Chapter 18

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Jimin stayed still as Hoseok washed him again. They talked and played around with the soapy mess. Once the vampire was done, it was Jimin's turn to wash Hoseok. Once the two were done, they put back on their clothes they had on earlier and opened the bathroom door, but almost bumped into Namjoon and the others. They both looked up and Jimin gulped at the tires and distracted expressions on their faces.
     "Hi?" Jimin giggled nervously. "How are you guys?"
     "Hi guys!" Hoseok greeted with a wide smirk, his red eyes flashing. "Where were you?"
     "You guys are loud as fuck." Yoongi said bluntly. "Next time keep it down." and the raven haired man disappeared in black smoke.
     "Or invite someone!" Taehyung pouted. "If you guys were thinking about having sex, you could've invited me! Selfish asshole..."
     "Sorry I'll do that next time." the red eyed vampires chuckled sarcastically. "Now if you'll excuse me, poor Jiminie is trembling in his spot here." Hoseok swung Jimin and picked him up bridal style, taking the human to his room. "I'll see you guys later~"
     "I sometimes forget why I decided to stay here with you guys..." Jungkook hissed and walked away, leaving Namjoon and Jin in the hallway.
     "Wanna fuck? I'm bored." Jin asked the blue eyed vampire, who smiled. "And horny."
     "Sure, but you're bottoming this time~" Namjoon smirked and the two ran off with two matching, lustful smiles.

     Hoseok laid Jimin down and took all of his itchy clothes off, leaving the small human in only his baby blue panties.
     "Thank you....'m tired." Jimin mumbled sleepily.
     "Aw such an adorable cutie~" Hoseok cooed and slipped into bed with the pink haired boy, wearing only his boxers. "Have a good nap Jiminie."
     "Night night..."
     A couple of hours later and Jimin woke up with a tired groan. Hoseok was softly playing in his hair, and Yoongi was surprisingly right next to him.
     "When did you get here?" Jimin sleepily pouted, laying back down onto Yoongi's chest.
     "Since Jin and Joon were being loud as hell. Rocking the mansion and shit."
     "You guys fuck each other??" Jimin asked.
     "Sometimes, when we're bored. That's why we're so comfortable around each other." Hoseok answered.
    "Oh I see..." Jimin hummed and made circles on the black eyed vampire's naked chest. "I'm hungry."
     "Me too..." Yoongi whispered in Jimin's ear and started to suck on his bruised neck. "Damn Hobi, you made a mess on his neck~"
     "I know...nice right?" he chuckled when Jimin started to squirm.
     "Stay still." the older commanded and Jimin stilled immediately. "Good boy."
     "I-I'm a good boy?" Jimin gasped when Yoongi bit down.
     "The best boy~" Hoseok smiled fondly and played with Jimin's pink strands as Yoongi drank from the pliant human. Once he was done, he took his fangs from Jimin's neck and sighed in relief.
     "I needed that." he smiled and sat back, letting Jimin's head fall onto his chest again. "Thanks Jiminie."
     "You're welcome..." Jimin huffed and closed his eyes again.

     "Is there anything you need miss?" the servant asked nervously. Valaria rolled their eyes and looked to the frail girl.
"I need my strength back." they hissed. "I need human blood...unless."
"Y-You can drink from me miss like last time if you want."
     "No. I need vampire blood. Or better yet, supernatural blood."
     "I see....would you like to go find some?"
     "I want faerie blood. I heard its delicious~" Valaria licked their lips and stood in her naked glory. "But first I need clothing. I don't wish to be naked any longer."
     "As you wish Master." the human bowed and quickly walked away.
"We should kill her. She's annoying."
"No! I...I need her. She makes me feel sane."
"Whatever you say...But we should go and get ready. Get our army back to its former glory!"
"Of course~"

"Guys get the fuck up." someone shook Yoongi violently and the vampire quickly grabbed their wrist.
"If you keep shaking me, you're gonna lose a fucking finger." he hissed with his eyes closed, his other hand rubbing the naked back of their human. "What do you want."
"We have to go now. Get up." Namjoon huffed and Yoongi groaned, softly putting Jimin down onto the bed and getting up. "You too Hoseok."
"Do I have to?" the other vampire whined. "I am really comfortable right now with Jimin."
"The Council wants to see us." Namjoon growled and Hoseok immediately shot up.
     "Fuck. They couldn't have waited??" Hoseok scoffed and zipped up his pants. "What the hell do they want with us??"
     "They want to talk to us about Malania and Irene." the blue eyed vampire sighed.
     "Well, since we have to go. But what about their humans? I refuse to drink from anyone other than Jimin." Yoongi glared.
     "We have to. Do you want Jimin around them?? You know how they treat their humans..." Namjoon snarled. "Because I sure as hell don't want them around our Jimin."
     "What if I wanna go?" Jimin said out of the blue, sitting up. "I'm going. No questions."
     "Baby it's dangerous!" Hoseok shouted out. "They could possible hurt you..."
     "I don't care! I want to be with you guys!" Jimin said determinedly.
     "Jimin..." Namjoon smiled sadly. "What if they hurt you?"
     "Well then, I'll eventually be healed. Pain goes away eventually." the human shrugged. "So please! Let me go with you guys..."
     "If he wants to come, let him come," Yoongi shrugged and half smiled as Jimin. "Get dressed. We're leaving in a bit."

     "So...mind telling me why the Council is so dangerous?" Jimin asked once the seven of them were in the car. As soon as they agreed that he could go, Jimin immediately packed his bags and left with them. They were currently in the Council's limousine driving to Daegu, where the Council was built.
     "Well...the Council is really old fashioned and they believe that they are the most elite out of everyone else, humans and the other supernatural." Namjoon explained. "They formed the Council for all of the supernaturals. There are representatives for every race: vampires, werewolves, faeries, mermaids, and warlocks."
"Wow...they sound really powerful." Jimin gasped in awe.
"They must want to talk to us since we know more about the situation and we're the most powerful clan as of right now." Jin said without a second thought, looking out of the window.
     "You guys are the most powerful??" Jimin exclaimed and the six vampires nodded. "How??"
     "We have power and authority." Hoseok shrugged. "More then other clans around here."
     "Wow..." Jimin sighed and looked out of the window beside Jin, who glanced at him with a small smile. Jimin felt himself getting sleepier, until he closed his eyes and fell asleep.
     "...min. Jimin!" someone harshly shook the human awake and Jimin gasped.
     "W-What?!" he looked around with wide eyes. "Taetae?"
     "Hey sleepy head. We're here." the green eyed vampire said with a small smile.
     "Carry me?" Jimin sleepily pouted and held out his arms. "Please?"
     "Anything for my Kitten~" the raven haired man swiftly picked the human up bridal stayed and walked towards the others, who were waiting up ahead. "Hey guys!"
     "Finally." Yoongi rolled his eyes. The seven of them walked the large path to the very large estate in front of them. After a very tiring walk, they were finally at the doors of the Council Mansion. Jimin squeaked when the two black doors eerily opened and a blonde, petite woman came out in a large white billowing dress.
     "The Masters have been waiting for you."

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