Chap 17 💐

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Jungkook was laughing hard, while Taehyung was glaring at him

"Why you are here?" He was still sending death glares to Jungkook

"Aw, baby, you don't missed me? ouch" He acted as if he was really hurt

"Shut up" Taehyung stand up and rubbed his aching butt

"Well you disappeared out of nowhere and why is that?" He raised his one eyebrow

"Tss! How did you find me?" He now crossed his arms on his chest and raised his eye brow

"You just choose to stay inside MY hotel" Jungkook sat on the bed grinning


"This is my hotel baby. Next time if you want to hide baby, better choose wisely" He wink at Taehyung

"Huh! congrats for finding me" He sat on the bed and took his laptop to pause the movie

"Why you didn't told me? Why did you suddenly think of going to a hotel?" Jungkook went at the back of Taehyung and wrapped his arms around Taehyung's waist. Jungkook's legs was on the both side of Taehyung


"Just? Baby, what if something happened to you? Next time tell me. Okay?"

"Yeah yeah"

"Hey, are you still mad at me? Baby sorry" He placed his head on Taehyung's shoulder

"I'm not mad. I'm pissed"

"Aw, baby, I am really really sorry. I was just so busy. Sorry" He kissed Taehyung's nape multiple times, even if Taehyung is blushing right now but he remained frowning

"You did not help me planned! I hate you" He closed the laptop and placed it on the table beside the bed

"Baby, I will help you no matter what. Just don't worry about it anymore. Trust me"

"No thanks. I've got my plan"
Jungkook turned Taehyung to face him

"You've got a plan? what is it?" He pouted. Jungkook then pinched Taehyung's cheeks "and stop glaring. You're too cute to handle"

"It's a secret for you- Yah! let go!" Taehyung rubbed his cheeks

"I love you baby"

"Yeah, yeah, sure"

"I am not joking. I really love you"

"Oh, thank you. I love my self too" He flip his hair and was about to stand up but Jungkook was fast enough

"What? let me go"

"Nope. Not until you forgive me baby" He pulled Taehyung and pinned him on the bed

"Get off me Jeon!"

"Make me Mrs. Jeon" Taehtung blushes from what Jungkook called him

"huh! I got you! are you blushing baby?"

"Shut up! I am not! Now get off!"

"Nope" He lean closer. Taehyung felt his cheeks became hot like burning

'Shit!' Taehyung felt his dick twitch from the sudden friction from Jungkook's cock above him

"Get off faster"

"Why?" Jungkook smired, cause he felt how Taehyung's dick twitch
"You need my help baby?"

"Shut up!" Jungkook was about to kiss Taehyung when someone knock on their door

"Who's that Fuckin' cock blocker!"
Jungkook stand up pissed

"I'm gonna thank who ever that person was" He laugh as he went to the bathroom do calm his 'little problem'

"WHAT!" Jungkook opened the door harshly

"Sir Jeon. Your father called, since your phone is turned off. He said they just arrive in Seoul. They will be staying at your house, so kindly pick them at the Airport right now "


"Okay, thank's manager Lee"

Well Jungkook's parent went to Seoul cause they are invited to Taehyung's so called wedding. His ditching marathon next day

"I guess I can't score right now" He frowned and walked inside

"Who was that?" Taehyung went out from the bathroom after calming his little angry taetae down there

"Manager Lee. Come on. We need to pick mom and dad at the airport right now"

"This late? Why?"

"Cause they are invited to your wedding remember?"
Taehyung rolled his eyes

"Yah! You're saying it like you wanted me really to get married!" He pouted, Jungkook just smiled at him and ruffled his hair

"With me? Yes. With someone? Nope! Never"


"Come on. Fix your stuffs"

"Why should I need to come with you? They are your parents!" Taehyung fixed him self after fixing his stuffs

"Well-" Jungkook poked Taehyung's nose "-cause you are there favorite son after all"
Taehyung blushes

"Yeah, They love me more than you"
He stick his tongue out

"It's fine with me. As long as you love me, thats all it matters baby" He winked as he saw how red Taehyung's cheeks was

"Shut up! Let's go already!" He carried his bag and went out living Jungkook behind who's laughing at him

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