Chapter 10

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     Jimin was throughly sated, his body sore and limp as he laid in the middle of Namjoon and Yoongi. The human mumbled something incoherently, his sleep-muddled brain unable to comprehend what he was trying to say. He slowly opened his eyes, staring up at the ceiling for a moment. His body was ravaged, he felt around his lithe body and winced when he touched a large bruise on his chest. He sat up and looked around. Torn pillows and feathers were everywhere and he noticed a sorry torn up red fabric in the corner. He knew it was the skimpy lacey lingerie piece he wore last night and he silently groaned, rubbing his eyes tiredly. He got from
under his blanket and stared at his body. Bruises and bite marks were everywhere on his body, and he blushed.
They went to town on me what the fuck... Jimin miserably thought as he thought about last night. The night was long, and the two vampires seemed to go on and on, their libidos never ending. Jimin could barely keep up with the two monsters. After almost two hours, Jimin passed out from exhaustion and Namjoon and Yoongi fed the small human until he was full and pliant. Then they laid him down and they tried to leave, but Jimin begged the two men to stay with him until he fell asleep. They were physically unable to fall asleep, so they watched the human sleep soundly, absentmindedly rubbing his body gently.
"What time is it?" he asked, rubbing his eyes adorably and looked at Namjoon.
"One o'clock in the afternoon." Yoongi stated offhandedly. Jimin widened his eyes and tried to scramble out of bed, only to fall due to his jelly legs. "Careful doll, you're sore." Jimin glared at the black eyed vampire and Yoongi had the audacity to chuckle at him. Jimin shivered, feeling a draft across his naked body and squeaked, covering his genitals with red cheeks.
"He's right. You need to stay in bed for now." Namjoon smiled and Jimin made grabby hands.
"Can someone take me to the kitchen to feed me?" Jimin pouted with sleep-swollen eyes. "I'm hungry." In a flash, Yoongi was in front of him and carrying the naked human bridal style. Namjoon stood up and stretched his body, the boxers clinging to his thick thighs. Namjoon walke over to Jimin's closet and grabbed clothes for the naked and pouty human: a large white t-shirt and purple boxers. Yoongi sat Jimin on the bed and Namjoon clothed the sleepy human, much to Jimin's dismay. "I can dress myself." Jimin grunted as Yoongi picked him up again and the three left Jimin's room, only to bump into Hoseok in the way.
"Hey!" he greeted with a smile. "How are you Jimin? Are you ok?"
"I hurt all over." he glared at the red eyed vampire. "You were supposed to come." Hoseok gave the human an apologetic look and sheepishly scratched the back of his head.
"Sorry Kitten. I had a surprise mission and Namjoon forced it on me. Probably to have you to himself." Namjoon smiled knowingly behind Yoongi and Jimin. "But don't worry, I'll get with you next time, you pouty baby. Where are you guys going?"
"'Pouty baby' is hungry, so we're taking him to get food. We made Jungkook and Taehyung go out and buy a lot of groceries for the human." Yoongi said. "Are they back yet?" Hoseok nodded and motioned for the vampires to follow him. They all started to walk towards the kitchen when Jimin smelled something delicious.
"Is Jin cooking?" Jimin asked Hoseok. The brunette nodded and opened the door to the kitchen. Jimin almost moaned when the smell invaded his nose. They all looked on as Jin flipped something in a pot. He seemed to sense they were there as he turned around to glare.
"You guys should go and sit down in the dining area. It isn't done yet." Jin said with a straight face. "And watch out, it's packed..." They looked at Jin strangely, but nodded and left, leaving the cranky chef by himself. Jimin snuggled into Yoongi's embrace and sighed happily. Once they got to the eating area, they found that they were not alone.
    "On no.." Namjoon sighed irritably. "That's what Jin was talking about." Jimin noticed Bang Chan and waved. Chan looked up and smiled back.
     "Hey, they're here!" he yelled and everyone stopped talking and stared at the four people in the doorway.
     "Jimin.." Namjoon started, "This is the rest of the coven."

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