Chapter 17🔞

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Today was pretty much a lazy day for Jimin. Since the human came into contact with that woman from the museum, Namjoon and the other vampires became even more paranoid. They've been sending out the younger vampires out for news about the vampire queen and Irene, but so far they've come up with nothing. They never let Jimin leave by himself anymore. It's always one of them coming with him and Jimin is frankly tired of just sitting around waiting for someone to come and attack him and his friends. Since he was by himself, he decided to take a quick shower; he grew tired waiting of waiting up for his vampire lovers. So he got out of bed and went to the bathroom, taking off all of his clothes and turning on the shower. He hopped in and moaned at the feeling of the hot water. He put his head upset the water and grabbed the shampoo, not knowing that someone just arrived.

     Hoseok sighed, taking his jacket off and hanging it up on the jacket hanger by the door.
     "Hey Hobi!" Hueningkai smiled.
     "Hey Kai! Have you seen Jiminie?" the red eyes vampire asked the other vampire, who pointed to the hallway.
     "I think I heard him go into the bathroom to take a shower." Kai answered and Hoseok nodding, leaving the younger boy and walking towards Jimin's bathroom. He quietly opened the door and noticed Jimin in the shower, suddenly deciding to join the petit human. Hoseok stripped himself of all his clothes and smirked, happy that Jimin didn't notice him yet. The pink haired boy had his back towards the glass door, not noticing Hoseok as he carefully opened the shower door and stepped inside. The brunet wrapped his arms tight around Jimin's waist, pulling him close to his naked body. Placing his head into Jimins neck, fitting perfectly. The human gasped and quickly looked behind him, sighing in relief when he saw that it was Hoseok.
"Hi Hobi~" Jimin smiled.
"Hi Kitten..." the red eyed vampire grinned and put his mouth to Jimin's neck, lightly biting down. Jimin moaned a bit and turned around.
"Can I wash your hair Hobi?"
"Of course Kitten. I wouldn't mind~" Hoseok bent down a bit and Jimin grabbed his shampoo, squirting some in his hand and putting it in the vampire's brown hair. Hoseok groaned a bit at the feeling of his human's tiny fingers in his silky hair. The brunet started to suck on Jimin's  neck, running his hands on the pink haired boy's small waist. Jimin sucked in a breath and moved out of the way, letting Hoseok rinse his hair out under the shower head. Once the vampire was done, Hoseok immediacy pinned Jimin onto the shower wall and started to slowly grind onto the human, harshly sucking on his neck.
"Hobi....." Jimin whined, meeting Hoseok's thrusts with his own. Hoseok removed his head from Jimins neck, making their eyes meet. The vampire ran his tongue along his human's bottom lip, asking for permission to kiss him. Jimin without hesitation opened to him, moaning as theirs tongues collide. His tongue roamed all over the small human's mouth. Jimin gripped onto Hoseok's wet hair and pulled him in to deepen the kiss. Hoseok ran his hands up and down his kitten's chest, pinching his nipples softly. Jimin whimpered and the vampire gladly swallowed the small noises right up. Running his hands from his nipples down as his fingertip, lightly graze his stomach Jimin shiver at the slightest touch and made Hoseok stop kissing him.
"What do you want Jimin?" the vampire seductively asked and lightly bit over Jimin's adam apple.
"Touch me!" the human pleaded. "Please!"
"Gladly~" Hoseok smiled happily and his hand moved from Jimin's stomach to his cock, teasing him. His other hand went to Jimin's hair, pulling it and making the human's head loll back.
"Hoseok!" Jimin cried when Hoseok bit into his neck, sucking his blood. Jimin shuddered and Hosoek stopped, looking up at the human grinding on him with dark eyes.
"Hmm?" he asked, licking the blood from
Jimin's neck. Smirking, the vampire grinded his hips harder into him. Jimin gasped, biting his lips as pleasure filled his petit body.
"P-please, please! Don't tease m-me!" he
stuttered, eyes rolling back in his head as he feels Hoseok's cock in between his ass. Hoseok grinned when he felt Jimin's trying to get his cock inside of him.
"Please what Kitten? Don't be impatient or you won't get what you want~" Hoseok growled and Jimin whined, stopping his movements.
"P-please touch me!" the human panted, voice strangled.  "I need you~" Hoseok growled into Jimins neck, licking his wound. 
"That's what I like to hear from you." He reached down and finally gave Jimin's member the attention it deserved, stroking it slowly.
"Yess" Jimin gasped and rolled his eyes in the back of his head, his hips kicking up when the vampire wetly palmed his cock. The water made everything so slippery.
