Chap 7 💐

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💌 1 New Message From Jungkook

Taehyung frowned as he saw who sent him a message

"What now!" He read the message and smiled

💌《 Hello baby, I missed you

"He called me baby! Oh my gosh!"
He bite the pillow beside him and shout like a teenage girl. His being gay right now. He took his phone

🐯 Hi?

🐰 Finally! You replied! 😀

🐯 Why?

🐰 I missed you 😢

🐯 You missed me? 😒

🐰 hmm, I missed my baby 😉

🐯 Why you'd missed me? 😶

🐰 Because you're my baby. That's why I missed you

Taehyung was smiling so wide right now. His boxy smile became even wider than normal

🐰 I won't call you Taehyung from now on

🐯 Why?

🐰 Because 'Baby' suits you more

NAILED IT! Jungkook was cheering inside his room

"I am right! He was acting weird because I stopped calling him baby! We've got a chance Jeon!" He patted himself and nodded

🐰 Hey

🐯 What

🐰 You've got a nice plan ditching a wedding earlier


🐰 Yup, I was there

🐯 Oh

🐰 Baby, I am not Joking, I really missed you

Taehyung was now rolling on his bed. His heart can't handle sweet stuffs after all

"AHHHHH" He shouted not minding how late the night was

🐯 Me to

Taehyung waited for a reply but he received nothing

"Where is he?" He frowned as he waited. His excitement died down when nothing pop up on his phone

"You gotta be kidding me Jeon Fukin' Jungkook!"

📴 No reply. He frowned even more and pouted even more. A door bell interrupted his moment

"What again! it's almost midnight! Who the fuck is that!" He angrily stand up and again did not check the monitor who was outside. He just dashed out and want to kill who ever visit him during mid night. The frown did not leave his face. He was still pouting when he opened the gate harshly

"What-" The man he was texting earlier just welcomed him in a tight hug. Jungkook wrapped his arms around the younger's waist, head was lying on Taehyung's neck sniffing the younger's sweet scent

"H-hey, J-jungkook-" Taehyung was frozen in the moment. How the hell happened someone just hug him, they are not even a thing. But he liked it, SO FUCKIN' MUCH!

"I missed you baby" Jungkook's husky voice painted Taehyung's cheeks a red stain

'OM MY GOSH!' Taehyung was squealing inside him

"H-hey-" The younger was panicking inside him

'Should I hug him back? or WHAT!'

Jungkook released the hug but still holding the younger's waist

"Baby" Seriousness was all over Jungkook's face and Taehyung is not used to it. Jungkook was staring at him intensely and he can't even look into the latter's eyes. He was damn SHY!

"Y-Yah! what is happening with you" Taehyung averted his gaze and looked at the car parked outside. Jungkook stared more on the beauty in front of him

'Damn this gorgeous beauty'

"H-hey let go" Taehyung was trying to push Jungkook. He was feeling awkward right now. Instead of letting go, Jungkook again embrace him and rest his head on the younger's chest

"Yah! Jeon! What is happening to you! You drove here alone, and it's midnight already. AND came here to just hug me? HEY!" Jungkook was not even listening to his nag. The older was enjoying the moment, he loves being close with the latter. Taehyung sigh and pat Jungkook's back and he return the hug

"I missed you baby, so much" Jungkook's breath was on his neck and he can't stop smiling right now! Taehyung is grinning right now, luckily the latter can't see him now

"Why you're keep saying you missed me? you are becoming weird ggu. Tell me what is bothering you, don't just hug me and let me guess what the heck is wrong-" Jungkook let go the hug and stared at him close

"-with you" Taehyung whispered the last part since Jungkook's face was so near to him. Jungkook cupped his face


"This is the thing that's bothering me"

Taehyung was caught off guard when Jungkook peck on his lips. Jungkook looked at the shocked beauty in front of him and smirked

"Cute" He ruffled Taehyung's hair and passed through him and went inside Taehyung's house

'another points for Jeon!' He cheered silently inside Taehyung's house

"What did just happened?" Taehyung was still frozen on his spot, not moving. His not sure if he was breathing or what

"YAH! JUNGKOOK!" He shouted as he came back to his senses. His red cheeks can't be hidden right now. Jungkook definitely nailed it!

'I want more-' He slapped his own cheeks from the thought 'Stop being gay Taehyung!'

Taehyung can't find the older
'Where is he?'

He went to the kitchen, living room, guestrooms, bathroom, No Jungkook

'Where the heck did he go!'
He opened his own room and saw Jungkook lying on his OWN bed

"Yah!" Well his not mad, he was just acting like one. He was about to hit Jungkook when he heard cute snores from the older

'Is he sleeping already? that fast?' He bend down and wave his hands to Jungkook's face

"His sleeping. Okay, sleep tight" He stand up, but a hand grabbed his wrist

"Hey!" Jungkook grabbed him more and make him lie down on the bed. Jungkook spooned him

"W-what are you doing?"

"Sleep" Jungkook was still not opening his eyes, but he was smirking. Taehyung was facing the other side while Jungkook's face was on the younger's nape


"I'm sleepy" Jungkook pulled him close. Taehyung just sigh, but he is damn blushing right now. Luckily Jungkook can't see his face right now

'Oh my gosh! are we cuddling???'
Taehyung was screaming internally. His heart beat was racing and his cheeks were hot

"Sweet dreams baby"

'Damn! his hot!' Taehyung wan't to face Jungkook right now. But he will looked like a bitch if he would do that

"hmm, good night ggu" Smile did not leave Taehyung's face until he drifted to sleep holding Jungkook's hand on his waist

'I'm on the same bed with him. Another score for Jeon! Damn! nailed it' Jungkook thought as he smell Taehyung's sweet fragrance

'I damn like this beauty'

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