't you help them?"

"Yah! I am not there son! don't pass your responsibility to me! you lazy ass"

"Hyung, you can just call me about that. Why did you go back to Korea all of a sudden?"

"Well, to meet my baby"

"You've got a boyfriend?" Yoongi just nodded. Their conversation was interrupted by a voice from the stairs

"ggu? sweet heart where are you?" Yoongi looked at Jungkook grinning

"Sweet heart?" Yoongi whispered to Jungkook. The latter just smirked at him

"Baby I am at the living room"

"Baby?" Yoongi was teasing the younger. Jungkook just kicked his hyung and glared at him

"ggukie!" Jungkook smiled as he saw Taehyung smiling at him also. He opened his arms signaling Taehyung to come over him

"Good morning baby" Taehyung went to Jungkook and hug the latter

"Good morning sweet heart"

Yoongi faked cough to steal their attention. Taehyung felt the other's presence so he turned around. He immediately pull out from the hug and bow a little to the new face

"H-Hello Mr?"

"I'm Yoongi. Jungkook's cousin. You might be?"

"Oh I'm Taehyung. Kim Taehyung" Taehyung extended his hand and did handshake with Yoongi

"You are Kim Taehyung? Woah! You are indeed beautiful! I saw you many times on the news" Taehyung shyly nodded

"Yeah, that's me indeed"

"You is Jungkook the reason why you keep ditching every weeding?"

"huh-" Jungkook cut Taehyung off

"Yeah I am his reason. Right baby?"

"oh, yeah"

"You both are cute together" Yoongi looked at his watch "opps. I gotta go! Bye love birds!"

"Bye!" Yoongi left, leaving the two inside alone

"You're hungry baby?"

"hmm" They both went to the kitchen. Jungkook insisted that he will be the one to cook, so Taehyung just watched him. They eat after

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