Chap 2 💐

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"Do you Jacson Wang, accept Kim Taehyung as your lawful husband?"

I simply turned my head to my side and there they are. Bunch of security. Well I'm the famous Run-Away bride after all

"I do"

I looked at the guests and saw a familiar pink haired man. I smirked knowing I have back up

"Do you Kim Taehyung, accept Jackson Wang as your lawful husband"

Everyone was looking at me, waiting for an answer. My mom was glaring at me

'mom and dad well, guess what?'

"I-" I signalled Jin. Jin stand up and shouted



The guest frantically stand up and run every where. I smirked and looked at the priest

"I guess, I don't father" I smiled before I dashed out

A black BMW stopped in front of me

"Hop on!"

"Thanks Jin hyung!" We leave the church immediately

"Hello Hoseok hyung! Thanks"

"Welcome Taebear!"

"That was intense!" Jin fan himself

"Where are we heading?"

"Let's go to Jimin. I have my clothes there"

Well another exhausting day. My mother might kill me this time. Well who cares! I don't want to marry someone I don't even know


It's been a month since I last saw that stunning pretty bride. Well to admit, I want him. Destiny just sent me someone who caught my attention fully, but why can't I see him now? where is that beauty?

I am here now again inside the coffee shop where I last saw Taehyung. I am hoping to see him again. But I always failed. The door opened, I did not bother to look, until I heard a familiar name

"KIM FUCKIN' TAEHYUNG! Did you again ditch your wedding?"
The orange haired man furiously shouted at Taehyung

'His wearing a wedding dress again. How I love those curves'

"Don't be surprise Chim, Taebear always does that" a pink haired man said while sitting on the couch inside the shop. They all now sat on the couch and faced each other

"You are crazy Taehyung! Your mother will surely going to kill you! This is the fifth wedding you ditched!"

So this pretty boy is a skilled bride who likes to run away. His interesting. That is good, ditched every wedding and wait for me

"Duh! Who cares. I don't care. That Jackson guy is not so good. I don't like his aura it's scarry"

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Now why this two is with you?"

"Well, we help him Chim"

"Really? what trick you did this time?"
The 'Chim' guy raised his eyebrows

"We shout snakeu!"

"Snake? in side the Church? you guys are beyond my expectation" The boy laugh as well us the others

"No I need to change! I am itching from this dress"

Taehyung stand up and went to my direction. He passed beside me to go to the staff room. I watched his soft open back as he walked sassily

'his hot'

He stopped on his track and turned around. He looked at me- Wait is he looking at me?

"Wait, you are familiar. Where did I saw you Mr?" He walked towards me and sat on the stool in front of me

"Hello Taehyung"

"You know me??" I scratched my eyebrows and nodded. I got to see his angelic face again


"Well, I saw you here the other month. Wearing a bridal dress"

"Oh! I remember! Jungkook right? Hello nice to see you again!" He smiled widely and lean his hand


"Ugh, handshake?"

"Oh sorry" I lean forward my hand and shake his hand

'So soft'

"I gotta go Jungkook-ssi, My dress is so itchy. Bye"

"Bye" I watched him walked away

'I want him'

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