Chapter 13

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     "This is really scary..." Irene shakily laughed and Hoseok gulped. They looked at Moonbyul, who was mixing something together in a small beaker. It looked a dark green substance and Moonbyul smiled in glee.
     "Hoseok, you need to drink this. It'll make you more...blood thirsty in a way and you be conscious enough to change her to a vampire. So this'll be easy peasy~"  she gave the beaker to the red eyed vampire and he took it, looking at it cautiously. "I'll be off now. Come out when you're done since she needs to be alone during this transition..." Moonbyul smiled and left the room, leaving the vampire and human alone together.
     Hoseok gulped and glanced at Irene, who was sitting on her heels staring at him with a serene expression.
     "I'll be ok Hoseokie..." she smiled and he grinned. He nodded his head and chugged the drink. When he was done, he waited for then supposed "bloodlust", but it didn't come. He made a noise in the back of his throat and looked at the human again. Then he felt his consciousness slip away and he blacked out.

     Irene gasped when her vampire lover fell to the ground. She backed away and gulped. He stirred awake and her eyes widened. He got back up and his eyes were pitch black. He stared at her and licked his lips. She whimpered when the vampire closed in on her. He suddenly jumped and she gasped when he landed on top of her. He harshly pinned her hands above her head and put his nose in her neck. She gasped when his cold lips touched her neck and he licked the side of her pale neck. He harshly bit down and she screamed. His sharp teeth pierced her skin and she gasped. He sucked her blood and she moaned, trying to move her hands.
     "Stop moving." Hoseok growled and she whimpered.
     "P-Please let me t-touch you..." she begged and he let go. Her arms wrapped around his neck and she tilted her neck. waiting for him to finish. He hissed and latched on again, almost sucking the girl dry. After a bit, he stopped and stared down at the aroused girl under him. He put his wrist to his teeth and scraped it, letting the blood drip down. He put his wrist to Irene's mouth and said,
"Drink." she nodded with teary eyes and started to suck on Hoseok's wrist. Her eyes widened when his bitter blood filled her mouth. She gulped it down, keeping eye contact with the red eyed vampire. When she was done, Hoseok took back his wrist and fainted. She looked down at him until she cuddled up to him and fell asleep.

"Knock knock~" someone shouted, banging on the steel door, waking the two in the room. "It's us." Hoseok huffed and stood up to unlock the door. When he opened the door, the others, including Moonbyul, all ran in. Jungkook ran up to Irene and tightly hugged her and she flinched in pain. Hoseok grabbed Jungkook and pulled him away from the weakened girl.
     "Jungkook, don't hug her so tight. She's still hurt." he hissed and Jungkook quickly apologized to the girl, who smiled weakly.
     "Are you two ok??" Namjoon asked. "I know that can take a lot out of a human and a vampire." Hoseok grinned and shakily stood up.
     "I'll be fine~" he said and shook his arms. "In a bit. Just need to lay down at home."
     "Now that he's ok." Moonbyul started. "Time for you guys to leave. She needs to deal with this alone." they all sighed and looked at their lover.
     "Will you be ok?" Yoongi asked and she nodded, wincing when her head throbbed.
     "I'll be ok Yoon..." she whispered and he smiled. They nodded and one by one hugged the weak girl. When they were done, they all slowly walked all, giving the girl praise and encouragement. They left her alone, all alone. They didn't know what she would do to them. They remained ignorant until the end, until they caught her.

    "After she turned into one of us, she...changed. When we returned to retrieve her, she was different. At night, when some of us would be on missions, she would disappear for hours or days. When she would come back, she would smell different, like demon blood. Then one night we caught her...doing a ritual trying to revive an old...foe of sorts. We yelled at her and tried to reason with her, but she said some shit we would never expect to hear from her and the next night, she disappeared into the night. Never to be seen again. Years after that, we met Taehyun and the others and we took them in, training them to be assassins like us. Then more and more people came, and we became a real coven. We haven't heard anything about her since today..." Namjoon said without any emotion in his eyes or voice. Jimin was quiet for a bit, sudden insecurity washing over him.
"....Would you guys ever go back to her? If she asked you to?" he asked quietly and they tensed up.
"Never." Jungkook hissed. "I will never go back to her." Jimin pouted a bit and suddenly stood up, walking to sit on the purple eyed vampire's lap. He wrapped his arms around his neck and hugged him.
"It's ok Jungkookie." he smiled. "You don't have to hurt anymore. I got you." and for the first time in centuries, Jeon Jungkook cried. He sobbed into Jimin's shoulder and hugged the human's waist tightly. The other vampires circled around them and hugged their youngest vampire, waiting for him to calm down. They all glanced at the crying human on Jungkook's lap, smiling as he kissed all over the vampire's cold face. They all teared up at the pure love radiating from their tiny human lover, much unlike Irene.

After the crying fest, Jimin and the others looked outside and realized it was already nighttime. Jimin pouted and looked up at the taller men.
"It's dark now!" he whined. "Time for me to go asleep." they all nodded and tried to leave, but Jimin quickly grabbed Jin's wrist. "Wait!"
"What is it kitten?" Hoseok asked with a smile.
"C-Can you sleep with me...? All o-of you?" he pouted up at them with puppy eyes and they all cooed. Hoseok hopped on top of Jimin and basically smothered the poor human.
"You're too cute Jiminie!" Taehyung squealed and hopped on top of the other vampire and human, a sandwich.
"This one is too small." Jin said bluntly.
"...we have another bed.." Jungkook said and they stopped. "It can fit up to seven to eight people." they whipped their head to stare at the raven haired vampire.
"Hey that's a good idea. When he showed...her...that bed, she hated it for some reason. Said she liked to sleep by herself." Namjoon rolled his eyes and they all laughed.
"Can someone carry me to the bed?" Jimin asked with a pout. They all laughed and Jin hoisted the human up. The seven of them all walked to that bed laughing and smiling. When they got there, Namjoon opened the door and Jimin gasped in awe at what he saw. The room was a light blue color and spacious. In the middle of the room with the headboard facing the walk, was a large bed with white pillows and covers. Jimin wiggled in Jin's hold and the pink eyed vampire out the human down. Jimin waddled up to the bed and flipped down on it. He made grabby hands and they all stripped out of their clothes, leaving them in only boxers. Yoongi was the first one there, teleporting in a black smoke next to Jimin with was wiggling under the covers. Then it was Jungkook, who pushed Taehyung and Jin out of the way and hopped on the other side of Jimin. Taehyung hissed and got up from the bed, getting next to Yoongi. The it was Hoseok, who barreled next to Taehyung. Jin and Namjoon rolled their eyes fondly and got next to Jungkook. They all cuddled each with their tiny human, who smiled and fell asleep to their presence.

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