Chapter 2

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     When they got back to the mansion, Jimin quickly got out of the car and grabbed his bags from the backseat, running back in the house and leaving Yoongi behind. He ran into his room and threw his bags on the ground, not wanting to unpack just yet. Jimin was starving! He hasn't eaten anything since he left Junseo and his stomach was growling loudly. Jimin sighed and walked back out of his room, not noticing the other person coming from the other side. He closed his door and tried to walk away, but then he suddenly bumped into someone. He was about to fall down when someone caught him. Jimin gasped and looked up in shock. The same guy from earlier that was sucking that woman dry was staring down at him with muted green eyes and a smirk on his lips.
     "Hello there pretty~" the vampire purred, putting the human down on the ground. "Lucky I was here to catch you huh?"
     "I wouldn't have fallen down if you
hadn't been here at the wrong time." Jimin scoffed and rolled his eyes, catching the tall man by surprise.
     "Feisty...." he chuckled, looking Jimin up and down sensually. "My name is Kim Taehyung. You're Jimin right? That human that Namjoon saved?" Jimin nodded and smiled shyly at the way the tall vampire was staring at him. He looked like he wanted to eat the human. Then suddenly, a puff of cloying black smoke appeared by Jimin and he gasped. Then he sighed in relief when Yoongi emerged from the smoke.
"I see you finally met Taehyung." he drawled. Taehyung grinned and grabbed Jimin by his shoulders, pulling the human into an embrace.
"He's so cute~I might just eat you whole.." Taehyung murmured in Jimin's ear. Jimin gulped and glanced at Yoongi, who rolled his eyes in exasperation.
"Let Jimin go, Taehyung." Yoongi scoffed when Taehyung shook his head.
"Let the human go Tae." a deep voice suddenly said emotionlessly from a dark corner in the hallway. The three turned their heads to see another man walking from the shadows and towards them. Jimin blushed at the intense stare that the other man was giving them. Long black hair with sharp pink eyes. The pretty almond eyes narrowed at the scene in disgust and stopped by Yoongi.
     "Aw cmon Jin!" Taehyung whined. "Live a little for once! YOLO, like the kids say~"
     "No one says YOLO anymore though Taehyung..." Jimin muttered. Jin glanced at Jimin and raised an eyebrow.
     "Namjoon wants to talk to the human." the pink eyes vampire reported, pointing at Jimin. Taehyung and Yoongi nodded and Taehyung let Jimin go with a pout.
     "Follow Jin, Jimin." Yoongi said. Jimin nodded with a frown and glanced back at Jin again, who was already staring back at him with a straight face showing no emotions in his handsome face. Jin promptly turned around and started walking away. Jimin gulped, quickly following after the tall and scary vampire.

When they arrived at Namjoon's office, Jin knocked on the door and looked down at Jimin.
"Wait here until he says come-"
     "Come on in Jimin." a voice interrupted Jin, who scoffed and walked away from Jimin, who carefully opened the door and peeked inside. Namjoon smirked at Jimin and motioned for Jimin to come in with his pointer and middle finger. Jimin smiled shyly and walked in. Namjoon was sitting on top of his desk, so Jimin sat down in the comfortable chair in front of the older man.
"Did you need me for something Namjoon?" Jimin asked. The man nodded and replied with a smile,
"Just wanted to ask how was your visit to your former paramour." By the way that Jimin tilted his head to the side, he didn't know what "paramour" meant. "It means 'lover' in French. I spent a century in France with Hoseok and Yoongi before the others joined my coven."
"Who was last in your coven? And how many people live here?"
"First it was me, then Yoongi, Hoseok, Taehyung, Seokjin, and then Jungkook. And I have many people roaming around here. They come and go sometimes.."
"I haven't met Jungkook or Hoseok. Jin is probably short for Seokjin."
     "You keep avoiding the subject Jimin~So tell me about the visit with the mutt?"
     "Fine, since you wanna rip it outta me! Yoongi attacked Junseo while I was packing my crap together."
"He did what?"
"Exactly what I said. Junseo probably said something and Yoongi got upset."
     "Protective already huh...?"
     "What did you say Namjoon?"
     "Oh nothing important as of right now. When will you find a job?"
     "Hm I don't know. I guess I'll have to walk around and try to find any 'help wanted' signs around. And hopefully I'll see one and I'll get a job. I don't wanna overstay my welcome more than I already am..."
     "You're not overstaying your welcome Jimin. You'll always be welcome here!"
     "I don't think Seokjin likes me very much though..."
     "Seokjin is very...wary of humans since a bunch of vampire hunters killed his first vampire lover. That was before we met him."
"Oh no I feel so sorry for him..."
"Nothing we can do now. It happened centuries ago. Plus vampire hunters no longer exist since all supernatural beings decided to be all 'friendly' with humans to keep our species intact. But there are still bitter humans lurking in the shadows waiting for our downfall..." then someone knocked on the door, not bothering to listen for Namjoon and loudly barged in.
"You're still talking to Namjoon???" Taehyung whined. "I want you to come and meet the others!" Running up to
Jimin, he took the human's hand and forced him up from the seat. Since the vampire doesn't really know how to control his strength sometimes, Jimin basically flew out of the seat and the two fell down on the ground. Instinctually, Taehyung wrapped his hands around Jimin's waist. Jimin blushed and sat up, straddling the pretty vampire. Taehyung smirked and sat up, the two now being face to face. Jimin gulped and avoided eye contact with the alluring vampire.
"Am I free to go?" Jimin asked, his whole face red with embarrassment. Taehyung licked his lips and unwrapped his hands from the human's tiny waist, his eyes not leaving Jimin's face. Namjoon sighed and got up, leaving his office to find someone to drink.

