Chapter 30

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     "Do you like my name change?" Valaria asked the supernaturals staring at her in horror. "Thought I needed it after a couple of decades. I like it; it suits me~"
     "Fuck..." Taehyung cursed. "Where the fuck is Seokjin and the others??? We won't survive without them!!!"
     "I don't know Tae." Jung-kook gulped. "We might just need to use our powers for this."
     "Looks like you're panicking over there~looks like I made it in perfect time!" the large vampire woman grinned sadistically. "Looks like it's time for my babies to eat don't you think?!"
     "They'll have to get near us for them to eat." Jihyo scoffed with a lazy smirk, which irked Valaria. "So come at us bitch." the vampire snarled and pointed at the clumped up supernaturals.
     "Since you think you're so sure, babies...get them." and the large group of vampires immediately started running towards the others; a immediate bloodshed.

     Jimin woke up to darkness, and he looked around for the grey skinned woman.
     "Gaia?" the human looked around, and that's when he saw another young girl. She looked to be around his age, with curling black hair and dark brown eyes. She stared back at him warily, looking the blond up and down. "Y-You aren't Gaia. Who are you?"
     "My name isn't 'Gaia'. It's Joy." the girl sneered, flipping her long black hair behind her.
     "Oh, well my name is Jimin. It's nice to meet you." the human smiled, and the other human blushed.
"Your voice is so soft!" she said, reluctantly walking over to the shorter. Jimin smiled and patted the spot next to him, and Joy sat down with a huff. "Sorry it's just...I've never talked to another human's nice talking to humans. Vampires basically ignore me..."
"You haven't?? work for Valaria right?"
"Well basically. She cares about me! She saved me from vampires trying to kill me when I was a child and she allowed for me to stay with her since then. I...I love her. I couldn't live without Irene...."
"Does she love you though...?" Jimin silently gulped when Joy whipped her head towards him, her eyes wide. "It seems like she is just using you Joy."
     "S-She isn't. She loves me and I love her! Now shut up before I-I hit you." and Jimin sighed sadly, looking away.

The supernaturals ran to the undead minions as well, and they all fell into a heap of bodies. The undead vampires started to attack and the supernaturals defended themselves as they tried to get the servants away from them. Jennie smirked as she threw a bottle of scarlet red liquid at one of them, and it backed away as its skin burned. Angry red bubbles started to form on its skin and it fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth.
"What the fuck." Jungkook's mouth gaped open while Jennie high-fived Nayeon. "That was disturbing..."
"We're witches. Get used to it." the girl scoffed with a hair flip. "Watch out!" Jungkook quickly turned around and ducked, narrowly missing getting bit by the controlled vampire. "Pay attention jeez. So absentminded...."
     "Sorry Jennie." Jungkook smiled sheepishly.
     "This is so cool!" Sana giggled as her iridescent pink wings fluttered behind her and she took out her scythe, slashing a vampire in the stomach. "So many bloody bodies~"
     "Creepy...." Taehyung shuddered next to Jungkook as he broke a vampire's neck.
Soon however, it seems that the supernaturals were being outnumbered.
"Holy shit they never stop coming!" the green eyed vampire grunted as he kicked a vampire servant in the face. "Where the fuck is Seokjin and the others?!?" and then suddenly, a portal popped up next to the blue eyed vampire. Seokjin, Yoongi, and Hoseok walked out of it with large grins.
"There you guys are!!" Namjoon rolled his eyes as the portal closed behind the three other vampires. "Where are-" Yoongi rolled his eyes and threw a sword to the younger, which he sheepishly took. "Oh. Thanks."
"Shut up and fight Joon." Hoseok scoffed.
"Aren't I the leader here?" Namjoon huffed.
"And we don't care. We're family and I will boss you around cause I'm older than you."
"Family....yea. We're family and family sticks together."
"Now, let's kill this bitch and save Jimin."

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