Chapter 11

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When everyone was done eating the delicious food, the coven members said their goodbyes and left, leaving the six oldest vampires and the small human at the table.
"That was amazing Jin..." Jimin smiled and if he could, Jin would blush. The human rubbed his stomach in contempt and laid his head on Jungkook's shoulder.
"Thanks. I had to look up human food on that cellular device that Namjoon forced all of us to buy." Jin rolled his eyes and Namjoon snorted.
"Had to get in touch someway..Jimin do you have one?" the vampires looked at Jimin, who nodded.
"Yea. Jun..I mean my ex bought me this phone." their eyes narrowed at the mention of the werewolf. "I've been meaning to break it into pieces but..." Jimin sighed and shrugged his shoulders. "I don't have the money for a new phone."
     "We can buy you a new one duh." Jungkook rolled his eyes. "You didn't think of us??"
     "Not really." Jimin sighed and stood up. "While that was good food Jinnie, I feel like taking a long nap. Last night tired me out a lot and I still feel like my legs are gonna give out." Jimin smiled and waved to the vampires, walking away with jiggly legs. He almost fell onto the ground until Yoongi dashed to his side.
     "Stupid human." he scoffed fondly, picking him up and taking him out of the room. "Can't walk by yourself~"

     After a moment of silence when Jimin and Yoongi left, Hoseok spoke up.
     "Do you guys think that we are getting a bit too...fond of our tiny little human?" he asked, making all five heads turn to him.
     "What do you mean...?" Jungkook said, one of his eyebrows raising.
     "I mean." the brunette replied, "This contract is only supposed to be a blood and sex contract. But it seems I've come to care for him like a lover. That's weird right? That I've come to care for a human like this??" Hoseok tried to smile, but it looked like a grimace.
     "Well..." Namjoon said, "You're not the only one." they all looked at each other.
     "...I feel like if anyone tries to hurt Jimin, I'll kill them without mercy." Jungkook hissed and the vampires turned to the youngest, who's eyes were flashing a deep purple. "I don't want him to turn out like-"
     "Don't say it." Taehyung said with cold green eyes. "I don't want to hear her name ever again." they all tensed and it was quiet.
     "He won't." Jin said with emotionless eyes. "He won't turn out like her. We won't let him."

     "Lay down." Yoongi commanded and Jimin pouted.
     "Put me in bed Yoongi!" Jimin whined, moving in Yoongi's hold. The vampire held in a growl and huffed petulantly. Then suddenly, an idea formed in his head. He smirked and looked down at the tiny human, and Jimin did not like the look of that devilish smile. Jimin screeched when the scarred vampire threw him onto the bed. Yoongi crawled onto the bed and crawled on top of the human. Jimin giggled as the black eyed vampire tickled him. "N-No! Stop! I'm ticklish!!"
"I don't feel like stopping." Yoongi chuckled. Jimin screamed and giggled happily as Yoongi kissed his cheeks and tickled him. The vampire distinctly heard running footsteps and he rolled his eyes, getting off of Jimin and straddled his thighs, waiting for the door to inevitably barge open. Jimin jumped when his door burst open and he turned around to see the other five vampires standing in his doorway.
"Jimin are you-" Jungkook worried, but his eyes widened when he saw Yoongi sitting on Jimin. "What the fuck."
"Jimin is ok." Yoongi rolled his eyes and Jimin giggled. "So stop worrying. Jeez..."
"You scared the hell out of us!" Taehyung yelled.
"So dramatic..." Yoongi sighed. "I'm leaving." he suddenly poofed away in a cloud of black smoke. Jimin sat up and mussed up his floss pink hair.
"I'm out of breathe now...and you guys look tense. You ok?" Jimin giggled breathily and the others nodded.
"W-We thought you were dying in here..." Hoseok smiled and Jimin got up from the bed. He waddled up to Hoseok and jumped onto him. The brunette's eyes widened and he held Jimin up by his thighs. "Well this is a surprise~"
"I want you to take me on a trip around this big old mansion. I don't wanna get lost in case I decide to wander around while you guys are gone." Hoseok nodded with a large grin, his long incisors showing in his heart shaped smile. Jimin squirmed in his hold and poked the red eyed vampire's nose. "But first I need to get dressed. Don't want anyone to see the rest of my goodies.." Jimin jumped down and walked to his closet, almost tripping on a random red piece of cloth. "Someone needs to pick up that. Joonie torn it. I lowkey liked it too. Thank god I have other ones..." the human kicked it away from him with a disgruntled pout and went back to walking to the closet. The five vampires watched fondly as Jimin sung quietly to himself, swinging his hips, and he grabbed his jeans. "Do any of you have shirts I can wear? Don't feel like wearing one of mine today."
"You can wear mine." Jin said before anyone could speak. They all groaned as Jimin giggled
"Ahhh, thank you Jinnie." Jimin looked back and smiled. "Now go get it for me."
"As you wish~" Jin smiled and left the room. The others said goodbye to Jimin and left the human singing all to himself.

"Namjoon." Chan said hesitantly. "Sir we have a problem..." Namjoon looked up from his book and raised an eyebrow. The tall man got up and walked up to the other vampire.
"Show me." he said and they both walked out. The two vampires walked inside of the living room and he noticed everyone in the coven were there, including the nine other girls that barely come around, only to eat and communicate. He saw Jin and the others, including Hoseok who left Jimin in his room when he heard the news. Everyone looked grim and nervousness crept down Namjoon's spine. They all seemed to be looking at the large t.v. with serious expressions. Jin seemed to notice the other vampire's presence as he turned around and Namjoon gulped when he saw cold fury on the elder's face.
"Come and see this. You need to see this." he hissed and Namjoon sped to the others. He looked at the t.v. and his non-running blood went cold at what he saw. A massacre was in the t.v. and all of the bodies looked pale, as though they've been drained of blood. They were a hill, a bunch of pale bodies piled up on a hill.
"What...the fuck happened?" Namjoon asked in the silence of the room.
"...We don't know.." Taehyun replied with stuttered breaths. "I've never seen anything like this before...this is horrible..." the woman talking on the news was saying that there were thirty bodies; kids, women, and men all piled up. She named the people and Namjoon distinctly heard Hueningkai quietly
sobbing. But he and the others looked at one thing. Or more importantly, one person:
A woman with long blonde hair smiling and waving at them with bloody hands and blood all over her face. Blood was creeping down her fangs as she giggled, sitting prettily on the pile of bloodless bodies.

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