Chap 39 💐

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"Darling! My beautiful darling" Xyrus was currently in the pack office of the former King of the Raptor Pack, sitting on the throne welcoming the omega in his arms

"Darling" Taehyung willingly went to the alpha and sat on his lap, wrapping his arms on his neck. Xyrus is a handsome man with a demon soul.

"Hmmm" Xyrus sniffs the omegas' neck, wanting badly to mark the soft skin on his neck

"ah!" Taehyung felt something on his neck. It sting a bit, but Xyrus did not marked him yet. Taehyung hold the necklace around his neck and wonder why it sting when Xyrus just sniff his neck.

The alpha noticed him
"Beautiful necklace. Where is it from?" Xyrus asked examining the necklace

"I don't know. It is just there. But I like it"
Xyrus just shrugged it off thinking it was just an ordinary necklace

Someone barged in the office

"Mah friend!" A tall, handsome man entered the hall.
"Did you fought with the lady witch to get him?" Xyrus frown and flashed his red eyes to the man

"Shut up Griz!"

"Lady witch? Who is that?"
Taehyung innocently asked his mate

"No one, darling. Don't mind him. Can you please excuse us for a moment"


When Taehyung left the room, Griz laugh

"What did you do this time Your highness" Griz jokingly asked

"none of your business. Don't you ever speak of those lowly creatures again in front of my mate!"

"Wait what? Your mate? He became your mate? for real? How?"

"Enough. Now get out. I have something to do"

Griz just smirked, knowing something was off. He left the room.

"I will know what you are hiding, King of Rogues" They are friends, but actually they are not.

While on the other side of the woods, the six Royal protectors are training hard to master their powers. They need to be strong enough to fight the Ruthless Alpha.

Later that night, something happened

"No no no! not today! no no" Jimin keeps on shaking his head and crossing his fingers.

"Jebal! Not today- ugghh! shit!"

The omega crumpled his face as the pain starts to occur on his abdomen

"F*ck you! I said not today!!"

Jimin curled his body on the floor, failed to get on his bed fast. His heat has come, and the omega sees it as a bad things. If his heat will come now, he wont be able to train anymore until the full moon. He will not have enough time

"Ughhh! shhittt! Stop it already! You are not helping!" He tried to heal the pain, but it seams to not listen to his powers

"Ugh! so natural pain can't be healed? damn it!- ughh!!" Jimin silently shouted, not wanting to disturb the others who are tired from the training.

On the other room, an alpha was not in comfort
"Ugh! Why I can't even sleep!"

He get out of his room to drink some water downstairs when he smell the most sweet fragrance he could ever smell

While Jimin on the other side, tried his best to stand up and went to his drawers to find some heat suppressants

"W-where is that t-thing- damn! ughhh!"
The omega was pale and hurting when someone knocked on his door

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