Chap 29 💐

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Jimin dragged Taehyung to the wide long table where Their parents was sitting

"Luna, here is Taehyung"

"Oh sweetie, come here meet  Jin's mate. Namjoon- I mean Head alpha Namjoon" Namjoon smiled at the luna and extended his hands to Taehyung

"Hello Prince Taehyung" Taehyung take his hand and do a handshake

"Hello Head Alpha Namjoon, can I call you hyung? you can call me Tae also. I don't like too formal"

"Oh sure, me too" Namjoon laugh a bit. While Jimin and Jin was exchanging glares, well Jimin's eyes was teasing his Hyung, and Jin was glaring at him. Jin can't take the glaring battle anymore and he talk to Jimin through their mind links

"You little shit! behave your self!"

"What? I did  not do anything hyung"

"stop wiggling your eyebrows you look like a fool!"

"Yiee, your mate is handsome hyung congratulations!!"

"Shut up! stop making fun of me!"

"I'm not! Hyung stop blushing, your mate might get scared!"

"Shut up"

"Tss! Not me hyung, your cheeks is soooo red like a tomato, like a ketchup, like an apple, like a-"

"OW!"  Jin kick Jimin's foot under the table

"You okay sweetie?" Jimin looked at his mother and nodded and fake a smile even if his foot was hurting like hell

"ow hyung!" Jin was laughing internally, well he's not mad he was just so overwhelmed

The table which composed of Taehyung, Jimin, and Namjoon's family was busy chatting about random stuffs, when Taehyung's father, Jimin and Namjoon's father excused their selves to talk about some important matters. (Jin was Taehyung's cousin but he treat Taehyung's parents as his parents since both of his parents was already dead from the war many years ago)

later on there are people who arrived on their Table

"Luna Min! Luna Jeon Oh gosh! Hello" Taehyung's mother stand up and greet the Luna of the Meteor Pack. Namjoon and Jimin's mother also followed

"Nice to meet you again beautiful ladies" They laugh and talk about who knows what about

While NamJin was busy on their own world, Jimin was busy admiring a certain male with a mint hair

"Soon that man will surely vanish from your stare"

"Shut up alien"

Taehyung just rolled his eyes and looked at the man who can only make his heart beats went crazy

"ggukie" Taehyung whispered as he saw HIS husband smiling while talking to his group of friends. The omega frowned as he saw a girl went near HIS husband. Taehyung's blood was boiling while watching how the girls hands was on HIS husband's lap

'You gotta be kidding me!'

"Tae Bear, you might break that fork into half. Who are you glaring at?"

"Some bitch" Taehyung stand up and walk towards the...

door, he can't just stand how that girl's hand was on HIS husband's lap and sometimes on HIS husband's arms clinging

'Are they insane? In front of me? well  he forgot about me... BUT STILL!!! I am HIS fucking husband!' Taehyung went straight to the balcony and brushed his fingers to his hair. His eyes was shining not because his happy, but because his mad! His ocean blue eyes became dark as his hands was shaking wanting to throw something to release his anger

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