Chap 10 💐

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"Are you with someone?"

"No I'm alon-"

"I'm with him" A man in suit entered the shop


"Hello baby" Jungkook went to Taehyung and kissed his forehead

"I thought you have meeting"

"I cancelled it, for you" He gave Taehyunga wink

"So you've got a boyfriend Taehyung-ssi? Hello young men" Taehyung blushed from the lady's statement

'Boyfriend, his boyfriend' Taehyung hide his smile

"Oh, I'm not-" Jungkook cut Taehyung

"Yeah, I'm his boyfriend. Jeon Jungkook"

"I guess Taehyung would not be ditching this wedding anymore. Congratulations to you two" Taehyung wanted to clear thing with the lady but Jungkook handle it again

"Yeah, Thanks" Jungkook just wrapped his arms around Taehyung's waist. Taehyung was like a lost puppy

'What the heck'

"Come on, you two. You need to choose a great dress for your wedding" Thy followed the lady

"ggu, what about your meeting?"

"Don't worry about it. You are more important than those meetings" He winked to the blushing Taehyung. He did not let go of Taehyung's waist

"And why did you tell her I'm your boyfriend?"

"Cause you are" Taehyung was about to talk back when the lady interrupted them

"Here are the designs Taehyung-ssi. I will leave you two to choose"

"Thank you" The lady bowed to Jungkook, before giving Taehyung a wink

After the lady went out the room, Taehyung hit Jungkook's arm

"Yah! what was that!"

"What? I did not do anything" Jungkook smiled innocently

'did he really mean it? does he want me to be his boyfriend for real? what if his just playing around? I'm falling for him already, please tell me his not joking around' Taehyung was nonchalantly staring at Jungkook

"Baby? hey, you okay?"

"huh? ah yeah. Let's choose"

"They are beautiful" Jungkook pick random dresses

"Hmm, let's just pick anything. I don't care about this wedding. I will be ditching it after all"

"Don't say that. You still need to look stunning during the wedding. I will be attending the wedding"


"I was invited. Your guests was no Joke. I saw the invitation, they are well-known business man around Korea"

"Ah, yeah. Yah! You need to help me! Mom is going to lock all the exits!" He pouted and throw his self on the couch. Jungkook adorably looked at him

"Don't worry. Now come on. Choose your dress" Taehyung shook his head and crinkled his nose

"Nope! You choose. It's my sixth time here already. That dresses, I hate them!" He rolled his eyes and closed them. Jungkook smiled watching his cute so called boyfriend

"Okay, I'll choose something nice for you baby" He went to Taehyung and lean down to kiss the younger's forehead. Taehyung opened his eyes and stare at Jungkook

"Yah! why you are always stealing kisses!" Jungkook just laugh and went back to choosing dresses. A white long beautiful dress caught his attention. It has diamond stones on it's upper top and gold laces on the bottom of the gown. It looks elegant

"Baby, look. This one is perfect" Taehyung opened one of his eyes and looked at the dress

"Woah! That is pretty!" His excitement die down as he remember the wedding

"nah!" Taehyung shook his head "That gown is too pretty. I love to wear that one on my own wedding, not to some ditching marathon" He close again his eyes and sat back on the couch comfortably

"We'll get this one" Taehyung opened his eyes

"What? no! that's too precious"

"But the one will be wearing this is more precious"

"Shut up! return that. Just choose anything not that one. I'll reserve that one on my own wedding" Jungkook smirked

"You mean our wedding?" Taehyung look at Jungkook surprisingly

"Our?" Jungkook nodded

"Hmm, our"

"And what made you think we will gonna marry each other?"

"Cause I said so" Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows, well inside him he want to shout and cheer. Taehyung want to say something when the door opened

"You guys done?"

"Ah, yes. Here." Jungkook pointed the dress

"Nice pick! Jungkook-ssi" Jungkook looked at the glaring Taehyung. He just simply winked at Taehyung

"I'll reserve this one for you two. How about your suit Jungkook-ssi?"

"Oh, I already-" Taehyung cut him off

"We will pick something for him. Do you have any nice suit for him?" Jungkook looked at Taehyung surprisingly. Taehyung just shrugged

"Yeah we have. Follow me this way" Taehyung stand up and follow the lady. He pulled Jungkook's arm and walked. Well he got the courage to linked their arms

'Let's play along Taehyung' Taehyung said smirking 'Let's join the
boyfriend-wedding thing, Jungkook have started'

"Why did you said that?"

"What?" Taehyung innocently looked at him

"Here Taehyung-ssi. These are the new arrival suits from Paris"

"Woah, nice fabric" Jungkook was loving how Taehyung was looking at the suits like he really was picking something for their wedding

"Why you are suddenly having the mood picking my suits? Your energy drained earlier when we are picking your dress" Taehyung just shrugged and pulled out a white suit

"Here. I want this" Jungkook looked at the white sparkling suit

"You have a nice taste"

"Cause I'm Kim Taehyung" He sassily flip his hair that made Jungkook cooed "You need to wear this and steal the attention of the guests"

"I will be looking like a groom, if I wore that one. Only the groom can wear white suit" Taehyung raised his eyebrow

"Who cares? I will fuckin' kill who ever had a say on this" Jungkook ruffled his hair and pinched his nose


"YAH!" he glared at Jungkook and fixed his bangs and crinkled his nose

"Cece-ssi! We will get this suit"

"okay Taehyung-ssi. I will reserve this one for you. Nice pick, this matches the dress Jungkook picked for you. You two really matches well"

Taehyung just smiled, hiding his blushing cheeks. Jungkook saw the blushing Taehyung beside him. He wrapped his arms around his waist

"Yeah, Can we leave now?"

"Oh sure. Thank you again. And Taehyung-ssi, I hope this will be the last time you are gonna pick wedding dress for your self here inside my shop. Don't ditch the wedding again" Taehyung just scratched his nape

"We will be leaving. Bye Cece-ssi!"

"Bye you two. Take care"

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