Chap 41 💐

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Ji Hyun greeted her teeth seeing her sister. She pinned Hae Kyo on the wall  while he gripped the lady's neck tightly

Ji Hyun was mad at Hae Kyo, because when their mother died, Hae Kyo become the head Witch of the the witches territory, but she is not mad aboht that. What she is mad is how her sister acted after the coronation.

They used to be bestfriend. They used to be best bud. They love each other more than anything, but when Hae Kyo became the head, their bond broked.

Hae Kyo started to act different and mistreated her inside their pack. Being the younger she doesn't have enough power to fight back. Until Hae Kyo kicked her out of the witches territory.

Ji Hyun went stray in the woods, did not know what to do, until she left with no choice but to go to the other side, in the bad witches territory.

Luckily the head witch pity the young witch, though she knows the young girl was the daughter of the late White Head Witch

"g-got not more strength? You're weak Ji hyun" Hae Kyo kick her atomach ang waved her hand make Ji hyun landed on the other side of the wall. Luckily the black witch immediately regained her balance

Ji Hyun vanished and appeared in front of Hae Kyo. She slapped the lady as she extended her hands to scratched Hae Kyo's chest, but Hae Kyo turned his back which resulted for Ji Hyun to rip Hae  Kyo's clothes at the back part

"This shit-" he was about to turned around to kick Ji Hyun away but unexpectedly Ji Hyun held her back tight doing something at his back

She tried covering her back with her power but Ji Hyun won't let her. Ji Hyun seems looking at something at her back

'where is that mark?' Ji Hyun thought

"Let go!"  But instead of letting go Ji Hyun Rip off the back of Hae Kyo's dress completely

"You Fucking shit!"

"Who are you?" Ji hyun asked her sister, who seems not listening to her

"I SAID WHO ARE YOU! You are not my sister!"

Hae Kyo just smirked at her

"Show your self! Who the fuck are you!"

Hae Kyo pussed Ji Hyun and waved her hands to change her dress into something nice using her power

"What are you talking about. I don't know what you are talking about, Ji Hyun"

" I SAID WHO ARE YOU! Impostor!"

Ji Hyun know that lady is not her sister. Hae Kyo and Ji Hyun has this mark which looks like a butterfly. The left wings of the butterfly is on Hae Kyo's back, while the right wings of it was on Ji Hyuns back. Their mother placed this mark on them to serve as proof if ever something like this happened in the future

Hae Kyo laughed evilly

"aww, you noticed? How sweet"

Hae Kyo completely changed his appearance shocking Ji Hyun and the members who saw it

"Long time no see"

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