Chapter 31

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                    sorry in advance :D

"That's Jimin and isn't.." Seokjin whispered in awe. "It's like he's-"
"Two different people inside one body. Much like Valaria is, which mean that...." Namjoon gulped, everyone watching as Jimin walked over to them, with a human girl behind her. "Oh no...Jimin..."
"So Joy let you out did she?" Valaria scoffed, making the girl flinch in fear. "Don't worry, she'll die along with you Gaia!" Valaria then suddenly raised her hands to Jimin and threw a large fireball at the human, who dodged it with ease. Making the vampire woman hiss.
"You've gotten weaker Malania." Jimin chuckled.
"That's not my name anymore!" she snarled and sent another fire hall, this time hitting right next to Jimin's feet.
"Come, meet me in the air Malania!" and then suddenly, Jimin sprouted large grey wings and he started to fly. "Unless this new body doesn't even have wings!"
"Don't taunt me Gaia!" Valaria then grew her own pair of wings, which were an ebony black. She flew in the air as well, leaving the other supernaturals on the ground. "And that's not my name!!!"
"....What just happened?" Hoseok looked up in the sky, barely able to see the fight. "Who was that in Jimin?"
"Valaria kept saying Gaia, but I thought she was dead..." Jungkook looked to their leader, who shrugged.
"Well to be fair, Valaria used to be Malania, who died. So it isn't impossible." Yoongi sighed.
"What happened to Jimin while he was gone??" Taehyung gulped, the sky foggy and dark. "Gaia died in the end of her battle with Valaria years ago..."
"What if the same thing happens to Jimin?" Yoongi murmured, finally speaking up. "If he dies..."
"Which he won't." the blue eyed vampire hissed angrily. "If he...dies...then I will turn him w-when he's on the brink of death."

"Don't you know Gaia?! I've been meddling in the dark arts! This time, I'll finally kill you for good!" Valaria screeched, throwing a fireball at Jimin's head. "And you WON'T come back!!!" His mismatched eyes rolled and tried to dodge it yet again, but this time it hit him in his shin. "Ha!" she flew towards Jimin and punched him, making him fly back. Jimin got his flying down again and the two clashed, with Jimin kicking the vampire in the stomach with his good leg.
"I don't need my legs in the air Malania." Jimin scoffed, his black and blond hair blowing in the high winds of the sky. "That is something that you should've known. Oh I forgot, you weren't born with wings like I was~" the vampire woman snarled again, throwing a fireball. "Is that all you can do Malania?! How sad for you...."
     "SHUT UP!!" Valaria screeched and went towards Jimin again, throwing a fireball. This time Jimin dodged with a huff. "That's it! I'm sick of you taunting me like I'm some sort of CHILD!!"
     "Because you keep acting like one Malania!! Taking over a random vampire's body to do something that you died over decades ago!! How are you not tired of losing yet?! LET THIS GO!!" Jimin shouted, his eyes flashing darkly. "You do this over and over again and get the same result!! You'll keep dying, making everyone hate your existence yet again!! You need to be in peace with yourself, and you need to die."
     "I need to eradicate all humans! That's what I need to do! And you are in my way Gaia as you ALWAYS are!!! I'm sick of it! This time, one of us won't be coming back and it won't be me." then suddenly, Valaria curled in on herself, the world suddenly started shaking. Then, she screamed a terribly high pitch, making Jimin cover his ears in pain. The human looked around, seeing Valaria's body tremble and shake. Then, she exploded.

     The supernaturals looked up, seeing a large explosion in the sky.
     "Do you think that Jimin will be alright?" Jennie asked worriedly, the other supernatural men picking up the dead bodies of the vampire servants. "And what will happen to these dead bodies? They're starting to stink..."
     "We will put them back in their graves." Yoongi told the witch, who nodded. "And I hope he will be..I'm worried."
     "Aren't we all?" Jungkook scoffed. "He's battling a evil vampire lady in the sky. It's bad."
     "Don't be like that Kook." Taehyung sighed. "He'll be alright...I hope."

