Chap 20 💐

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Taehyung was confused. He couldn't understand why Jungkook stands beside him and held his hand instead of Kai Chua

'What the fuck is happening!'
Jungkook just gave him a warm smile.
Every details was  still processing on Taehyung's head, UNTIL he heard those words that made his heart about to explode

"Jeon Jungkook, do you accept Kim Taehyung as your lawful wedded husband?"

"I do" Jungkook turn to Taehyung and smiled

"Kim Taehyung, do you accept Jeon Jungkook as your lawful wedded husband?"

Everyone- when I say EVERYONE, I mean really everyone was looking at him. The guest, his parents, the media standby, especially JUNGKOOK

Everyone was patiently waiting for his answer. After all his the famous runaway bride. The guests already know about him being the famous Runaway bride of the Kim's estate. Jungkook was nervous right now

'What if his going to ditch this again? What if he doesn't want to marry me? Am I too fast? Did I surprise him? or what!!!' Jungkook was freaking out inside him

"Baby?" Jungkook called Taehyung's attention since the younger was still in shock


"His asking you" Jungkook signaled the one who is conducting their wedding to do it again

"I repeat. Do you Kim Taehyung, accept Jeon Jungkook to be your lawful wedded husband?"
The venue was quiet as fuck

'GOSH! Is this real? Am I really gonna marry Jungkook?' He looked at Kai at Jungkook's back, the man just nodded at him. His gaze went back to the smiling Jungkook

'Am I dreaming or what?' Taehyung turned his gaze to his parents. His mom, well she is glaring at him but half smiling. His dad was there making a thumbs-up signal. His eyes landed to the Jeons, Jungkook's parents. They nodded and smiled at him

'Wait! I need to say I DO right? GOSH! I'm nervous!'
He turned his gaze back to the man in front conducting the wedding. His ready to say those words

"I D-"

A loud thud was heard at the back. The large door opened harshly, as a man in black entered the venue

"Stop this fuckin' wedding! Give me the bride!"    The man was holding a gun. His face was covered by a mask

Everyone was frozen for a while, but they immediately went back to their senses when everyone realized that they are attending the wedding of the famous runaway bride in town. Mrs. Kim, Taehyung's mother already told everyone that they might witness some sort of 'action' during the wedding since it was a surprise wedding and Taehyung was not expecting it. Everyone knows except Taehyung, that this wedding was Jeon & Kim's

Instead to felt scared, the guest was amazed to witness the actual scene on how the famous bride ditch a wedding. No one was scared now  instead they laugh from the plan, even Jungkook was laughing

"Baby, you've got a nice plan"
Jungkook was still chuckling beside Taehyung

"Get out already! Taehyung doesn't need you anymore!" One of the guest shouted

"Yeah! His marrying his boyfriend! Get out" A girl from the guest exclaimed also. The man in black was frowning as hell

"I am not here to play a prank! Give me the bride or I'll  kill the groom!"
Still no one was  paying attention to him. They all turned their heads back to Taehyung hoping to continue the ceremony

BUT their eyebrows went furrowed when they saw how Taehyung was trembling and frowning in front 'His scared!'

Taehyung looked at Hoseok
'What is happening?' He mouthed at him. Hoseok from a far was still clueless. He just shook his head cause he doesn't  know either

'What the heck! Hoseok Hyung is sitting at the guest chair, then who is this man?'  Taehyung was freakin' out now. Hoseok was supposed to be the one who will execute the plan, BUT since it was all planed as surprise Hoseok did not do their plan, no need to ditch anyways. BUT why their is still a gun man there

Jungkook felt Taehyung's aura changed

"Baby? You okay?"

"W-what is happening?" Jungkook frowned

"What do you mean? Come on, send that man away. You doesn't need to ditch OUR wedding anyways" He jokingly said, but Taehyung is not buying any of it

"I d-don't know him!" Taehyung tightened his grip unto Jungkook's hand

"What? What do you mean?"

Everyone was frozen again when a loud bang was heard echoing the venue

The man pulled the trigger and hit the floor to gain everyone's attention

"Give me the fuckin' bride! I'm only giving you 3 seconds" Everyone gasped

"3" Everyone was still frozen

"2" Everyone looked at Taehyung

"1" The man pointed the gun unto Jungkook

"His mine! Only mine! How dare you!" The man pulled the trigger still pointing on Jungkook

Everyone gasped as a loud bang again echoed around



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