Chapter 29

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     "Y-You can revive him??" Jimin asked Gaia, who nodded with a gentle smile. "You can really do that?!"
     "Of course I am child. I am no 'newbie' to this~I can put you in his head to try and see what he wants. If you wish for me to of course child." the large woman looked to the human, who gulped. "I won't force you...."
     "Ok...may I talk to him please?" Jimin wiped his tears away, looking at the celestial woman, who nodded with a serene smile. "Thank you so much..." She scooted up to the smaller man, touching the middle of his forehead. Jimin gasped, his heart immediately starting to race and beat. "W-Whats happening...? Gaia...?!"
"This...this will hurt you Jimin." Gaia looked deeply into the human's eyes, which made Jimin confused. "I am so sorry..."
"What do you mean-" and that's when it started. Agonizing pain soared through his body, making the blond scream out in anguish. His screams were bloodcurdling, and Jimin fell to the ground. He started to convulse, foam coming out of his mouth. The last thing he saw was Gaia's sweet, gentle eyes staring down at him.
Junseo...I'm coming for you....

Chungha looked at the three vampires, smiling happily. They all glared at her, anger coursing through them.
"Do we have a deal?" she asked, Sunmi looking at the three from behind the younger girl. "We don't have all day to forge your weapons you know~might want to hurry with your answer."
"We have a deal." Seokjin gritted out, his pink eyes flashing darkly. Which made Chungha smile. "Unfortunately."
"Perfect! I'll have them done in about an hour~Sunmi, show them out for me." and the blonde woman nodded. Yoongi and Hoseok sighed, glancing at their raging elder. "I'll teleport them to you."
     "Let's go you two." Jin growled, storming out of the small cabin. The two younger vampires followed, glancing back at the two metalsmiths, who smiled at the three vampires with dark, shiny eyes.

     Namjoon paced the living room, his body thrumming with anticipation. The other supernaturals looked at him walk back and forth, worry flowing through them as well.
     "It's been a while. Where is Seokjin and the other two??" the blue eyed vampire hissed. "Malania could hit at any time and they are taking their precious time."
     "Please calm down Namjoon." Jungkook went and held the older's shoulders, making his movement stop. "It wont do you any good worrying like this. So just sit down."
     "I know...thanks Kook." and the younger vampire grinned, his incisors glittering in the lamp lights. "I just wish that Chungha wasn't so difficult...I know she asked for something from them; a favor. I just hope it isn't anything too difficult or horrible...."
     "Me too too."

     Jimin woke up to someone shaking him. The human mumbled something incoherent and turned around, which made the person above the blond smirk.
     "....Min. Jimin...WAKE UP!" a familiar voice yelled in his ear, which certainly woke the human. He gasped awake, quickly sitting up and bumping his head onto someone else's head. "Ow! What the hell Jimin???"
     "I'm so sorry-wait, Junseo!" Jimin opened his eyes to see the werewolf standing above him with a gentle smile. The blond stood up and hugged the older man, holding him tightly. "I missed you so much...I'm so sorry.."
     "I missed you too Jiminie. Why are you sorry? What are you doing here?? Please don't tell me you..."
     "I didn't die Junseo! If that's what you're thinking. I'm ok...."
     "Then how come you're here if you aren't dead?? I'm confused."
     "A woman took me here to bring you back." and that's when Jimin looked behind him, seeing a two people behind the alpha. "Junseo, who is that behind you?"
     "Oh those are my parents. I told you they died when I was ten remember?" the werewolf ruffled the human's hair, making Jimin pout. "They are here to take me away to be with them."
     "I do remember. You reunited with them?"
     "Yea. But what you said before-a woman took you here to take me back?"
     "Yea! You died unfairly and it's my she asked if you wanted another chance at life! You do, right? You don't deserve what happened to you."
     "I didn't, and it's ok. To be honest, it wasn't your fault Jimin. It was mine for following you when Jungkook told me not to. But I am at peace with that; I'm with my parents again! So Jimin...go back. Save everyone. Leave me here."
     " don't want to come back???"
     "Jimin, I am fine here. With my family. My life is over now. It may have been unfair for me to die like this, but I am ok. I don't want to be without my parents again, so go and leave. Save everyone and become a hero! I'll be here; waiting for you in this world." Jimin started to outwardly cry, tears running down his chubby cheeks. "Don't cry...Jimin, I'll be ok..." the human brung the werewolf into a hug, crying into his shoulders. "Go Jimin. They're waiting for you."
     "Junseo..." Jimin cried, letting go of the werewolf. "I'll miss you so much..."
     "Wait...Jimin you're disappearing! Like, evaporating!" Junseo gasped and Jimin looked down, seeing his body become transparent. "What the hell???"
     "W-Wait! I'm not done talking to Junseo!"
     "But you are, you just aren't ready to let me go yet...."
     "Junseo..." and soon, Jimin disappeared.
"Goodbye Jimin...."

     Joy watched on in horror as many vampires all waited by dark doorway, with Valaria holding them back with a sick grin on her dangerously beautiful face. They all whooped and hollered, blood pouring through their dead veins. They wanted blood in their mouth; to suck someone dry of their life essence.
     "M-Ma'am do I have to stay here?? I can help!" Joy pleaded. "I just want to help you..."
     "You can help by looking after that human I have. I'll send you there. No back talk Joy." the vampire woman waved the human girl off. "First, I need to send my lovely minions over to that vampire abode. Finally get rid of the pain in my ass. Then I can finally eat all of the humans I want~" Valaria turned to Joy, who gulped. She touched the girl's forehead, making the girl gasp. "I'll see you later when I destroy Namjoon and his little team."

Namjoon sighed, cracking his fingers.
"What the hell did she say to those idiots that's keeping them this long??" the blue eyed vampire growled, his patience running thin.
"You really must calm down Namjoon." Jihyo sighed. "They'll be here. No one is coming to attack us now, so we're good! No need to worry alright? We're fine."
"I'm just worried. What if something happened to them and that's why they are being so delayed?? I've been with them since almost the beginning of time. If something happens to them I won't be able to live with myself...."
"Joon, they're ok..just have faith." Taehyung smiled. "It'll be alright. I just know it."
"Ok ok...if something happens to them..." and out of nowhere, the ground started to shake. All the supernaturals glanced at each other, immediately standing up and running to the door. They all got out, watching the outside in horror. A mile away, a swirling portal of purples and blacks opened up. A women walked out first, grinning sickly at the supernaturals. "What the fuck..."
"Hello! I see you bought reinforcements~" the woman grinned. She was tall; with emerald green hair and mismatched eyes. She had a flowing black dress, and she was barefoot as well. This was not Irene or Malania. "Aw, you all looked so confused...How wonderful~"
     "Who are you??" Namjoon demanded, his clear blue eyes flashing darkly.
     "I am Malania and Irene combined of course! I am Valaria!!"
"Oh no..."

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