Chap 11 💐

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They went outside to the parking lot

"Oh, you brought your car. I can't give you a ride then" Jungkook poked his tongue on his cheeks

"Why? you're not going back to your office?" Jungkook shook his head

"Why? aren't you busy?"

"I have all the time for you baby"

"Shut up"

"Can you leave your car here for a while" Taehyung raised his eyebrow

"You want me to leave my baby here? and why is that?"

"Let's eat somewhere"


"Is your car more important than me? hmm baby?" Jungkook pouted

"Tss! stop pouting! Fine" Taehyung just rolled his eyes and went to Jungkook's car

"Open the door peasant! The Queen will enter" Taehyung acted out as he crossed his arm

"Oh, shut up! I'm the King not a peasant!" Jungkook chuckled and open the door

"You are the peasant cause I'm the Queen-"

"Nope. I am the King and you are my Queen. That's final" That made Taehyung shut up and blushed

"tss!" Jungkook smiled cause he won. They both sat on Jungkook's car

"Bye baby!" Taehyung dramatically wave his hand to his purple ferrari as Jungkook drove away leaving his car alone there

"I'm your baby, not that car" Jungkook pouted

"You're not my baby!"

"Then what am I to you?" The question has double meaning and Taehyung got the two side of the question. He went silent for awhile thinking what to say

'what is he to me then? What does he mean by that. Does he mean about our status? Or does he mean What I am supposed to call him?'

"Hey baby? you okay?"

"huh? ah yeah"

"So what are you gonna call me?"

'oh, so that is what he mean' Taehyung sigh

"hmm, ggu is fine"

"But it is still my name" He pouted even more to Taehyung while driving

"Then what do you want me to call you? Sweet heart?" Jungkook grinned hearing 'sweet heart' from Taehyung's lips

"better" He said as he parked the car in front of an expensive restaurant

"What? you want me to call you sweet heart? seriously?" Jungkook nodded as he smiled wide "That is cringe!"

"Nope. It's sweet"

'Okay, he calls me baby, now I'm gonna call him sweet heart. But were not even a thing! we are just friends, right? the boyfriend thing was just his joke right? or what?' Taehyung is confused right now

"Come on baby. We're here" Jungkook opened the car door for him

'Okay, this is not a date. This is just a normal lunch. No big deal, right?' He stopped from his track when he remembered his phone

'shit, I left it inside his car. I need to call mom now, and tell her I finished choosing a dress'

"ggu?" Jungkook did not listen to him

"Jungkook?" Still no response. The latter just continue walking

'This bastard'

"Jeon!" Taehyung knows it already

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