Chap 15 💐

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Jungkook's parents together with the TaeKook and Yoonmin sat on the living room and chat

"Taehyung sweetie, thank you for ditching your weddings, because if you did not, Jungkook might not able to have you" Taehyung blushes and smiled shyly

"Well, I have a ditching marathon again to attend"

"Ditching marathon?"

"Oh, I mean wedding mom. I need to ditch another weeding next week"
Jungkook's parent's frowned as well as the YoonMin

"With whom?"

"Mr. Chua's Son. I need a plan, mom said she will lock the exits this time" He chuckled together with the other who chuckled also

"Guess I will be witnessing your plan sweet heart"


"We are invited to that wedding. Your guests was no joke dear. You better plan it hard" She winked at Taehyung

"Yeah I guess"

"Jungkook is their best man also" Taehyung looked at Jungkook confused

"Yes, baby. I am your best man"

"Woah, congrats" Everyone laugh from Taehyung's statement

'Go laugh. While I'm here becoming crazy thinking how to ditch that fuckin' wedding' He thought as he pouted

"Don't worry dear. Jungkook will help you"

"I hope so" He glared at Jungkook

They all talked different stuffs, until they noticed it was quite late. They both head upstairs to their rooms

"Baby, are you tired?"

"a little" He sat on the bed. Jungkook went to the bed and sat beside Taehyung. Taehyung went close to him and snuggled on his chest

"I love you" Jungkook was caught off guard. He did not expect Taehyung to said those words out of no where. This is the first time he heard the younger said it to him. He smiled and blushed a little

"Really?" Taehyung nodded

"I love you too baby. So so much"
Taehyung looked at him with a frown

"Now, cause you love me so much, create a plan on how to ditch my wedding!" He crilossed his arms and glared at Jungkook. Jungkook shook his head and chuckled. He ruffled Taehyung's hair

"Cute" He pinched Taehyung's nose "Don't worry I would not let you be married to someone not me"

"You better be Jeon!" He huffed

"Of course Mrs. Jeon" Jungkook winked at him. He went on top of Taehyung, pinning the younger's wrist beside his head on the bed

"H-hey! get off me!" Taehyung blushes well cause their position is a little bit awkward

"make me baby" He whispered to the younger's ear huskily. Jungkook slowly put his lips on top to Taehyung's. The younger gladly accepted the kiss as he responded making them move in sync. The two just make out inside the room, before they decided to stop and laugh together like fools

"Let's sleep ggukie" Jungkook hummed and spooned Taehyung

"Good night baby"

"Good night sweet heart"


Taehyung and Jungkook went back to Korea from Paris. Jungkook got busy on his work, while Taehyung was busy since the said wedding is fast approaching. It will be just days from now. He can't think of any plan! Both Taehyung and Jimin already told their friends about their boyfriends

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