"Everything on you is so tiny Jiminie~" Hoseok teased and Jimin whined. "Except for your ass." The vampire continued to stroke his human's cock, picking up the pace as Jimin fucked into his fist. "Such a fat ass on such a small body..." Jimin's breath hitched as he felt that familiar feeling slowly building up in his stomach.
"H-Hoseok, I'm c-close" Jimin gasped out. The red eyed vampire stroked him faster but stopped right before his release, not wanting the human to come yet. Jimin let out an annoyed huff when he felt the addicting feeling go away. Hoseok pushed their bodies together up against the shower wall and pinned Jimin's hands above his head with one hand, intertwining their fingers. Jimin looked up at his lover and bit his lip shyly. Hoseok leaned down and captured Jimin's bottom lip with his sharp incisors. He bit it and sucked the blood right off of the small puncture wound. Their lips crashed together again, kissing harder than they did before. Teeth and tongues colliding, swallowing each other's moans. Hoseok let go of Jimin's wrists and gently moved him around so the human could be facing the shower wall. He moved his lips to kiss the side of Jimin's mouth, then his jaw, then down to his neck. The vampire kissed the human's back, his free hand grazing his human's body softly. He bent down and kissed Jimin's back dimples, and then kissed the boy's asscheeks. He softly bit down onto Jimin's ass, softly sucking on it. The brunet massaged the pink haired boy's thick thighs, making Jimin moan pitifully. Hoseok moved and did the same to the other cheek. He leans back, admiring his human's ass and purplish marks he just created. Jimin whimpered as the vampire's hands harshly gripped his asscheeks, squeezing them.
"Kitten your ass is amazing" He groaned as he licked his lips. Hoseok parted his cheeks, smirking when he saw the human's hole twitching, begging for any type of attention. He leaned forward, his tongue licking around Jimins hole.
"Ahh fuck Hobi!" Jimin loudly moaned as shivers ran down his spine at the feeling of the brunet's tongue. Hoseok pushed pass the ring of Jimin's hole, pushing his tongue inside and fucking him with his tongue. Jimin's eyes widened and he arched his back. He gasped out and his hand reached back, tightly gripping hair. Pushing Hoseok's head more into his ass as the vampire tongue fucked him, his tongue lapping all over his walls. "Fuck!" Jimin whined, tears forming in his eyes. Hoseok pulled out his tongue, replacing it with his two long fingers and pushing them deep inside. Jimin let out a high pitched moan as the red eyed vampire's fingers brushed against his prostate. Hoseok fingered him faster as he enjoyed Jimin's losing his mind over his fingers. Jimin moaned loudly as Hoseok added another finger. Having three fingers in him stretching him out better than his own fingers could ever do. Hoseok was kneeling on the shower floor, still pumping his fingers in and out of Jimin's tight hole. "Hobi..." Jimin called out for the vampire, his voice weak "I-I need you" He pushed back on Hoseok's fingers.
"I'm right here Kitten, I got you~" he whispered, standing up and taking his fingers out of Jimin. Jimin whined at the immediate feeling of emptiness. "You ready for me Jimin?" He asked, grinding his cock against Jimin's ass.
"Y-yes yes p-please hurry! I-I need it s-so bad; I need y-you Hobi!" Jimin whined as he pushed back against Hoseok. The vampire gave Jimin few kisses on his shoulder before he moves back a little to grip his cock, giving himself a few pumps. The human's breath hitched in anticipation; waiting for the pleasure he's about to receive from his lover. Hoseok has one hand gripping Jimin's hands, still pinned up on the wall and the other on the base of his cock. Guiding it towards Jimins hole, slapping it on his hole a few times.
Jimin whined, flexing his fingers. Hoseok slowly slid his cock inside of the pink haired boy, hasping at how tight he is.
"You feel so good Kitten~" the vampire grunted. Jimin groaned from the pain and pleasure, his toes curling.
"Ooh my god!" his eyes rolled and Hoseok smirked, pushing farther into Jimin until he bottomed out. He leaned forward, letting out a low moan at the feeling of his kitten's tight heat. The vampire waited for Jimin to adjust to him, not wanting to hurt the small human. After a couple of minutes, Jimin pushed back against the brunet, signaling that he was ready. Hoseok moved his hips back until only the tip was in, pushing back in slowly. They both gasped out in unison. The red eyed vampire held Jimin right in his arms, moving his hips back and pushing in slow and deep repeatedly.
"You're so fucking tight Kitten~" the brunet chuckled and Jimin huffed, looking back at Hoseok.
