Chap 33 💐

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The boys clean their mess after eating and went inside the cave

"Hyung are we not going to put up fire? It will be cold later inside the cave" Jimin asked Jin

"Joon?" Jin look at his mate who is busy preparing his and his mate's space inside the cave

"No, we will not put up some fire to stay hidden inside the cave. Setting fire earlier to cook is fine since its still not so dark, but now that it's dark, we can't attract other wolves by seeing the light coming from here"

The others nodded as they prepare their own space ready to sleep. The cave was huge so they have huge space for them selves. Their position inside the cave is:

Taehyung was pouting while he suits himself on his own space, arranging some crampled leaves. He wanted to protest, he want HIS husband beside him, BUT he can't do anything. He doesn't want to scare his husband since the Alpha doesn't remember anything. The omega sighted, as he lie down

"Good night everyone"
"Good night hyung"
"Good night"

Everyone fell asleep fast since they were tired. The cave became colder as the night went deep. Jin and Namjoon was cuddling with each other. While Jimin covered himself with some leaves. Yoongi was wearing his Black hoodie, as well as Jungkook. While Hoseok covered himself with the skin of the dear he got earlier.

But a certain omega was shivering from cold. Because the leaves he got earlier for himself, he covered it to the shivering Jimin. He saw that the leaves Jimin got for himself was not enough to make him warm, so Taehyung placed his own to Jimin to keep his friend warm. Now Taehyung was shivering while sleeping

Little did he know two black orbs was observing him since earlier, and was itching to go to him. When the certain alpha was sure enough that everybody was in a deep sleep, he slowly stand up and went to the shivering omega. He removed his hoodie and lie down beside the shivering omega. He placed his hoodie on top of their bodies to serve as their blanket. He slowly wrapped his arms on the omega's waist and scoot the omega near his body

"Hmm" The omega felt the warmth so he move closer to the source of warmth. The alpha froze, afraid that he awakened the sleeping omega. He sighted when he saw that the omega was still in a deep slumber.  He brushed his hands on the omega's hair as he kissed his forehead

"sweet dreams baby" The omega's head was now on his chest. The alpha move closer filling the gap of their bodies to reduce the coldness

The sun rises up and the boys are now awake. They are now outside the cave feeling the warmth of the Sun

"Good morning Jin Hyung"

"Good morning Chim"

"Let's go get some fruits to eat" Jin suggested

"I will go with you" 

"Me too!" Namjoon and Jimin stand up and went to Jin

"How about Tae? He is still sleeping Jin Hyung?"

"Don't worry we are here to guard the cave" Jungkook said

"You sure? Don't do anything okay?"

"Hon, they are their packs' future Head Alphas. Don't worry they are responsible enough"

The started to walk away, leaving the other three alphas

"Where are you going Hoseok Hyung?"

"I will wake Taehyung up-" A low growl was heard from a certain Alpha

"Yah! you brat why are you growling at me!"

"S-sorry. Don't wake him up yet. He might still tired"

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