Chap 19 💐

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Many days have passed, everyone seems so busy with their own businesses in life. ESPECIALLY, a certain blue haired boy 'Taehyung'

"Damn! I'm so fuckin' hot" He looked at his reflection on the large mirror in front of him

"What a waste" He pouted as he touched the fabric of his so beautiful white gown, WHICH he is wearing right now. Today is the day, his 'ditching marathon' of the year. Among all his weddings, this maybe the hardest to ditch

"I'm sure after this, mom will totally kill me this time" He crinkled his nose and pouted even more. Almost all of the well-known person in business will be attending. This will surely cause the media to flood over the reception

This time the reception is not inside the Church. Luckily, cause Taehyung won't like the feeling running away from a sacred place

"Stop pouting! You will ruin the make up" Taehyung just rolled his eyes to Jimin   "I'll go now. The ceremony will be starting"

"Tss! As if" Jimin just chuckled and left him

'okay, relax. The exits are open so we will be fine. Right?' He breathed out 'or not?' His thoughts was interrupted when his phone buzzed


"Hello baby, are you alright?"

"tss! where are you?"

"I'm already inside the venue, everyone does. We are all waiting for your grand entrance baby" Jungkook chuckled from the other line

"hate you!"  Jungkook only laughed at him

"love you too"

"whatever!" He ended the phone call. His pissed right now

'How could that bastard not help me, ugh!'

"Mr. Kim? It's time" Taehyung nodded and breathed. A woman went to Taehyung and lifted his heavy gown, helping him to position himself behind the large wooden door. Behind the large door was all the guest, all rich people ready to see the bride

'gosh! this is harder than I thought!'

"Ready?" The woman asked Taehyung

"No choice. Let's get it on!" He straightened his head at composed his trembling knees. The woman signaled the two men to open the entrance of the hall

'This is it! We can do this!'
A wonderful music played as Taehyung entered the hall, walking to the purple carpet with so much  flowers on it. His trying his best not to melt from all the stares. He scanned the place as he walked down. A lot of rich people are there, smiling towards him. His eyes landed to a certain man at the end of the aisle smiling at him

'huh! Kai Chua, you're lame!'

He did not smiled back. He's mad at that boy. The guy just ruined his day

'smile all you want cause I will not gonna marry you asshole! never'

Taehyung's gazed went to a certain ravenette standing at the end of the  aisle beside Kai Chua aka. his 'fake future husband'. The raventte was grinning at him

'This bastard. Why did they picked him as my best man! Gosh!'

Taehyung smiled as he saw what Jungkook was wearing. It was the white tuxedo he picked for the ravenette

'His hot on that white tuxedo' Jungkook was looking directly at his eyes. They gave each other a warm smile not minding everyone. Though Taehyung was still pissed to Jungkook for not helping him planned, but he can't help not to smile. His proud right now, his mind is screaming 'mine' 'That hot man, IS MINE!'

Taehyung walked until he reached the end of the aisle. The hall was decorated with the purple and gold theme. It was an elegant celebration

Taehyung's smiled dropped down quickly as he again saw his future fake husband smiling at him

"may I?" Kai Chua extended his hand, signaling Taehyung to hold his hand

'Gosh! Can I just punch you!' He forced to smile and gave Jungkook a sly glance   'Why this bastard is smiling! Is he happy I am going to get married today?'

Taehyung extended his hand as well and placed it to  Kai's hand. Kai was holding his hand giving it a light squeeze


"Why?"  He's made himself not to sound rude, BUT damn! it is hard

"Are you ready?"

"I guess?" He cockily said. Kai was still smiling at him

"Okay" Kai turned around and extended his hand as well

"Ready bro?"


"Good" Taehyung was frowning right now

"What are you doing?" He can't seem to understand why Kai needs Jungkook's hand as well

"Are you planning on marrying him as well?" Taehyung jokingly  asked Kai. The crowd laugh from his silliness

'Damn! I am not joking' He thought and watched Jungkook put his hand on Kai's palm 'This is crazy!' 

Kai is now holding both of their hand with Taehyung's hand on his right and Jungkook's hand on his left

"Yah! are you crazy?"

"Nope. Not me, he is" Hi pointed his head to the grinning Jungkook

"Now, since you two have a matching attire? I should make you two stand beside each other. What do you think Jungkook-ssi?"

"That sounds nice" Taehgung right now was clueless as fuck. Kai put Taehyung's hand on Jungkook, before he walked beside Jungkook on the other side

"What? Are we playing a game right now?" Frown did not leave Taehyung's forehead

"Relax baby. I'm helping you out"
Jungkook whispered to the younger's ear


"Just wait" He winked at Taehyung and turned his head to the person who will conduct the wedding  "You may start" The man nodded

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