"Hobi~" Jimins keened and licked his bottom lip, biting onto it. Hoseok's hips jerked up as his Jimin looked at him. Eyes hooded and teary, lips swollen and bruised from how often the human bit them. He leaned down to capture his plump lips, moaning into each other's mouths. Hoseok picked up the pace, fucking into the human faster. Jimin whined, breaking the kiss.
"Feeling good Kitten?" Hoseok asked and Jimin nodded wantonly. "Give me an answer Jimin. Don't just nod."
"Y-yes yes, s-so so good..." Jimin answered with a moan, licking his lips. "H-Harder p-please..." the vampire moved his free hand down to Jimin' hips, sliding his dick out and leaving the tip in, angling his hips just so they could brush up against Jimin's prostate.
"My pleasure Jiminie~" Hoseok slammed his cock in hard and fast, making Jimin's body jostle. Jimin's body jerked forward, eyes widening. His mouth flew open, letting out high pitched moans as Hoseok hit his spot dead on.
"R-right there, it's right there Hobi!" he gasped out, his body shaking from the pleasure. Hoseok gripped onto the pink haired boy's bruised neck, fucking him harder. The human screamed as the brunet pounded into him, hitting his prostate repeatedly. Their skin slapped against each other, water splashing off of their bodies.
"You love it Kitten? Love me fucking you like this??" Hoseok hissed, grunting. Jimin nodded as he could barely speak up, his voice cracking. "Answer me Jimin" the vampire leaned forward to Jimins ear, pounding into him deeper.
"Yes! I love it s-so much Hobi" the human moaning out pathetically, pushing back against the taller's thrusts. Hoseok pulled out, receiving a whimper from Jimin. "W-Wait! Why did you stop??" Hoseok turned Jimin around to face him with a sadistic smirk.
"Don't worry Jimin, I'm not done with you yet~" the vampire crashed his lips with the human's. Jimin wrapped his arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. Hoseok grabbed onto Jimin's ass, lifting him up and making the shorter gasp. Jimin immediately wrapped his legs around the brunet's waist, sitting right above his cock. The human broke the kiss with Hoseok's bottom lip between his teeth. He whined and grinded his ass on the vampire's dick, wanting it back inside him. Hosoek let's out a sharp hiss, making Jimin stop in his tracks. "Be patient."
"S-Sorry.." the taller lowered Jimin onto his cock, pushing pass the ring of Jimin's hole.
Jimin bit his lips at the feeling of Hoseok's immediately hitting his prostate. The brunet hooked his arm under Jimin's left leg, squeezing him between his body and the wall. He almost folded Jimin in half, his cock drilling in. "You're so fucking deep Hobi..." the human's eyes closed, letting out a high pitched moan. His whole body shuddered as the vampire moved a little to reposition himself, brushing against Jimins sweet spot.
"Ahh Kitten you feel so good around me~" Hoseok licked his lips.
"Hoseok pleease I-I can't!" Jimin moved his hips, wanting the taller to move.
"Please what Jimin?" He knows he shouldn't be teasing him right now, but he just loves hearing his kitten beg for his cock. "You know I can't do anything if you don't tell me Jiminie~" Jimin clenched his hole around Hoseok, squeezing his cock.
     "P-please Hobi! Fuck me..." he panted with teary puppy eyes, knowing that Hoseok can't say no to his puppy dog eyes. His hips snapped up, jerking Jimin up on his cock.
"There you go Kitten~" he says with an evil smirk, fucking up into Jimin. The human screamed, his head hitting the shower wall. He scratched all of Hoseok's back, making the vampire wince in slight pain. Jimin's
moans got higher up in pitch as the brunet repeatedly abused his prostate. Hoseok looked down at Jimin's pleasured face, staring at the small human in awe. "Fuck Jimin, you're so beautiful. So amazing~" Hoseok grinned and Jimin weakly smiled at his lover. Jimin soon felt that familiar build up in his stomach and started to shine from the blinding pleasure.
"I-I'm close. So close...." the human stared into Hoseok's ruby red eyes.
"Me too..." Hoseok hissed. He pounded
into Jimin harder, biting down on his shoulder. The pink haired boy screamed as Hoseok started sucking out three blood oozing from his wound.
"I'm coming!" Jimin whimpered. 
"Come with me Kitten." the vampire smirked, fucking him with a few more thrust.
They both released with a loud moans, screaming out each others names like a mantra. They held each other tightly as they both came down from their intense orgasms. Hoseok peppered kisses from Jimin's neck to his jaw, reaching his red, bitten up lips. The two kissed deeply and passionately, letting out low moans as they stayed in their position for a moment. After a couple minute, the vampire slid out his now softening cock out of Jimin, making the human hiss from over sensitivity. It was quiet for a moment, until Hoseok spoke up.
"Well, looks like we need another bath."

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