Chap 16 💐

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Taehyung was currently on a hotel. He doesn't want to go somewhere, not his own house, not his hideout, and not his friend's house. He just want to a PLAN! now

"Ugh! The wedding is next day and I can't think of a single PLAN!" He did not tell Jungkook he went to a hotel. Cause he's still pissed, because the latter was still busy on his life being a fuckin' CEO

📞Incoming Call Mrs. Jeon...

Taehyung's eye widened. He cleared his throat and sat straight before he picked up the call

"Hello m-mom?" He still not used calling the woman as mom

"Hello sweetie. How are you?"

"I'm fine mom. You?"

"Oh, I'm fine as well"

"Why did you call mom? Any problem?"

"No, nothing dear. I just want to tell you something"

"What is it mom?"

"I asked your mother not to lock the exits. She agreed" Taehyung's eyes widen


"Yes sweetie. I just told her what if there will be some emergency"

"Oh, Thank you mom, so so so much!" Taehyung kissed the phone many times. Mrs. Jeon just laugh on the other line

"I need to hung up now sweetie. Bye, take care"

"Bye mom. Thank you so much"

☎ Call ended...

Taehyung rolled on the bed as he cheered like he won a lottery jackpot

"Now, I need some back up"

📞Calling Hoseok Hyung...

"Hello Hoseokie hyung?"

"Yes Tae? Why did you call?"

"Need your help"

"Oh, about what?"

"About my ditching marathon"

"Oh? you have a plan?"

"Yup! let's go with the GUN thing"

"SURE! I'm on it. Leave it to me!" Hoseok laugh on the other line

"Thanks hyung!"

"No problem!"

☎Call ended...

"Finally! I can sleep peacefully!" He lie down on his bed with arms and legs spread wide


Jungkook decided to go home. His hella tired from his busy day. He called Taehyung as he went inside his car

'I'm sorry baby, I'm not spending much time with you. I'm damn busy' He sigh and take out his phone

📞Calling BabyTae💜...

He waited Taehyung to pick up but the latter did not. The call has ended. He tried again but still the same

"Why he is not picking up?"
He frowned but shrugged. He head home hoping his baby will be there. The lights in his house was all off

'His not even here'

He drove to Taehyung's house. The lights where off. He called Taehyung's friends but they don't know where he was. Jungkook frowned even more

"Where the heck is he?" He is now worried. What if something happened to his baby. He tracked his baby's phone but the location is off

"Shit!" He can't think of any places right now. His phone rang, it was one of his manager

"Why did you call? any problem?"

"Sir Jeon, sorry for relaying this matter to you this late. This is regarding your personal suite on Crystal Hotel. We let Mr. Kim used it, since we know he is your fiance. I'm sorry about it" Jungkook smirked

"No, it's fine, good job. Did you tell him it is my personal suite?"

"No Sir. He did not even know this is your hotel. He just said, who ever own the hotel, he wanted to say the interior was nice" The person on the other line chuckled a bit. Jungkook grinned

"Good. I'm going there now. Don't tell him. Take care of my baby there okay Manager Lee?"

"Yes Sir!"

☎Call ended...

"Huh, so he went to a hotel? Luckily he went to my hotel and I am able to find him. But why did he went there? Not informing me? This little kitten!" He went inside his car and drove to his baby

"Welcome Mr. Jeon!"
Jungkook just nodded as his employees greet him. He told them that Kim Taehyung was his fiance. That was the reason why the staffs let Taehyung used the special suite only made for the owner, no other than Jungkook. But Taehyung was damn clueless, He did not bother why he was escorted by so many hotel staffs as he entered the hotel. He just thought it was part of their welcoming cho cho

Jungkook went inside his suite in the hotel. It was big, bigger than to those suites for VIPs, well he made it for himself

He scanned the room and tried his best not to make any noises. He smirked as he spotted his little kitten on the bed lying down on his stomach, body covered with a thick blanket. Only half of his head peep from the comforter and eyes was on the laptop placed on top of the bed. He was watching a movie. Damn it was a horror movie

"ahh! shit! don't turn around! there is a ghost behind you! ahhh!" Taehyung was shouting right now. He covered his face with his hand, peeping from his finger's gap

"You might die!! Get out! ahhh!" He was kicking his feet as the character was dragged somewhere. Jungkook was silently laughing watching his little baby on the bed like a burrito. Jungkook slowly approach Taehyung. He went under the blanket slowly and lay beside the latter. Taehyung was immerse to the movie. He did not sensed anything right now, since the volume was high

"Ahhh! die die die! Run! you little shit! Run he will kill you! Run!" Jungkook on his side was watching also the movie. Jungkook supported his head with his hands

"He might die" Jungkook said casually

"Yeah! That bastard will kill him!" Taehyung answered still not minding he was talking with someone right now, he is too focused to the movie

"I hate that killing ghost" Jungkook said looking at Taehyung

"Me too I hate that fuckin' ghost-" He suddenly realized he was talking with someone beside him. He turned his head only to meet a grinning Jungkook "AHHHH! WHAT THE FUCK!!!" Taehyung jumped from the bed and landed on the floor butt first

"Hello baby" Jungkook laughed hard

"YAH! You scared the hell out of me!" Taehyung held his chest as he catches his breath, he felt his heart beat went crazy

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