Chap 22 💐

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(FLASBACK) - After TaeKook got couple bracelets from Jin's mom -

Jungkook just realized that Taehyung also liked him. He doesn't want to waste any year, his getting older and Taehyung is having nonstop arrange marriage to ditched. He decided to call Mrs. Kim to settle things.

(calling Mrs. Kim)


"Hello Mrs. Kim, this is Jeon Jungkook"

"oh? Did you just say Jeon Jungkook? The CEO of the Jeon Corp?"

" yes Ma'am. I would like to meet you to talk about some matters"

"Is this about business?"

"No ma'am, this is more personal. This involves your son, Taehyung"

"Did he cause any trouble again?"

"Oh! NO MAAM! Nothing bad happened"

"Fine then. Let's talk this over lunch"

"Thank you Ma'am"

"Okay, I'll just send the address"

(Call Ended)

Jungkook breathed all the air he was holding a minute ago

"Why did I suddenly felt scared? Oh Jeon! Talking to your mother in law is scarier that facing investors" He put his hand on his chest and he feel his thumping heart

"Okay Jeon, operation impress Mrs. Kim now begin" He sway his bangs looking at the mirror. His getting ready now to meet Taehyung's mother

Every details happened after the talk

(I don't wanna write the whole flash back😁)


"Let's go" Jungkook whispered to the latter's ear and wrapped his arms securely to Taehyung's waist

"huh? To where?" Jungkook just smile and started to walk. Still holding his wife

"Jeon! Where are u taking me? The exit is not there"

"baby? Do u realised you are a Jeon now right?"

"huh?" Jungkook chuckled and kissed Taehyung's temple

"I love u even if your dumb sometimes"

"What! You assho-" Jungkook kissed Taehyung's lips to make him shut up

"HEYYY Do it in a room! Not here Gosh!" Jimin acted as if he is about to throw up

"Let them be" Jimin frowned and turned to his side. "Tss! Kill Joy!"

Yoongi just chuckled and ruffled his hair. Jimin pouted even more

"Bye guys! See you in a week?" Jungkook bid goodbye as he dragged His confused wife

"Yahh! What week? Where are we going?" Jungkook did not bother to answer instead he was just giggling

The elevator went up to the top floor

"Wait! Don't tell me u are gonna pushed me from the top of this fuckin building?" Taehyung hysterically asked his laughing Husband

"You're cute. You know that?"
Jungkook pinched his wife's cheeks

"Yahh! Let go! Ow!" He massaged his cheeks. " that hurts!"

"sorry baby. You are soooo cute"

Taehyung was about to answer but the elevator door opened. A man welcomed them out side

"Good day Mr. and Mrs. Jeon. This way please" Jungkook nodded, while Taehyung confusingly smiled at the man

'What the fuck is going on!' Taehyung asked himself

A large door opened and revealed the helicopter on stand by waiting for the new wedded couple

"Mr. Jeon, everything is ready"
Jungkook nodded, but before turning to face his confused wife he called his assistant again

"uh, Mr. Lee?"

"Yes Sir?"

"I just wanted to remind you that we are now both Jeon. So be more specific next time" Jungkook smiked at his grinning assistant

"Oh, Yes Mr. Jeon Jungkook. And congratulations to your wedding to Mr. Jeon Taehyung" Taehyung's face went red hearing Jeon Taehyung from other person

'Goshhhh I am now married' Taehyung screamed inside his head

"Baby you okay?" Jungkook asked his Wife who is now in dazed

"huh? Ah yeah"

"Let's go?" Jungkook assisted his wife entered the helicopter

"Are we really flying? Going where?"

"to the airport"

"What? Airport? But why?"

"My private plane is there"

"Private plane? Huh?" Taehyung is like a dumb boy asking math equation to a smart ass boy. Jungkook just laugh at him

"We're going to Hawaii baby"

Taehyung widen his eyes and turned his whole body to Jungkook


"Yes! You heard it right. You told me you wanted to go to Hawaii right? So this is it"


"Now relax baby, and don't pout. You're too cute to handle" Taehyung hit Jungkook's arm

"I did not packed my things yet" He stamped his feet and wiggled his body like a baby in tantrums

"Don't worry about it. Everything is all set" Taehyung pouted even more

"Stop pouting or I will kiss you" Taehyung smirked

"Then Do it" Jungkook smirked and was about to kiss Taehyung when the pilot talked

"Mr. And Mrs. Jeon we are here"

Jungkook frowned and pouted. Taehyung just laughed at him

"I will get back to you later" Jungkook said looking at Taehyung's lips

"shut up"

After getting out the helicopter they immediately went to Jungkook's private Plain. The ride went smooth. Both of them took some rest i side the plain

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