Chap 34 💐

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"Hae Kyo" the four boys said it silently, trying their best not to make others know that they know the lady in front of them

Hae Kyo noticed the alpha's reaction (except Hoseok), she smiled at them but when she noticed a certain omega having the same reaction with the alphas, she frowned  'Why does he recognise me?'   But her frown vanished immediately not wanting to get any attention

"Hello boys, welcome to the witches territory. I bet you are tired" Hae Kyo look at her granddaughter "Raquiza? Kindly show them their rooms for them to rest and mend their wounds"
The four boys wanted to protest as they badly want to ask Hae Kyo a LOT of questions but the Witch said

"Later boys, later. For now take some rest and we will talk later" Hae kyo motioned Raquiza to escort the boys outside the room

"Taehyung-ssi? May I talk to you for a second?" Taehyung's ears perked when he heard his name. He was dying to talk to the lady. Hae Kyo called him, because she wanted to know if Taehyung remembers anything from the future

"Sure" When everyone was already out from the room Taehyung faced the lady

"Why? Why am I the only one who is able to remember things?" At that moment Hae Kyo knows that the omega still remember things from the future

"Why does Jungkook forget about me? about US? What are we doing here exactly?"

"You still remember things?" Hae Kyo calmly ask, while she pours some Tea on her tea cup

"Hell Yeah! Explain everything cause I can't really connect things on my own!" Taehyung was fuming in anger, not understanding why these things are happening to him

"I bet you have a lot of questions. Okay, before I answer those. You should change your clothes first and treat your wounds, because our talk later will be long"  Taehyung frowned

"NO! I want you to answer me now! This instant!" Hae Kyo put back the tea cup and look at Taehyung

"Clean first your wounds and rest a bit so that your wolf can mend your cuts and I bet your wolf is tired. I promise we will talk later" Taehyung look at the lady wanting to defeat Hae Kyo's decision, but later he gave up seeing no sign of winning from the witch's firm eyes

"Fine!" He pouted and stand up going outside the room. The omega saw no one outside, and he need to go to his room but doesn't know where it is
"Raquiza!" The witch appeared in front of Taehyung

"Yes Tae?"

"Can you show me my room?"

"Sure! This way please" Raquiza gave Taehyung a quick tour inside the house while they are heading to the omega's room

"All you need is inside the closet. Those clothes are all yours. Just tell me if you need anything, maybe I can help with my magic" She winked at Tae while waving his finger
"Bye! Take a rest first"

Taehyung sigh before he went to the bathroom to wash up and clean his cuts

On the other side, Raquiza went to her grandma

"Did you sent them all to their rooms?"
Raquiza nodded as she went to the seat and sat down while munching some grapes from the fruit basket on the table

"Good" Raquiza grin as she taught of something

"Bye G!" Raquiza vanished, while Hae Kyo just shook her head knowing where her granddaughter will go

"Stubborn witch, just dont scare the poor alpha" Hae Kyo smiled as he went outside her room and went upstairs.

On the other room, there was the three alpha talking about things

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