Chap 6 💐

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It's been days since Jungkook and Taehyung last talk and see each other. Jungkook was worried, he missed the younger so much, and he can't forgive himself for being careless

He is now preparing himself, he need to attend a wedding ceremony right now. Wedding of the son of his business partner

Jungkook arrived at the venue. Everyone was there. Everything is perfect. The theme was pink and gold. Everyone settled down as the ceremony begin. What caught his attention was the name written on the decoration and to the invitation

'Kim & Han Nuptial'

His heart was beating fast. He knows Taehyung was a Kim

'This can't be Taehyung's wedding! He said his wedding will be next month'

He can't sit still on his seat. He was freaking out inside him. He was supposed to help Taehyung ditch his wedding. His thoughts was interrupted by the music. The music changes indicating the bride will be coming inside

Jungkook's gaze was on the large door waiting for the bride to enter. He felt his soul left his body when he saw who the bride was. His heart was beating so fast, his palm was sweating. He sigh and released the air he was holding and sat back on this chair. A pretty boy entered and walked on the aisle wearing a long white gown holding a bouquet of flowers

Jungkook was just staring the two person in front. The ceremony near to it's end when the priest said

"Do you Sehun Han accept Kim SeokJin as your lawful husband?"

"I do"

"Do you Kim SeokJin accept Sehun Han as you lawful husband?"

"I-" A loud thud interrupted the ceremony as the large door opened harshly

"Stop the wedding!" A masked man entered holding a gun. The guest seems to panic. Jungkook was frozen on his set as well as the others

"Don't move! Or I will kill the bride" Jungkook looked at the bride in front

'Wait, why he is smiling. You will be a dead meat now boy! RUN' Jungkook wan't to shout but he can't interrupt in the scene

"Give me the bride!"

"Go to him Son!" Jin's mother shouted

'Wait, why his parents are seems not to bother. What the actual fuck is happening here' Jungkook was confused

Seokjin just casually walk like nothing happened. The gun man pulled Seokjin. They entered inside a black car. Jungkook was confused. He looked at the parents of the bride, they seems fine. Everyone there was still shock. Jungkook stand up and went out to his car

'I need to follow them'

Luckily the black car was not yet so far. Jungkook followed the car and stopped in front of a familiar house

'Wait, why they stopped in front of Taehyung's own house?'

He waited inside his car. The black car opened and revealed a laughing blue haired gorgeous boy. The bride followed and a man wearing black followed them

'Wait-' Jungkook's realization hit him. It was the same pink haired man who he saw on the coffee shop with Taehyung last week. He widened his eyes

"Did they just collaborate and ditch a fuckin' wedding?" Jungkook laugh as he crinkled his nose

"Well, I guess I'm lucky to witness how their plan worked. My baby was really an expert" Jungkook missed him so much

"A message won't hurt right?" He took his phone and type a short message


Taehyung with his friends was celebrating inside his house

"That was intense Hoseok Hyung!"

"Well, they are dumb, they can't recognize fake guns after all"

Jin's phone rang

"Hello mom?... yes... okay mom...thank you... bye mom love you"


"She said thank you for helping us guys"

"Aw, that's sweet"

You might be asking why his mom is not angry? Well, Jin did not told his mother he has already a boyfriend before the wedding is planned. His mother already arrange a wedding for him. So when Jin told her about Namjoon she was happy but at the same time angry. She doesn't know how to cancel the wedding anymore. So he asked Taehyung for help since he was the famous 'Runaway Bride' in town

"Taebear I need to go. It's time for practice. Bye see yah"

"Bye Hoseoki hyung!"

"Ah, me too. I want to go home. This is tiring! This gown is so so heavy GOSH!"

"Come on I'll give you a ride"

"We'll go ahead Taebear. Bye!"

Taehyung was left inside his house. When his phone buzzed

💌 1 new message from Jungkook

"Oh, he remembered me" He smiled and open it

💌 《 Hello. How are you Tae?》

"Tae? you fucktard! Why you keep calling me Tae!" He pouted and frowned

"I HATE YOU!" He doesn't know but he want Jungkook to call him baby

💌 1 new message from Jungkook

Why do you hate me?

Taehyung widened his eyes. He read the message again

'Shit! did I just sent 'I hate you' to him? It was supposed just a statement! ugh!'

He was just staring at his phone. He is clueless what to reply. Taehyung was startled when his door bell rang

'I am not expecting any visitor now'
He went out and open the gate did not bother to look at his monitor to see who was outside. A familiar black orbs welcomed him as soon as he opened the gate



"What are you doing here?"
He is not looking at the raven haired man in front of him

"Taehyung, I am sorry about what happened. I missed you. I know I kissed you without your permission, I am sorry about it Tae-"



"Don't call me Taehyung"

"What?" Jungkook was looking at him in confusion

"I said don't call me Taehyung" Taehyung said half whispering it

'What i am supposed to call him? Is he that mad?'

"Then what should I call you?"

'This one is a big dumbass!' Taehyung rolled his eyes

"Ask your self" He closed the gate and went inside his house, leaving the confused Jungkook. He knows he was acting a bit too much. But he just can't accept the fact that Jungkook doesn't want him like the way he likes the older

'Now what is wrong with him?'
Jungkook drove back to his house. He was still thinking why Taehyung doesn't want him to be called Taehyung. He went to his room still thinking about Taehyung

'Does he hate me calling him Taehyung? Why?'
He hugged the pillow beside him and sigh

"Oh baby, I don't know anymore- Wait" He sat straight as he realized something

"Baby, Yes baby!" He throw the pillow and punched the air

"Does his want me to call him baby? Oh fuckin' Yes! since I stopped calling him baby, he acted that way!" He smiled from his realization and took his phone

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