Chapter 22

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     "Hey where is Jimin?" Namjoon asked hours later, peeking his head in the bathroom where Taehyung and Jungkook stood giggling. to themselves. "You guys look sneaky. Where is Jimin and you better tell me the truth." They sneakily grinned and moved out of the way, showing the newly reformed Jimin. Namjoon widened his eyes and stared at Jimin, who shyly touched his newly dyed blond hair.

     "D-Do you like it?" he asked nervously, waiting on the vampire's reaction

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     "D-Do you like it?" he asked nervously, waiting on the vampire's reaction. He knew that Tae and Kook liked it because as soon as they were done dyeing it, they kissed him until his plump lips were red and sore. He just wanted the others opinions as well . Namjoon gulped and stepped inside, glaring at the younger vampires.
     "Leave." he ordered and they scampered away, cackling madly. He walked up to the human and ran a finger though his hair. "It's beautiful Jimin~"
"Really? You like it??" he asked, blushing happily. "You don't hate it?"
"Of course I do! Just, what caused you to change it?"
"A new start I guess....I wanted to feel different you know? Pink kinda symbolizes the old me; sad me. So I wanted to change." Namjoon smiled fondly and kissed the blond human gently. "Should I show Hobi and the others?"
"Oh they will definitely go crazy."

    To no one's surprise, the vampires all really liked it like Namjoon said they would. Jimin's happiness is their happiness of course.
But after weeks of getting more and more reports of dead humans and supernaturals
surprisingly, they started to come to Namjoon. They came to the vampire clan, wanting to help them with their dangerous battle against Malaria. They were sick and tired of the vampire women killing off their species. First were the werewolves, of course. Then it was witches and faeries, warlocks and sirens as well.
Jimin especially liked the faeries; they would play with his hair and braid pieces of it. They would take him away from his lovers just to play with his hair, making the vampires seethe in jealousy. Jimin also met the werewolves too, and they were really playful. They would change into their wolf forms and allow Jimin to pet them. He did however avoid Junseo like the plague. Whenever he would see the wolf walk around the with his friends, he would run the other way. There is no way in hell that he would want to talk to the cheating bastard; he refused.

     "Jimin Jimin!" Jimin and Seokjin turned around when he heard someone call Jimin's name. The tall vampire grunted while tightly holding on to Jimin; he knew that the wonderful smelling blond would be taken from him for the time being. A woman with long brown hair ran up to them with a nervous expression on her beautiful face.
     "Oh hey Jennie!" Jimin greeted back, smiling at the clumsy witch in training.

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