Chap 3 💐

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Taehyung remove the white gown and open the cabinet

"oh, a lot of collection" The cabinet was full of his white gowns. Well there is a total of five wedding dress now inside the cabinet

Taehyung wore a black hoodie and some jeans with his Gucci sandals. He went out after removing his make up. His mind was not busy thinking about the wedding, instead he was thinking about how hot the boy earlier was

"How did I forgot that handsome man?"

He walked out and immediately landed his gaze to the seat where Jungkook sat earlier

'Where is he?' He looked around but no Jungkook can be seen

'He left already?' Well he was disappointed

'I thought he stayed' He just shrugged and walked back to his friends

"Where are they Chim?"

"Oh, Jin hyung got a call from his boyfriend and Hoseok hyung went for practice"


"Want some coffee?"

"No thanks Chim. I want to rest. I need to go. Thank's again"

"You're going home?"

"Nope, I'm going to my own house. Not to our house. I might get killed in no time If I went there straight after ditching the wedding"

"Yeah, better hide first" Jimin chuckled

"Your unbelievable Kim Taehyung! Now go shoo, I have to work"

"Yeah, yeah. Bye!"

Taehyung went out. He went to the parking lot to see his baby. His color purple Ferrari with no scratch. He parked it there in case he will ditch again a wedding

"Baby!" He went to his car and dramatically hug it. We went to the driver seat and open the door when a car horn getting his attention

"what now" He turned his head and saw a black Ferrari

"woah" He looked at his own Ferrari and whispered like a fool "Baby, I think I found your husband" He giggled imagining how his purple Ferrari got a Black Ferrari as his husband

The door of the other car opened and revealed the man he was looking for


"Hello Taehyung" Jungkook

"Nice car"

"Thanks, we've got the same car"

"Yeah, My baby got a husband"
Jungkook looked at him confused

"huh? your baby?"

"ah yeah, this is my baby" he brushed his hands to his Ferrari "and that is his husband!" He pointed Jungkook's car

"Oh" Jungkook crinkled his nose and chuckled

"That's a catch. By the way where are you going?"


"Isn't your parents are waiting there?"

"Nope, not that home. I'm going to my own house"

"Oh, want some company?"

"You're not busy?"

"I always have the time for you beautiful" Jungkook winked at him. Taehyung blushed from the sudden flirting scene

"Oh, Shut up!" Jungkook just laugh at the cuteness of the blushing beauty in front of him

"So? want me to join you spend some time?"

'Say say please' Jungkook was praying inside his head


Taehyung enter inside his car as well as Jungkook. They drove away. Jungkook just follow the purple Ferrari in front of his car

"This is my chance. You will be mine Taehyung. And you would not be able to ditch our wedding" He smirked as he continue driving

"Did I just allow someone to come into my house? Him being handsome is no joke. He seems nice and HOT" Taehyung giggled from his thought while driving

Not so far from Taehyung's house he noticed a black limousine waiting outside

'shit!' He opened the window of his car and signaled his hand to Jungkook that he will do U-turn

"WHY?" Jungkook shouted from his car

"THEY ARE HERE!" Jungkook understand and just nodded

"Follow me!" He closed his window and U-turned. Taehyung just follow his car

Jungkook stopped in front of a large house well maybe mansion

'woah' Taehyung was just following Jungkook. They both parked their cars in the garage

"Where are we Jungkook-ssi?"

"Home" Taehyung is not dumb, he know it is Jungkook's home

"I brought you here to rest. I know you're tired and your parents doesn't know this place so it will be your hiding place from now on" Taehyung's face lit up

"So you mean, every time I ditch a wedding I can hide here?" His childish behavior was being adored by the raven haired man in front of him

"Of course baby" Well that was a slip of tongue by Jungkook


Taehyung catches the word and blushed hard

"Baby?" Well he want to be sure about it

"uh, sorry for calling you that. You just looked like a baby"

"I do?"

"Hmm, a cute big baby" Jungkook chuckled imagining how nice the feeling if he will call Taehyung HIS baby

'baby, He called me a baby! for pete's sake I have a kink being called baby!'
Taehyung was just squealing inside


"okay?" Jungkook asked him confused

"You can call me that" The shy Taehyung fidget his fingers as he blushes

"Really? I can call you baby?"
Taehyung just nodded

'He agree to it! I can call him a baby! MY BABY!' Jungkook was cheering inside him, but still acted cool outside his body

"okay, let's go inside then 'Baby' " Jungkook winked at him. Taehyung loved the feeling while Jungkook felt proud of himself

They entered the huge house with a pink stain on their cheeks

"Woah! You've got a nice interior! And the paintings!" Jungkook was just looking at the blue haired boy exploring the paintings on the wall like it was his own home

'Where are you all this time? I wished I have found you soon enough'

"You're rich! indeed" He nodded his head from his own statement

"Can I use your guess room? I am sleepy" He cutely yawn and rubbed his eyes


"you're tired baby?" Taehyung still blushes from it but he was just too tired to mind it


"You wan't me to carry you upstairs?"
Jungkook was hesitant to ask. Well they are both strangers. Taehyung just nodded half closing his eyes. Jungkook chuckled and ruffled the beauty's hair

"Come on" He carried the sleepy Taehyung bride style

'This beauty, HIS mine NOW' Jungkook was possessive to what is his and about Taehyung, he want him

He lay Taehyung in bed, surprisingly his big baby was already asleep

'his cute' Jungkook slowly pulled the cover up and covered his baby with the blanket. He kissed the younger's forehead before he sat down beside him

'Is it fine if I will lay beside him right? or not?' He decided to stand up and and not to lay down beside him. Well they are both strangers after all. Doing cuddles is too much maybe

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