Chap 23 💐

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"Boss! We lost them"


"They went to Hawaii. We lost track on them. We were not able to follow them" A strong punch landed on the man's face

"HOW DARE YOU REPORT FAILURE TO ME!" The man bowed down to his angry boss

"Send men to Hawaii. Don't let that Fuckin Jeon enjoy everything and have what's mine"

"Yes Boss!"

"I will win this time Jungkook!" An evil smirk form on the man's face


Jungkook looked at his adorable Taehyung on his side sleeoing soundly

'Thank you baby for making me happy' He kissed Taehyung's forehead and smiled

"Sir Jeon, we have just landed. The car is waiting for you two outside" An FA said while glancing on the sleeping tiger beside his boss

"His gorgeous. Congratulations Sir Jeon"

"Thanks" the woman walked away

"Baby? Wake up. We are here"


"Come on. Yeah?"

"am stwil sweeppy" Taehyung mumbled still not opening his eyes. Jungkook cooed at his cutey tiger

"aw. Come on" Jungkook removed the pillows from Taehyung and carried his wife. Taehyung wrapped his arms unto Jungkook's neck

"You are heavy" Jungkook joked around. Taehyung hit his arm and pouted

"I'm not! I hate you!" Taehyung mumbled from Jungkook's neck

"aw my baby hates me? Really? You are not heavy. Who said you are heavy?" Jungkook knows Taehyung likes baby talks. So he often do this to his cute adorable baby


"Me? I did not"

"You did!" Taehyung again hit his husband on the head

"Ow!" Taehyung chuckled and Jungkook pouted

"that hurts"

"I know. Sorry sweetheart" Taehyung leaned closed to Jungkook's ear and whispered "Not sorry" They both chuckled from their own silliness

Jungkook and Taehyung arrived at ther car. Since Taehyung is still sleepy he continued sleepung inside the car, as well as Jungkook. After a not so long ride. They arrived at the rest house they are staying

"This is beautiful!!!!" Taehyung immediately get out of the car and was mesmerised by the peaceful environment at the rest house. He almost forgot that he is with his husband

"Hey baby!"


"Don't forget you are still wearing your wedding gown" Jungkook laugh as he saw how taehyung was about to run around the huge garden

"tss!" Jungkook went to Taehyung and carried him inside thehouse

"No one is here except us" Jungkook said out of the blue

"And what are you implying Mr. JEON?" Jungkook smirked at him

"I just wanted to say that, we can be loud as much as we want" Jungkook smirked as Taehyung went red from it

"Shut up! You horny asshole"

(AU: I am still debating if I am gonna write a whole smut here about their honeymoon)

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