     Jimin watched as Valaria's wings furled and unfurled behind her, and she sat back up. But this time, her eyes were fully black. Jimin gulped.
Will I be able to do this...? he thought frantically. Fuck I'm scared....
Jimin, calm down. You can do this. Just remember our plan child... a voice whispered in his head, making the human shake his head with a huff. We have to do this...I'm so sorry Jimin.
     Yea too.... and Jimin looked to Valaria, who manifested a large black knife out of the air.
     "Holy shit-" but the black haired human was interrupted by the vampire woman, who cackled crazily. "This bitch is crazy..."
     "Come on Gaia! Don't by shy, get your weapon out! Don't you remember that weapon that killed me?!" she snarled, darting towards Jimin. But the shorter shot his hand out, a weapon manifesting into his hands as well. It had a inky black hilt, with the metal of the katana being a dark, bloody red.
This is cool~ he thought with a smirk and held it out, blocking Valaria's hit with his own sword. So pretty.... They clashed in the air, and all the supernaturals on the ground could hear is metal sounds and screams. Valaria brought her sword down, hitting Jimin in the arm and making the human hiss in pain. He looked down, seeing his arm spout blood. Well shit. Ik bleeding. But that won't matter in the end. I'll be gone anyways....I'm so sorry guys. Looks like I won't make it after all....
     "You won't win this time Gaia! I won't let you kill me again!!!" the vampire brought her sword down again, this time slicing Jimin in the stomach. Jimin gasped and backed away, glancing at the woman. "Heh....looks like this is the end Gaia. I'd say it's been fun doing this cat and mouse game, but frankly I'm tired and I have more important things to do." she held her fist, letting some type of energy build. Jimin sighed and looked down at himself, his body looking worse for wear.
Now Jimin. Gaia hissed in his head, surprising Jimin. The time is NOW!! the human gulped and nodded with determination, sighing to himself. He did the same, closing his hand into a fist and letting energy grow. The is the last fight for me and her. It's time for us to rest. I just want to say...It's been an amazing pleasure being with you and being you Park Jimin. Goodbye....

     The twenty-seven supernaturals(i counted the boys, stray kids, twice, txt, and bp so i think thats 27🤷🏽‍♀️) looked up in the sky with bated breaths, noticing the sky clearing a bit. Then they saw them. Jimin and Valaria at a standstill, with the two having glowing fists.
     "What the fuck is going on?!" Hoseok asked, looking to Namjoon. The blue eyed vampire shrugged and looked back up in the sky. It was quiet, then everything went white. The supernaturals ducked down, holding their ears in pain. An agonizing scream was heard, and then...nothing. They all looked up, seeing two bodies falling from the sky. Namjoon and the others heard a scream behind them and turned around, seeing the human girl that was with Jimin earlier.
     "That's Irene!" she screeched. "Save her!!! Please!!!" Namjoon rolled his eyes and looked to Yoongi, who grunted. Then, the black eyed vampire disappeared in a cloud of black smoke. Then he was in the air, teleporting from Irene to Jimin. He had both of them in his hands, and he teleported back to the ground. Irene ran over to Yoongi, and he gave the vampire to the human. "Oh Irene....wake up.."
      "......Joy?" Irene fluttered her eyes open, looking up at the human. "Is that you?" Joy giggled with tears in her eyes, bending down and kissing Irene square on the lips. Namjoon and the others looked away, watching as Yoongi gently laid Jimin in the dewy grass, the sky clear. The six vampires circled their lover, watching his eyes flutter open. His body wasn't doing too good; he had cuts and bruises everywhere.
     "Jimin..." they whispered, gasping as he coughed up blood. Jungkook grunted and sat down in the grass, putting Jimin's head in his lap.
     "Hey..." Jimin weakly smiled. "I'm back. D-Did you miss me...?"
     "Oh Jimin....of course we missed you..." Jungkook sniffed, tears building up in his eyes. "You're here with us...that's all that matters..."
      "I made a deal to s-save you guys..a-and I did i-it! A-Are....are you proud of me? I...I d-did it for you g-guys..."
     "So proud of you Jiminie..." Hoseok sat down next to Jungkook, staring down at Jimin with a teary smile. "You did amazing baby..."
     "I-I did good?" Jimin coughed on his tears, staring up at his vampire lovers. They all sat down, murmuring soft praises to their young lover. "I-I did..." he chuckled with blotchy cheeks. "I'm so...tired...I-I love you guys so much. So much that I...I made a nasty deal. I-I want live. To s-stay with you guys for as long as I-I could. L-Live my life to the fullest...guess not."
      "...Jimin what nasty deal?" Seokjin gulped, wiping his tears away. "Jimin what did you do????" Jimin choked on a sob and sighed, his eyes fluttering close. "Jimin???? JIMIN!!!!!"

     ....hey😀how yall doing. so....hes dead :p BUT there is a plan so bear in mind ok? ill be back :D have a good day or night!

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