Chapter 32

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(the flashbacks are in italics for anyone confused ok?🤗)

"When will you be back?" Jungkook asked, looking to Namjoon with wide purple eyes.
"In a bit. I'm just thirsty." the blue eyed vampire smiled.
"Don't get caught or anything." Taehyung smiled. The two younger vampires were on the couch, watching something on the t.v. They were absolutely fascinated with human technology and demanded Namjoon to buy everything. Namjoon bought it without a care, letting them do as they pleased. At least it satisfied their newer vampires as well.
"Ok. Tell Yoongi, Jin, and Hobi where I'm going. Won't be back til later." Namjoon cracked his neck and walked out of the mansion, walking to his car. The tall vampire got inside and drove off, going to the market. He wanted to check out prey for him; and what better place than the market?
     So he parked his car, getting out and dusting his shirt off. There were many people walking into the supermarket, all with one thing in mind. Money.
Namjoon smiled as he walked inside, bowing apologetically as he almost bumped into someone.
"Oh I'm sorry!" the voice perked up quickly, a soft and gentle voice. Namjoon looked up and smiled, shaking his head.
"It's fine." the vampire chuckled, fixing his hair. He looked at the human, and subtly sniffed the air. The human smelled fresh, and sweet. A little indifferent, but sweet nonetheless. The two bowed once again and went their different ways, unknowing of their future with each other.
Namjoon walked around, scoping the area. He went to a random aisle, looking at the food. But when he saw a short man struggling to get a bag of seaweed chips and smirked. The tall vampire went over to the human, humming to himself.
     "Hey do you need help with that?" Namjoon asked the man, who jumped at the sound of his deep voice. "Oh I'm sorry to scare you!"
     "Oh its ok." the man smiled, a pink blush on his cheeks. "And I do need help thank you so much!"
     "No problem! My name is Namjoon." the vampire smiled his dimpled smile and grabbed the chips, giving them to the human.
     "My name is Minsun! Nice to meet you!" the human giggled flirtatiously, leaning into Namjoon a bit. Which meant the vampire's charm was working. He had a slight manipulation power that seemed to be working on the naïve human. "Thank you so much for the chips!"
     "It's no problem~"
     "D-Do you maybe want my number?"
     "Oh sure!"

     "Jiminie wake up!!" Jungkook sobbed, holding's Jimin's slowly fading warm hands. "P-Please! Don't leave us!!"
     "Namjoon what are we going to do!??" Seokjin hissed, staring up at their leader. "NAMJOON!" the blue eyed vampire was shaken out of his memories by the call of his name, looking back at the pink eyed vampire. "Cant you do something?!! FUCK!!!!"
     "Fuck...." Hoseok sniffed, wiping his red eyes. "This shouldn't have happened to Jimin...Jiminie..." Taehyung and Yoongi were quiet, hot tears streaming down their faces. "My Jiminie...."
     "Wait N-Namjoon." Yoongi looked up from Jimin's cold body. "D-Do you remember what you said earlier. During the b-battle with Jimin and Malania. O-Or Valaria. About the biting..."
     "T-The bite?" Taehyung piped up as well, staring at his hands. "Y-You said that if something happened to Jimin that you w-would change him."

     Namjoon smirked to himself as he got back in his car, a new number in his phone. He had read the text the human sent to him; "thank for helping me out earlier ;) maybe i can help you out some other time~you should meet me at this club called Epiphany later tonight!" the vampire huffed out a chuckle and started his car, driving off.
     Hours later, and Namjoon was dressed up for the club. Black leather pants, a black tank top, and a black thin choker to set it off all. Also his boots, which were shiny.
     "Oooooooh look at you~" Seokjin chuckled from Namjoon's doorway. "Bringing someone home tonight?"
     "Yea that human I met at the market earlier today. He invited me to this club."
Namjoo replied, brushing his whiteish blond hair back. "My hair is getting a bit long. Should I cut it?"
"Nah. I like it long. Makes it easier to pull~"
"Whaaaat? I was being truthful. Now go, the human is waiting for you~"

⚠️tw: mentions of blood and wrist slicing⚠️

Namjoon took Jimin from Jungkook's hold, laying the human in his own hands. Tilting his neck, the vampire gulped and leaned down. Then, he bit. Gulping Jimin's warm blood into his mouth, his blue eyes flashing bright.
Growling lowly, he laid the human down into the ground and let go of his neck, going for his wrists. Namjoon bit everywhere, ensuring Jimin's transformation. Once he was done, Namjoon sliced his own wrist and bought it to Jimin's parted lips. He squeezed his blood in the black and blond haired man's open mouth, tilting his head back so he could swallow it.
"D-Did it work???" Jungkook asked, the other vampires leaning over their leader's shoulder.
"We won't know for a couple of weeks. Let's just...take him inside and leave him in a room." Namjoo stood up, picking up Jimin as well. The blue eyed vampire looked to the other supernaturals, who were hugging tearfully. "The battle is over. Let's go home." and everyone cheered.
The battle is over, but at what expense..?

Namjoon had the human in his arms in an random alleyway, urgently sucking his blood. The human was moaning and whimpering in his hold, and the vampire could feel the human's hard on on his thigh.
"A-Ah!" the human gasped as he came in his pants, and Namjoon let go of his throat. Gently sliding the human down onto the ground, he waved his hands in Minsun's face, the human being out like a light. So the blond vampire chanted under his breath, assuring that the human would forget about him.
Then Namjoon grabbed Minsun's phone, unlocking it and deleting everything in it that had any shit about him in it. He didn't want to leave any trace. So the vampire stood up and fixed his belt, making his own hard on go away. He had no time for that; he had to go home. But when he suddenly heard a vicious howl, he stopped.
It was right in this alleyway! Namjoon thought, looking around. He was in the shadows of the alley so no one could see him. He saw a tiny, yet familiar human run in the very same alleyway he was in, a large dog following after him.
     "Please Junseo...just go away and leaven me alone..." Namjoon heard the human whimper, watching as the alpha werewolf cornered him. Namjoon quickly bent down, watching the scene go down. Then, the wolf attacked, jumping on top of the human. "Please..." and that's when Namjoon intervened.
  "Isn't it illegal to attack humans, werewolf?" Namjoon chuckled, stepping out of the shadows. The vampire watched as the werewolf's eyes widened and he picked his hand up, flinging the alpha to the side.
     Namjoon went over to the human, who moaned out weakly in pain. Namjoon glared at the alpha, watching it squirm and whimper in pain, until it finally left.
     After the alpha left, the vampire looked to the ground, where the familiar human laid staring weakly at him.
     The human that I bumped into at the market.... Namjoon thought, bending down.
     "I'm too old for all of this..." the blue eyed vampire muttered, waving his hand above the pretty human's face. "Hello human!" Namjoon grinned, his pretty dimples and sharp teeth showing. "I am going to pick you up now. Don't worry, I don't bite. Unless you want me too.." the human looked slightly down, looking at his teeth. He paled, and finally passed out.

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