Chap 25 💐

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The sun brightly shine as the two male groaned from the loud annoying sound of the door bell

"ugh, who the fuck is that" Jungkook rubbed his eyes as he sat on the bed trying to wake his system up

"hmm ggu?" Taehyung was awaken by the lost of warm from his husband

"Someone is outside. Stay here, I'll be right back" Jungkook was about to open the door of their bedroom when Taehyung called him


"Yes baby?"

"You forgot something" Jungkook look at him in confusion
"Oh" Jungkook went back to Taehyung and kissed his husband's lips, then walk back again at the door


"Yes baby? Wait there, don't worry I'll pamper you with kisses when I'll get back"

"ugh! Im not asking for it, but its fine Ill love it BUT what I am trying to say is, wear some clothes! YOU ARE NAKED FOR PETE'S SAKE" Taehyung burst in laughter

Jungkook looked at his body and Yes, his naked. He immediately grabbed his robe and throw a pillow on Taehyung's face before he dash out the room

"YAHH! how dare you throw the pillow on my beautiful face!" He was about to jump on the bed and run after Jungkook when he felt his butt hurts

"Damn! he was hars. Ow!" He slowly sat on the bed, still wincing from the pain  "UGH! Better not to get up"
He nod his bead as he went back lying  on the bed

Taehyung almost dozed off when he heard a loud thud coming from the outside

"Wait, did Ggukie stumbled on the stairs?" He shrugged it off and closes his eyes again

His ears perked as gun shots was heard downstairs

"Jungkook" Not minding the pain he is feeling down his butt, he jolted up and rushed down to find his husband

"Jungkook!" He can't find him, so he went to the living room. The living room was a mess, broken vases, broken table, everything was not in place

"Stay right there!" Jungkook  mouthed as he sees Taehyung approaching him. He doesn't want the men to notice Taehyung's appearance.

Taehyung look scared and shock as he sees so many men fighting with Jungkook. But more than that he felt anger inside him 'How could they hurt what's mine' He clenched his fist and tighten his jaw as bloods necame visible to Jungkook's body

"Stop!"  Everyone's attention was now on him. Jungkook signaled him to stop, but Taehyung seems not listening

"Oh... Look what we have here. Hello Princess" A tall handsome man stands up from the chair and walk to Taehyung   "Park Mingjae!" Taehyung greeted his teeth as the man walk up to him.

But before Minjae get more closer to Taehyung, Jungkook stand in front of Taehyung protecting his husband

"Don't you dare stay close"  Minjae stopped and looked at Jungkook

"Jeon, Jeon, Jeon... look at you, full of cuts, sorry for ruining your face BUT well yeah, I'm not sorry at all. How dare you took what's mine"

"I never took what's yours!"

"Really? How about snatching that important deal with the Canadian investors? My company almost went bankrupt because of you! You even took my position in the most successful business company in Korea! and because of that my father almost disowned me! How dare you ruin all my plan!"

"I did not took anything! Well, thats what you call success Minjae. Just accept the fact that I am so much better than you"

"Better than me? you wish! Jeon! Now I am making things right"

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