Chapter 4🔞

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Jimin moaned as Taehyung slicked his fingers and slowly pressed one inside him. With his long fingers, he was able to find Jimin's prostate quickly, stroking it with one finger before adding a second.
"Taehyungie!" Jimin gasped, "Please..."
"Aw baby," Jin cooed from beside the green eyed vampire. "Let him take care of you." Jimin moaned in response, dropping his head down to his forearms with his ass arching in the air. He allowed Taehyung to continue, adding a third finger soon after. Jimin looked around the room with bleary eyes and noticed all the vampires around him, staring at him like a piece of meat. Finally, Jungkook moved around the bed to stand in front of Jimin. Jimin quickly reached for Jungkook's belt, pulling on it until the vampire decided to help him and took it off, unzipping his pants and pulling out his cock which Jimin quickly took into his mouth.
"Fuck, Jiminie," Jungkook growled, tilting his head back as Jimin gagged as it slid down his throat. "Such a fucking cock slut huh..?" Taehyung rubbed Jimin's prostate, landing a soft spank to one of his cheeks just to watch it jiggle. Jimin whined, grabbing onto Jungkook's thighs instinctively. Namjoon noticed one of Jimin's hands slowly slide down underneath him to try and touch himself.
"Jimin," Namjoon said in a warning tone. "If you touch yourself, we won't let you cum." the blue eyed vampire smirked when Jimin whined pitifully. Jungkook fisted a hand in the human's hair, holding him in place as he started thrusting harshly into the human's pliant mouth. Taehyung removed his fingers from Jimin and slicked up his cock, lining himself with Jimin's hole and slowly starting to push in. Jimin took his mouth off of Jungkook and screamed, feeling split open by Taehyung's cock. The green eyed vampire stopped and rubbed Jimin's back soothingly, waiting until the human adjusted to him. He continued once Jimin started moving against him. The vampire began to thrust languidly, making Jimin moan and whine.
"He's yelling too much. Jungkook should fill his mouth up again." Hoseok snickered, pushing Jimin forward onto Jungkook's dick, making the human gag. Yoongi stood beside Jungkook, stroking Jimin's cheek as he watched the plump lips stretch wide. Jimin looked up at Yoongi with teary eyes, tugging on the drawstring of his pajama pants. Yoongi yanked them down, freeing his hard cock. Jimin pulled off of Jungkook, replacing his mouth with his hand as he switched over to sucking Yoongi. Taehyung started to speed up, hips connecting with Jimin's ass cheeks with a satisfying sound. Jimin squeezed his thighs together to try and get some friction on his neglected dick. Yoongi matched Taehyung's pace, pulling Jimin off occasionally to let him catch his breath. Jimin whined each time Yoongi's cock slipped from his lips, trying to get it back in his mouth as fast as possible.
"God, you just love to choke on dick, don't you," Jin laughed mockingly from the side of the room and Jimin nodded enthusiastically as he switched back to Jungkook, using his right hand on Yoongi. Namjoon came up to him and pulled his pants down, waiting for the human. Jimin noticed Namjoon and used his left hand on the blue eyed vampire
"Fuck, you're taking me so well," Taehyung grunted, watching his dick go in and out of the poor human. Hoseok stood on Jin's other side, whistling at the sight. Taehyung's hips began to stutter as he felt himself getting close and Jimin started to tighten around him, his own orgasm growing near despite no one actually touching him.
"Cum," Jin ordered and Jimin-

Woke up gasping, hard as a rock and cum staining his boxers. He sat up and put his hands on his face.
"Oh no....." he groaned and shakily got up from the bed, not noticing the person standing in the corner of his room staring down at him with an unreadable expression, eyes flashing a deep blue. "Why am I dreaming about getting railed by vampires..?" Jimin went over to his bag and dug for more boxers, and then he felt a small tap on his shoulder. He yelped, and looked up at the intruder.
      "Yo." Namjoon greeted, and made a peace sign with a straight face. Jimin sighed and glared at the smily vampire.
     "What are you doing here?? And why are you in my room?!" Namjoon shrugged his shoulders and smirked.
     "I wanted to watch you sleep of course, don't ask me why, and then you started moaning in your sleep. Me thinking that someone is attacking you in your sleep, I decided to be a good person and I went inside your dream. I did not expect to get a handjob and watch one of my coven members fuck you, although I found it enjoyable." Namjoon watched as Jimin's whole face went bright red and he put his hands on his face, hiding his face in embarrassment.
"You can go inside dreams?" Jimin asked pitifully and Namjoon nodded with a smile.
"Yes I can. I have many powers. One of them is mind reading."
"Ok um...can you leave my room so I can change? I'm kinda sticky..." Namjoon snickered and Jimin blushed harder.
"Hm. You know...under your blood contract, we can also have sexual intercourse. That's how we extract the blood from our victims. Our fangs produce an aphrodisiac that makes our victims sexually aroused. So if they ask for sex, we give them sex. We can give it to you if you want, if you agree of course."
     "Way to take the fun out of horny vampire sex..." Jimin grumbled under his breath and Namjoon chuckled.
     "I'll go and let you get dressed Jimin." and Namjoon walked away. But when he opened the door, he looked back at Jimin and said with a smirk, "I didn't know you were into degradation though Park Jimin..." and Jimin choked.

     Jimin took his boxers and shirt off and stood in the middle of his room, completely naked. He grabbed more clothes, his toothbrush, and a towel and held them under his arm.
     "I'm so ready for a fucking bath right now..." the human muttered to himself. He walked to his door and quietly opened it, peeking out the door and making sure that no one was around. Once he deemed it safe to leave, he sighed in relief and tiptoed out of the room, still naked. When he saw no one else arriving, he giggled and ran in the hallways and towards the bathroom. He opened the door and skipped inside. Jimin threw his clothes on the toilet seat and went over to their humongous bathtub. He ran the water and waited for it to fill up. Once the water was done, he dipped his toe in the hot water and hopped in. He moaned at the feeling and squirmed happily in the water. He stayed there for a bit, washing his body and letting the warm water seep into his weary bones. When the water got too cold to stay in, he reluctantly got out of the tub and grabbed his towel to dry himself. Then he went to the sink and brushed his teeth. When he was done, he went to the toilet and grabbed his clothes. Putting them on, he deemed himself done and opened the door with an eye-smile. He opened the door and looked on in horror at the humongous tiger waiting for him at the door with calculating green eyes.

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