Chapter 6

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"What do you mean that you're assassins?!" Jimin exclaimed, suddenly standing up. "And you didn't think to tell me?? Like how??"
"Like I said, it's really not a big deal Jimin." Hoseok smiled. He didn't get the pure panic that was going through Jimin's head.
"Uh yes it is a 'big deal' you dick! You kill people for money!" Jimin sat down again and rested his head on the table, morning miserably under his breath.
"That's how we make money Jimin. I don't really understand why you're upset..." Namjoon raised an eyebrow. Jimin looked up and glared at him harshly.
"Do you kill innocent people?!" the vampires glanced at each other and looked back at Jimin. "Huh?? And don't fucking lie to me!" It was quiet for a bit, until Jin answered his question.
"We don't know. They don't tell us." Jimin widened his eyes and got back up again.
"I-I need to go in my room and d-do something,.." Jimin quickly walked out of the room, leaving the six vampires baffled.

Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck. They are killers. Jimin thought as he rushed to his room. Once he opened the door, he leaned on it and sighed heavily.
"What am I gonna do...?" he moaned, putting his face in his hands.
"You can start by trusting us." a voice replied in the dark corner of his room. Jimin jumped and looked up, seeing Jungkook staring at him from across the room.
"Why the fuck are you in my fucking room??" Jimin asked angrily. Jungkook smirked and shrugged, walking out of the shadows and he sat down on Jimin's bed.
     "Well because I wanted to see you. Is there a problem with that?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow and Jimin rolled his eyes.
"Whatever. You've seen me, now get out. I don't wanna talk to you."
"What?? This is my room! Leave!"
"No because I came in here to talk to you. Why are you so angry at us? Just because we kill people?"
"Yes! What's the purpose of killing someone if you don't know if they're innocent or not?? You could be killing innocent people with families and homes! That's a horrible thing to do!"
"There are a lot of reasons to get a job as an assassin Jimin. One is for money. Another is to kill the bad people, like rapists, pedophiles, or murderers. We could be killing innocent people, but do supernaturals not kill people everyday? We just do what they ask. We don't kill children even if they ask though, that's just plain horrible." Jimin looked away from Jungkook and got up from the soft floor. "Are you ok now? Are we good?"
"Sure. It's still pretty early so I think I'm gonna out and go get a job or something."
     "A job? Why do you need a job when you live here with us? We have enough money for you."
     "Well I still want one for money and stuff. Gonna need to buy clothes and stuff for me. Can't just keep wearing the same clothes I've had. Shoes, food, and...other things."
     "What do you mean other things?"
     "Other things that I don't wanna talk shut up and leave me alone."
     "Ok ok jeez...So are you sure you aren't mad at us anymore?"
     "I guess I can kinda see where you guys are coming from, so not really. But enough about that, I'm sick of talking about it. I don't wanna go shopping by myself, so do you want to come shopping with me or not?" Jungkook nodded and Jimin smiled. "Ok so I have to get ready. Get out."
     "No." Jungkook replied with a smirk.
     "Why not???" the human scoffed, blush high on his cheeks.
     "Cause I don't have to."
     "That's not a good excuse!"
     "I don't care. Change."
     "F-Fine you pervert! Stay for all I care!" and Jungkook walked to his bed and sat down.
     "Alright get dressed and hurry up. We don't have all day."
     "Don't fucking rush me!" Jimin huffed and rolled his eyes. He took off his shirt and threw it on the floor. Jungkook watched with dark, lustful eyes as Jimin took off his shoes along with his pants, only leaving him in tight blue boxers. The vampire slowly licked his lips when Jimin bent down to pick up his clothes, showing off his soft curves and plump ass. Jimin picked up his clothes and put them inside of his closet, not noticing the leering eyes staring at him. He also didn't notice that the vampire was behind him until he turned around and Jungkook was right in front of his face. Jimin gasped and Jungkook caged him against the closet door.
     "Do you know how sexy you are? Looking like that..." the vampire questioned, bending his head down to Jimin's shoulder and licked his neck sensually. The human shuddered and Jungkook grinned, incisors sharpening in his mouth, ready to bite down. Then suddenly, someone opened Jimin's door and Jungkook hissed angrily. Taehyung raised an eyebrow at the scene and looked at Jimin.
     "Hey Jimin. You still mad?" the green eyed vampire asked, ignoring Jungkook's protest.
     "Get out! You are interrupting us!" Jungkook growled and Taehyung rolled his eyes.
     "Nah I'm fine. Now if Jungkook would let me go and stop interrupting me, I would like to get dressed and go to the mall." Jimin smiled.
     "Oooooo can I come??" Taehyung asked excitedly.
     "No!" at the same time Jimin said,
     "Sure no problem. Don't care." Jungkook stared at Jimin in complete betrayal and the human just shrugged with a grin"Come in don't be like that Kookie."
     "Kookie?" the two vampires said in unison. Jimin blushed and rolled his eyes to hide his embarrassment.
     "Y-Yea! I called him Kookie. Problem with that dick??" Jimin raised his eyebrow at the two and they stepped back a little and raised their hands in the air.
     "No problem."
     "We're good."
     "Anyways, where is everyone else?" Jimin asked.
     "Namjoon and Hoseok went on that mission we talked about earlier this morning and Jin and Yoongi went with them. So it's just me, you, and Jungkook...unfortunately."
     "Ok ok! Get out you two! I need to get dressed without getting jumped on!" Jimin pushed the vampires out of his room and sighed in relief once they were gone. "Finally..." and he went in the closet, unknowing of the eyes watching him from his open window.

     Once they were gone, Jimin's window was pushed open more and jumped inside of the house.
     "God the security here is shit. Glad to see that they've never listened to me~" giggled the person standing in the middle of Jimin's room. They noticed a picture on a drawer and went to pick it up. It was a picture of the human they've been monitoring. "So they are fucking around with a mortal. How disgusting." they looked everything and looked inside the human's private things. They left the room and went to certain places in the mansion without people. And that's when they heard a voice coming towards them.
     "I'm just saying...I wouldn't not have have sex with Changbin." they cursed and ran away back to the human's room. Once they were inside, they sighed in relief and looked around.
     "Hm...things have changed around here. It was so...empty before. But now they've grown in numbers and they have a human with them. How...peculiar. Now I just need to see how many coven members they have. I have a plan and I don't need any distractions from these mistakes." and they went to the human's vanity mirror and they fixed their hair with a smile. Suddenly, they broke the mirror and it shattered on contact. Pieces flew everywhere and they giggled with a hand delicately covering their mouth. They distinctly heard voices coming towards the human's room and they fled out. "I'll get them back to me...even if if kills everyone in the vicinity..."

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