Chapter 1

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Throwing his keys onto the couch, Jimin shouted out in the quiet,
"Junseo, I'm home! Where are you?" then a thumping noise suddenly came out from his shared room with his boyfriend Junseo of five years. He was kind of miserable in the relationship, with the alpha werewolf being mentally, emotionally, and physically abusive, but if he were to break it off he would have nowhere to go as his family disowned him as soon as they found out that their son was gay and dating a werewolf off all things. His family hates all kinds of supernaturals ever since a werewolf killed his father's parents. So being the lovesick fool that he was, Jimin ran away from home and they ran off to Seoul, Korea for a better life. But after some time, Junseo would get aggravated easily and flash out more towards Jimin. He would blame it on his wolf genes, but Jimin knew that wolf genes would not let you abuse your partner. But Jimin was so in love with the alpha, that he couldn't see past the rose covered glasses and stayed with him.
Jimin walked to their door and put his ear to it, hearing a faint moaning noise. He must be jerking off or something... Jimin thought, opening the door. He had not expected to see the werewolf having a girl face down into their mattress and harshly pounding into the poor girl from behind. Jimin had felt an cold rage slither down his spine and he gasped in horror, slamming the bedroom door and getting the attention of Junseo and the girl.
"J-Jimin! What the hell are you doing here?! Yo-" Junseo was interrupted by the girl under him.
"What the fuck? Is that your boyfriend?? You never said you were dating someone, you fucking tool!" she panted, moving from under the alpha and jumping off of the bed. She grabbed her clothes and quickly put them on. When she was done, she grabbed her phone and ran out of the small apartment, leaving Jimin and Junseo alone together. They looked at each other and Junseo slowly got up from the bed. Jimin noticed that and backed away.
     "I-It's not what you think Jimin...don't be fucking stupid right now and come here." Junseo nervously grinned, getting closer to the human, who backed away with hot tears rolling down his face.
     "How could you?! I can't believe you! I'm fucking leaving! I can't do this I-" Jimin was interrupted by Junseo taking his arms into a death grip.
     "You're not fucking leaving me, Jimin! I won't let you! Besides, how will you survive out there without me?? Huh?? You need me!! So don't be stupid for once and sit down." Junseo smirked at the hesitance marring Jimin's tear-streaked face, but the human's expression soon turned into anger.
     "Let me go!!!" Jimin yelled, yanking his arm and throwing the alpha's hold off of him and running out of the bedroom in a flash. The human slid through the hallway and gulped when he heard the werewolf run after him. So Jimin ran faster, throwing open the front door and running outside. But when he heard clothes rip and a loud, menacing snarl, Jimin knew that his boyfriend—well ex-boyfriend now—has transformed into his wolf form. Jimin ran as fast as he could, turning corners and jumping over fences and boxes, but Junseo stayed at his heels, nipping and growling at his feet. But when Jimin turned into an alley and saw no other way out of it, he whimpered in fear. He heard a snarl and slowly turned around. There he was, the large and intimidating black wolf licking his lips at the fear-stricken human.

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