Chapter 7

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     "So what store first?" Jungkook asked once the three of them arrived. "Cause there's a lot of them...." There were people everywhere, both humans and supernaturals, walking in and out of the mall. There were fairies flying around in the air and werewolves running towards the mall doors, play fighting with each other. Taehyung and Jungkook both hissed at werewolves that came too close to them and Jimin as the three of them walked towards the opening.
"I'll see what store I'll go in when we get in there.." Jimin replied absentmindedly, "So just be patient ok??"
the vampires nodded as Jimin walked ahead of the them. They walked in and Jimin looked on in awe at the many stores open. "Hmmm...first we'll go to the clothing store. I need new clothes. The stuff I have now reminds me too much know who." the human motioned for Jungkook and Taehyung to follow him as he jogged to the first store. The vampires were quick to follow him, surprised that the human could run so fast just for clothing. Once they were in, Jimin looked around, looking for specific stuff he couldn't find online. Jungkook shrugged and looked to Taehyung.
     "Tell Jimin I'll be right back. I'm going to another store to get something for him." he said, already walking out.
     "Hey Jimin! Me and Jungkook will be right back. We're getting something for you!" Taehyung yelled in the store, and some people stared at the vampire wit weird expressions on their faces. They didn't mind, as they always got dirty looks. Jimin waved them off, barely paying attention to them. They smirked mischievously and ran away.

"What're you getting for Jimin!" Jungkook asked Taehyung. Taehyung shrugged and replied,
"Hmmm...dunno. Might just make it a surprise.."
"W-Well mine is gonna be a surprise
"Yea right. You only said that cause I said that." Taehyung snickered and Jungkook scoffed.
"No I didn't!"
     "Whatever Kook.." Jungkook hissed and Taehyung rolled his eyes. The two vampires went their separate ways to find something for Jimin. Jungkook sneakily looked around the mall, and when he realized no one was looking, he quietly snuck into a lingerie store. A woman with silky aqua green hair greeted him by the door. She flipped it and smiled at him, staring him down like a piece of meat.
     "Hello~" she purred. "How may I help you?" she ran her scaly hands all over Jungkook's chest and he raised an eyebrow at her. Her eyes gleamed a shiny pearlescent blue and that's when he realized.
A mermaid....he thought with a sneer. No wonder she's acting like this... "Uh no thank you.." he replied, taking her hand off of his chest and stepping back. "Just looking for lingerie for someone..." her smile faltered and she stepped back.
     "Oh...well do you need help with finding something specific?"
     "Nope." and he walked away from the woman. He grabbed a bag and looked around. He sighed and muttered, "I'll never find something. It's too hard..." He was about to leave when he noticed something pretty by the door. It was a pretty sheer black babydoll that came with lacy blank panties. His eyes gleamed a dark purple and he picked it up, putting it in his bag and heading to the register. And that's when he bumped into Taehyung.
"What the fuck? Why are you here??" Taehyung asked with wide green eyes.
     "Why are you here??" Jungkook replied incredulously. "I thought I was gonna be alone.."
     "Same..." Taehyung replied.
     "You're here for Jimin aren't you." Jungkook said with a deadpan expression. Taehyung sighed and nodded. "Yea that's what I thought. We are both here to buy Jimin lingerie huh..? What a fucking coincidence..."
     "Anyways, what're you buying him? I bought a bunch of stuff for him. And then when we leave here, I'm gonna buy more stuff..."
     "Like what...?" Jungkook asked reluctantly and Taehyung scoffed, shrugging his shoulders.
     "None of your stinky business kid." Jungkook rolled his eyes and waved him away. Taehyung saluted the young vampire and walked away from Jungkook.

After leaving Jungkook, Taehyung went around the store and grabbed a couple of stuff. When he was done, he paid for the undergarments and left. When he was out, he subtly smelled the air, looking for the human until he could detect Jimin's sweet human scent. He walked around, getting closer and closer to Jimin's seductive scent, until he stopped by a food court. He saw Jimin sitting down with someone next to him and he widened his eyes. The human looked uncomfortable and Taehyung's eyes went dark with anger. Taehyung growled softly and stormed over to the two, itchy to get his hands on the person that dared to get close to their human.

     "Thanks for shopping with us! Have a good day!" Jimin smiled and waved goodbye to the pretty elf, walking out of the store. Suddenly, his stomach growled loudly and he sighed.
"I'm so hungry...thank god that malls have food courts..." he moaned and went over to a food stand that sold his favorite food.
Once he got his stuff, he looked around for a table and finally noticed an empty one. He sighed in relief and walked to the table, careful not to spill his food. When he got there, he sat down and opened the container with a giddy smile. The scent wafted out of the container and Jimin moaned in delight. "That smells sooo good..finally, so good fucking food." Jimin picked up the plastic utensils the food came with and dug in with a greedy grin. After a couple of minutes, he was finally finished. As he was about to close the lid
down on the container, a guy suddenly sat down in front of him and Jimin jumped up in surprise.
"Hi." he greeted with a smile on his hairy face.
"Uh hi..?" Jimin smiled uncomfortably and the guy smiled back. His smile was smarmy and creepy. Jimin decided that he did not like this guy's smile. Namjoon's smile was better. Jimin could tell that this guy was not human, as he had curly horns on top of his head and a goatee on his chiseled chin. He also had wide, rectangular-shaped pupils that were a dull yellow color, like a goat's.
    So he must be one of those satyrs....Jimin thought as the guy leered at Jimin. "Is there something that you need from me sir?" Jimin raised an eyebrow and the satyr smirked.
     "Yea...I need your number hot stuff.." the guy replied with a wink.
     Gross....Jimin thought with a curl of his plush lips. "Sorry, I don't think so."
     "Aw why not baby boy? Do you have a boyfriend?"
     "He has six, so kindly fuck off." a voice suddenly hissed, and Taehyung appeared and sat down next to him. Jimin smiled in relief and stared at the raven haired vampire. "Is he bothering you at all Jimin?"
     "I'm ok.." the human replied. The goat man scoffed and stood up.
     "You're with a stinking bloodsucker??" the guy scowled. "Of fucking course you are...."
     "Yup. Got a problem with this bloodsucker? Cause I can gladly kill you." the green eyed vampire stood up and glared deeply in the guy's eyes. The satyr gulped and shook his head.
     "N-No problem.." and the guy ran away, but before he tripped and fell onto his face. Taehyung smirked and leaned his chin on his hands, staring off in the distance while Jimin stared up at him in awe.
     "'re scary..." Jimin giggled. "So I am your boyfriend now Taetae?"
     "In a manner of sorts..." he replied with a indescribable smile. "You signed a contract, so technically you belong to us and only us." Jimin's cheeks turned bright pink and he avoided eye contact with the alluring vampire. Taehyung noticed this and he smirked. "Aw I making you nervous?"
     "L-Leave me alone..." Jimin stuttered. Taehyung tilted Jimin's head up with just his pointer finger and tilted his head up so he could stare into Jimin's gleaming brown eyes. Jimin licked his lips nervously and Taehyung's attention went to the plump and pink lips. Taehyung grinned and let go of Jimin's chin.
     "Not a chance. You're stuck with us." Taehyung licked his lips and Jimin squirmed in his seat. The human suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around to see Jungkook staring at the two.
     "Hi Kookie! What did-" but Jimin was interrupted by the purple eyes vampire, who said with a frown,
     "Sorry to burst this little bubble, but Joon just called me. There was an intruder at the mansion, and he was in Jimin's room."

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