Chapter 12

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     "Ma'am, do you think that they've seen you on the t.v. screen?"
     "Of course they did love. I would be very surprised if they didn't." she sauntered up to the small girl and tilted her head up with a sharp smirk. "Now I am quite full with blood little one~but I am still hungry for you..." the human servant gulped in excitement and the other woman grinned sharply, her large incisors showing. "Let's have some fun..."

"She's blonde now.." Jungkook said with no emotion in his voice. "I hate it."
"Shit. This is bad...this is so fucking bad.."" Jin huffed and the others nodded. "What do we do now?"
"Nothing." Namjoon replied with emotionless eyes. "We don't know where she is and we don't know her plans as of right now. So we do nothing for the moment."
"That makes sense unfortunately.." Taehyung sighed. "I feel like something's going to happen...I feel it in the air.."
     "Same.." Hoseok sighed.
"Um...what will we tell Jimin?" Yoongi asked.
"Does he even want to know what happened between us and...." Jungkook hesitated to say her name. "...Irene?" as soon as he said her name, everyone froze.
"That bitch.." Taehyun hissed, his dark eyes sharp and spiteful. "I remember you telling us about her when we first joined the coven..."
" are we telling Jimin or not?" Jungkook asked.
"I assume that she broke in and destroyed Jimin's room last time, so this has something to do with him too." Namjoon sighed. "Let's go tell him; he's probably in his room." he motioned for the others to follow him. "I want some of you to go and sniff around the murder scene; see if you get a scent from there. And Chan, you and Changbin have a mission tonight."
"Yes sir." Chan saluted. "Won't let you down!"
     "Yep." Changbin grinned and the two vampires high-fived.
"I hope he won't leave us when he finds out.."

Jimin stirred when he heard a knock on his door. He rubbed his eyes and stared at the ceiling for a bit, silently begging for the person at his door to go away and let him sleep for the remaining of the year. They knocked again and Jimin groaned loudly, startling the vampires on the other side. He got up, shivering at the coldness of the floor. He was only in a shirt and boxers, so the room was cold. He slipped on fuzzy white socks and waddled up to the door, opening it with swollen eyes. He looked up at the undead men and smiled.
"What are you guys doing here?" he asked the six vampires. "I thought something happened and you weren't coming back to see me tonight..."
"Nah." Yoongi shrugged and walked in. "We will always have time to see you."
"We have something to talk to you about.." Namjoon said and walked in after the other vampire, the others following after him. "That's why we're here..."
"What about?" the human asked, sitting down on his bed next to Yoongi, who was leaning on his headboard. "Is it something serious?"
"Yes." the blue eyed vampire replied. "Very serious Jimin."
"Y-You're scaring me..." Jimin nervously giggled, seeing the serious expression on their faces. "How bad is it..?"
"We don't mean to scare you Kitten." Hoseok smiled and sat down behind Jimin. The human laid his head on Hoseok's shoulder and looked up at the others. They sat down surrounding Hoseok and Jimin.
"But this is really serious Minnie." Taehyung frowned. Jungkook didn't say anything, only sitting down on the edge of the bed.
"We met her years a thousand years ago.." Namjoon started. "She was the love of our lives.." Jimin furrowed his eyebrows and scowled.
     "Who is this 'she' y'all are talking about??" he asked with a pout.
     "Bae Irene, our human lover we had over a couple of hundred years ago." Jungkook said with a hiss.
     "You guys had a human lover before me?" Jimin asked. They nodded and Hoseok looked down with dark, sad eyes. "I thought you guys were gay..."
     "Vampires don't see gender. We just see blood bags." Yoongi chuckled and Jimin hit his shoulder.
     "I am not a blood bag!" he pouted in indignation. "And why aren't you guys with her? It seems like you guys really like her.."
     "She was....corrupted by pure darkness...we couldn't save her." Jin whispered.

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