"This is Jeon Jungkook and Jung Hoseok!" Taehyung grinned, shoving Jimin in front of him and into the two vampires. Taehyung, Jimin, Jungkook, and Hoseok were all in Taehyung's room. Jungkook and Hoseok were pouty since they were last to meet the cute human that has their whole house feeling more alive than it has been for a millennia. Jungkook pushed Hoseok out of his way and basically ran over to Jimin. The first thing that Jimin noticed was that Jungkook looked younger than the other five. His pretty purple doe eyes made him seem younger even though by his build and the sharp jawline, it wasn't the case at all. Hell, he was older than Jimin.
"I'm Jeon Jungkook, but you can call me Jungkook, or Kook, or Kookie, or-"
"Shut up no one cares about your many nicknames." Hoseok chuckled derisively, pushing the other vampire out of his way and smiled down at Jimin. "I'm Hoseok but you can call me Hobi if you want~"
     Taehyung watched with a fond smile as Jimin made conversation with the two giddy vampires.
     "All five of us are going to the club tonight...are you gonna come with us Jimin?" Jungkook grinned cheekily, awaiting the human's answer.
     "Five? Who isn't going with you guys?" Jimin asked. Hoseok replied with a scoff,
     "Jin. He barely comes with us unless it's necessary to feed. So you coming with us??"
"No thank you. I've never been to a club before. Junseo would never let me go with him because I would be a 'distraction' to him and his werewolf friends. So I stayed home and read books and other things." Jimin shrugged his shoulders. "But thanks for inviting me though. I appreciate it.." Jimin giggled and excused himself, walking away from the three vampires. Once he was gone, the vampires turned to each other.
"See??? Isn't he the cutest?!" Taehyung grinned. Jungkook and Hoseok nodded in agreement. "He's never been to a club before..I would love to take him sometime."
"I just want to suck him dry~" Jungkook smirked. "Just want to corrupt the adorable innocent soul..."
"And who does that mutt think he is, not letting Jimin out of that house??" Hoseok scoffed with Taehyung nodding in agreement behind him.
"I saw their house. It was an absolute shit hole if I do say so myself." a voice chuckled. The three turned around to see Yoongi leaning on the wall. "And the shit that that werewolf was saying about Jimin, I just wanted to rip out his measly throat. If it was up to me, that flea ridden mutt would be dead in a ditch."
"What's stopping you?" Taehyung raised an eyebrow.
"Jimin is." Yoongi replied. "I think if I kill his ex, he would hate me and I don't want that."
     "Oh really...?" Hoseok smirked. "By the tone of your voice, it seems that you like the human..."
     "He fascinates me." Yoongi shrugged. "And I know I'm not the only one who is.."
"I'm hungry. Let's go get dressed already!" Taehyung complained. "If you guys need me, I'll be in my room trying to find some decent clothing." and at that, the green eyed vampire sauntered away with a smirk on his deceivingly angelic face, with Jungkook and Hoseok not far behind.

Jimin walked inside of his room with a heavy sigh. He walked towards his bags, ready to unpack. But then he saw his bed, looking soft in the corner. Jimin debated for a bit, either unpack his bags now and sleep late, or sleep now and unpack his bags tomorrow.
"I'm feeling lazy today, so I'll take a quick nap. I'm sure I'll be up before the others get back from 'clubbing' or whatever.." Jimin giggled and skipped to his clothing bag, unzipping the bag and grabbing a simple white shirt. He took off his pants and shirt and threw it in the bag. Putting on the white shirt he took out, he was ready for bed. He crawled onto the large bed and sighed as it shifted under him. Jimin got under the covers and snuggled into the large pillow. His eyes got heavier and heavier and he fell asleep, unknowing of the eyes watching him sleep from outside his window.

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