Chapter 9🔞

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It was a sheer red bra with sheer red lacy panties. His cheeks went pink in embarrassment and he fiddled with the bag containing the lingerie. The human put the bag down and took the lingerie out. He finally took off his red boxers and slipped the panties on. They fit snugly on his ass and hips. Then he put on the bra and walked to the mirror. He twisted his body around and admired himself in the mirror. After deeming himself ready, he reluctantly walked out of the bathroom and ran towards his room. He opened and closed the door, leaning on it with a huff. He fiddled with the bra straps and looked around his room, not seeing Hoseok or Taehyung around. He sighed in relief and went to his bed until he felt a hand around his neck. He gasped and he heard a familiar voice chuckle behind him.
"You look good in red." Namjoon said from behind the human. Jimin gulped and tried to look at him, but to no avail.
     "Thanks..." Jimin replied shakily, quietly and under his breath.
     "I want you to do something for me.." Jimin nodded and Namjoon grinned. "Hoseok and Taehyung had something a mission so they asked me to take care of you."
      "But they said that they'll drink from me?" Jimin gulped and Namjoon could feel his neck muscles constrict against his hand.
     "They'll probably drink from their victim, so it's just me and you. Unless someone wants to join that is..." Namjoon let go of Jimin's neck and walked to his bed, flopping down at it and motioning for Jimin to come to him. Jimin slowly walked over to the blue eyed vampire and stopped in front when Namjoon made a stopping motion with his hands. "Kneel." he demanded and Jimin dropped to
his knees. "Feeling ok?" Namjoon asks and reaches out to touch the back of Jimin's neck. His fingers slide down to linger on his jaw and stroke the skin there, then his lips and his soft, still too round cheeks. It makes Jimin feel safer and he nodded, leaning shamelessly forward for more.
     "I'm ok." Jimin replied with pink cheeks. Namjoon smirked and said,
     "That's good. Now I want you to put your cute little mouth to use and suck me off ok?" Jimin whined softly and nodded. His fingers hesitated for a bit, and then slowly snuck his hands inside of Namjoon's boxers. He pulled them down to the vampire's thighs and took out his cock and balls. The human gulped at the sheer size of the immortal man.
     "Can you take me like a good boy Jimin?" Namjoon asked with dark eyes, eyes on Jimin's face. He eyed the human in the pretty red lingerie and his cock twitched know Jimin's small hands. Jimin nodded curtly and Namjoon snorted. "Impatient much?" he asked the trembling human between his long legs. Jimin blushed hard and looked away from
the man, which seemed to irk him as he grabbed Jimin's chin and make the human look at him. "Did I say you could turn away from me?" Jimin mumbled out a no and Namjoon tightened his hold on Jimin's cheeks. "Use words Jimin."
     "No sir..." Jimin pouted and suddenly ducked down, taking Namjoon's tip into his waiting mouth. Jimin has hard time hiding his moan when gets the first taste of Namjoon's cock, but he manages. He doesn't get to savor the taste for long, as Namjoon reached out and gave Jimin's hair a harsh tug, pulling him up for a couple of seconds so that Jimin can't reach his cock anymore. Jimin whined and mumbled something against the side of Namjoon's cock and gives it a long lick. The vampire hissed and let go of
Jimin's soft hair. He started coaxing Namjoon into hardness and glanced at the blue eyed vampire with teary eyes.
     "Aw, does the baby want my cock?" he asked mockingly and Jimin nodded vehemently. "Then get to it. Don't make me wait." Jimin felt like moaning again just because of the harsh way that Namjoon spoke to him.
"Yes sir." He didn't know he liked stuff like this. Junseo only cared about himself when they had sex, so Jimin had to take care of himself when Junseo was done. But he shouldn't think of that bastard, his life is different now. By then, Namjoon is fully hard, cock heavy and hot and waiting in Jimin's small fingers. It's only then that Namjoon allows Jimin to wrap his lips around the head and finally suck the cock into his mouth. It makes his cheek bulge before sliding towards Jimin's throat, exactly where he craves it. Namjoon's hands went back to Jimin's hair and gripped it. Jimin heard the vampire make a small, breathy grunt above him. He tongues the underside of Namjoon's cock and lets his lips drag along the crown when he pulls his head back, just to see if he could hear that sound again.
"Slowly," Namjoon murmured from above, and just the rumble of his voice has Jimin's eyes fluttering shut, his heartbeat picking up again. "I don't want to hurt you." Jimin swallowed around the cock head in his mouth and then just waits, rides the slight burn and sting behind his eyelids. Spit pools at the corners of his mouth and Jimin wants to wipe it off. His hands flex against Namjoon's hips but don't move. Instead he just laps up the pre-come from the slit of and concentrates on the taste, tries not to think of himself. He goes back to bobbing his head up and down and Namjoon huffed out a small groan. Forcing himself not to hurry, Jimin swirls his tongue against the shaft, caresses the soft skin. If he waits, he gets to feel the weight of Namjoon's cock and taste his pre-come a little bit longer. His mouth will be full soon. Jimin is licking the cock head with tiny kitten licks, not too much pressure, when Namjoon finally pets his head to get his attention and then grips the pink locks hard enough to make Jimin stop moving altogether. He pushed Jimin's bangs back from his sweaty forehead, and Jimin knows that now he can let go. Now that Jimin can truly concentrate on sucking Namjoon's cock and the intoxicating feel of it bumping against the back of his throat, he can finally forget about his erection peeking out the hem of the red panties. He pushed his hips down against the floor, but doesn't hump it even if his cock is throbbing for just a tiny bit of touch. He wants to be good for Namjoon. So Jimin just concentrates on sucking and swallowing and using his tongue. His whole body tensed up with anticipation when Namjoon threw his head back and his cock twitched in his mouth. He gives one more hard suck, cheeks hollowing and lips and tongue rubbing against the shaft of Namjoon's cock, and then Namjoon grunts and pushes his hips up from the bed, coming into the human's
mouth. Jimin's eyes fluttered shut and he swallowed. Spit pooled inside Jimin's mouth as he waited, lips still wrapped around Namjoon's cock. Namjoon nodded and Jimin took his lips from around the vampire's cock.
     "D-Did I do good?" Jimin asked, shyly looking up to Namjoon from the floor. Namjoon smiled gently and put out his thumb, rubbing the remaining cum from Jimin's pink cheeks.
     "Of course Jimin. But who says we're done?" Namjoon smirked and Jimin's
eyes widened. "You can come in now Yoongi."

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