Chapter 21

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     Jimin didn't look at his lovers the entire time they drove back to Seoul, which worried the six vampires immensely. Once they arrived, the pink haired human took his bags and sped walked towards the mansion.
     "He's really mad at us." Jungkook sighed and Taehyung nodded. "This sucks..."
"He'll get over it." Yoongi shrugged his shoulders.
"Just give him time you two." Namjoon warned the two, who whined. "If he wants to be alone, leave him be." the six men walked towards the mansion, dread filling their dead bodies.
Jimin sighed as he stepped inside, smiling at Chan who was waiting by the door.
"Hey Jimin!" he smiled and waved. "Are Namjoon and the others behind you? Someone is here for them." Jimin nodded, but went stiff when he heard a familiar voice wafting from the living room. The human paled and started to back up. "Jimin are you ok??" Chan asked but Jimin's eyesight was starting to blur with his tears. He quickly turned around and ran to his room, swiftly locking the door shut. He kept gasping, fighting for air. He slid down onto the floor and burst out into tears.
     That can't be who I think it is...he can't be back...not again...!

Jungkook walked in first, stilling when he heard unfamiliar voices coming from the living room. And that's when he smelled it.
     "Werewolves." was the first thing that he said, glaring at Chan. "Why the fuck are there werewolves inside of our home Bang Chan??" The blond vampire gulped and hastened to explain,
"There are some werewolves in the living room what wish to meet with Namjoon! They said that they aren't leaving until they meet with him."
"Fuck." the purple eyes vampire hissed and turned around when he heard Namjoon and the others come in. "Joon we have smelly company."
"I know I smell them." the blue eyed vampire huffed.
"Shit why??" Yoongi hissed. "Did someone invite them?"
"No we invited ourselves." a voice chuckled and they all whipped their heads to the entrance to the living room. The man talking had deep brown eyes and short brown hair parted to the side. "Our leader wanted to speak to your leader."
"And who are you?" Jin said, raising an eyebrow.
"Me? My name is Jackson, nice to meet you bloodsuckers!" the man waved sarcastically.(if you cant tell i love got7🤧)

     Namjoon nodded and turned to his friends,     "Let's go you guys

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Namjoon nodded and turned to his friends,
"Let's go you guys." and they nodded, walking towards the living room where seven other men sat. Namjoon looked around and stiffened, smelling a familiar scent.
      "Namjoon are you ok?" Yoongi asked, looking to where the blue eyed vampire was glaring. A burly alpha with short, shaggy brown hair was joking around with another alpha with short silver hair. The alpha looked to Namjoon and immediately growled. "Hey mutt calm the fuck down when you growl at my leader."
"You...." the alpha growled, standing up from the couch.
      "Hey Junseo calm down!" the alpha hissed. "We are in their house and their territory! They can kill us without mercy!"
"What's going on??" an omega looked around, not liking the smell of aggression around the large living room. It was suffocating him.
"I know this vampire." was all the werewolf smirked and looked away. "You know I smell him here. Did he notice me and run? Like always? Such a little bitch he is~"
"How dare you speak about him that-" the tall vampire snarled and tried to storm towards the cocky alpha, but was stopped by Yoongi and Seokjin. They held his shoulders and pinned him to the wall.
"Joon who is this guy??" Seokjin demanded to know.
"This is Junseo, A.K.A., Jimin's ex who cheated on him."

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