Chap 5 💐

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Taehyung was inside his mother's office listening to his mom's sermon

"Taehyung! If you run away this time I will surely kill you"

'yeah yeah sure go ahead' He was used to it. His mom always say it but his mom loves him so much so it surely was a lie

"What now mom?"

"You need to marry Mr. Chua's son. Kai Chua of Chua Airline Company"

'WHAT? again?'


"No buts. The wedding is next month. We will lock the venue for you not to run away again. The media was eager to film you running away"

"Well I'm hot in dress" He joked as his mom glared at him

"dismiss" He went out with a frown eyebrows

'Stupid wedding! Now how am I going to ditch it next week?'


Jungkook went inside his house confused. The light were all on, indicating someone was inside. He walked inside and saw a sleeping Taehyung on the couch

"baby" He went close and caressed the younger's cheek

'I can get used to this. Going home from work being welcome by this pretty angel at home. How nice' He bend down and kissed the younger's forehead. Taehyung seems to feel the presence. He opened his eyes and saw Jungkook staring at him

"Ggu? you're home! hello" He smiled and sat down

'ggu. I love it'

"Hello baby. Is something wrong? why you're here?" Taehyung frowned

"It's MY hideout!" Jungkook chuckled at the pouting beauty

"Yeah, It is your hideout after all. You can call this your home, if you like"

"But it is yours"

"Then call it OUR home" Jungkook winked and Taehyung blushed

'our home? I love it' Taehyung thought

"Shut up!" Jungkook became serious all of a sudden

"Now tell me the truth. What is bothering you?" Taehyung sigh

"I need to ditch another wedding next month. Help me okay?"

"Another wedding? to whom?"

"Kai Chua"


"Yah, help me. Mom said she will lock the exits for me not to runaway again" Jungkook frowned from the thought of his baby marrying someone not him

"I'll help you don't worry"



"Let's eat pizza" He tuned his head to Jungkook and gave the older his boxy smile

"You like pizza?"


"I'll change first. You make a call and order what you want"

"Okay" Jungkook stand up at the same time Taehyung stand up also. This made them faced each other, only inches apart.

"hmm" It was an awkward situation. They are standing against each other not moving just staring

"ahh, I need to go to the bathroom" Taehyung looked down and was about to passed Jungkook's side when a hand grabbed his wrist

"Baby" It was a husky voice from Jungkook. Taehyung felt shiver down his body

Taehyung looked up and meet Jungkook's black orbs. The pull was strong. They got lost from the real world. Jungkook nonchalantly lean down to the younger's soft lips. Taehyung caught off guard by the sudden interaction. Jungkook kissed Taehyung. The younger was still frozen in his spot, but later on he responded the kiss. They taste each other's sweetness not minding what really is happening. They both pulled out from the kiss and stared each other's eyes. Taehyung blinked several times and gasped

'Did we just'

Jungkook's senses got back. He stared the frozen Taehyung in front of him

"I-I need to c-change" Jungkook nervously said

"Ah, y-yeah" They both awkwardly separate ways still blushing

Taehyung run to the bathroom and stared at the mirror. He touches his lips

'We kissed' He doesn't know why he is not mad. He even smiled. He keep smiling until a knock on the door was heard

"Taehyung? are you still in there? The pizza arrived already" Jungkook asked concerned. Well he just kissed the younger without his permission

'Taehyung? why he called me Taehyung? not baby? Did he regret kissing me?' Taehyung's mind was confused

Jungkook wan't to call him baby but it seems wrong right now. He doesn't want to look like a possessive fool towards someone who is not HIS . Someone obviously who doesn't want to be his

"Taehyung?" He knock again

"Y-yeah I'm coming" Taehyung looked at his face lastly and sadly smiled. He went out the bathroom and put a fake smile, wanting to hide his confusion

Jungkook saw Taehyung walking towards him 'Do I need to say sorry?' He shake his head 'No, it will look like you regretted it Jungkook. I don't regret the kiss'

"Hey" Taehyung casually said like nothing happened and sat beside him

'Does the kiss means nothing to him?' Jungkook was looking at him confused. Taehyung felt Jungkook's stares but choose to not mind it

"Taehyung about earlier-" Taehyung again did not like how Jungkook is calling him now he want BABY! not his name

"shh, If you are going to apologize no please" He focused his attention to the pizza and eat some

'Please don't apologize ggu. Not now'

"Taehyung if you are angry-"

"Stop. I'm not angry or what"

"Taehyung look at me-" Taehyung can't take it anymore. He want Jungkook to call him HIS BABY

"What?" Taehyungs gaze was seems sad and Jungkook did not failed to notice it

"Are you mad?" Taehyung seems cold right now and surely mad at him. He doesn't know what to say

"I'm not mad. Just let's not talk about it" Taehyung is disappointed right now, very

"o-okay" The atmosphere was awkward but they care less. It was scary to talk make a conversation right now

Taehyung looked at his watch, it was past 10pm already

"I need to go. It's getting late" He stand up and grabbed his bag

"You can stay here Tae"

'Tae again!' He hates it!

"I'll get going" He walked towards the door. Jungkook doesn't know what to do

'His really mad' He walked Taehyung till outside. Taehyung enter inside his car did not bother to look at Jungkook, he is MAD

"Take care Tae" Jungkook said, Taehyung only nodded and went away

"Take care baby" He clinched his fist. He was disappointed by himself

"Ugh!" He kicked the gate as he went inside

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