Chap 28 💐

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Taehyung entered the large golden door of the castle

"Chim, what is this place again?" Jimin give him a 'Are you kidding' look

"I'm serious"

"Did you perhaps bump your head on a stone or something?"

"Just answer me midget!"

"Ouch! I'm not a midget"  Taehyung glared at him, because he is not in the mood to have fun

"Tss! You are in the Crystal Pack of the South your highness" Jimin rolled his eyes from the Taehyung's confused look. The omega just let Jimin dragged him inside

"OH MY GOSH!"  A man in an aprons saw them

"Jin Hyung! I found this bratty stubborn alien outside"  A world wide handsome man approach them whike holding his pink Spatula

"Jin hyung-" Taehyung was cut off by a pink spatula landed on his butt

"OW! What was that for?"

"You bratty kid how many times do I need to tell you that stop going out without informing me!"

"Huh? I did not went out! I just woke up there!" Taehyung was still rubbing his aching butt

"Don't give me that shit, we are not witches who can vanished and appear somewhere"


"Hyung, Taehyung is being like that since I met him outside. His being crazy. What did you feed him yesterday's dinner?"  Jimin was laughing while Jin was looking at Taehyung who's eyes wondered inside the castle. Jin can tell something is off.

"Chim, can we talk for a second?"


"Tae bear, just wait here" Taehyung just nodded and went to the large couch on the hall

"Jimin where did you exactly saw him?"

"In the market, he was like a lost child"

"What do you mean lost?"

"Well, his so confused about things, he can't even tell where he lives" Jin tilted his head

"Why hyung? is something bad happening to him?"

"huh? no, I was just thinking if some random witches played prank again with his brain since Taehyung always prank them" Jin laugh while he remembered how Taehyung became a rat for an hour because he played prank to his witches classmates back in high school

"Yeah maybe" Jimin and Jin went to Taehyung. The omega fell as sleep on the couch

"Let's wait until he wike up, maybe later he will come back to his senses"

"Jin carried Taehyung to his bed and let the poor omega sleep"


Taehyung woke up from his dream

"JUNGKOOK!" He immediately sat up on his bed remembering his husband

"I need to find him! - ugh!" His head hurts, he felt dizzy

Different faces, different events flashed on his head, both present and future events. His memory came back but the problem is that

"I don't even know now what is real and not!" A tear fell on his eyes. His scared and doesn't know what is real, is his husband real? or it was just all a dream?

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